How Do You Know It Is IBS Or Not?

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✅✅IBS treatment: These are the treatments I recommend to my IBS patients✅✅

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Рекомендации по теме

Do ibs cause mucus in stools on and it disappear some days ..and reappear agaun


I was told after my colonoscopy recently that I have a angled colon. I was under pain medicine when my Gastroenterology doc came in and that's what he told me but I forgot to ask him what that means. I have had my appendix taken out when I was 12. From what I've read online it means that where my appendix was is where my colon is angled so can you elaborate on that for me? And would that be the reason I get a lot of trapped gas? Thanks for all your good videos!


What if you have some warning signs (anemia, nocturnal diarrhea, weight loss and extreme pain) but your tests are normal for Chron's, UC, celiac, H. pilory and there's no sign of blood with stools?
I have no idea what to do now and what it could be, it is debilitating. The doctors say it is IBS and I have to live with it.


Can IBS patients suffer from tenesmus ?


I'm having upset stomach since 3 weeks i went to docs they said epigastric issues but not checked or test it..then i got meds 3 days but pain was consistent but it was dull then i went back then they gave same meds again and recentlyI had only blood in stool once it was un noticable but it was visible at close look then next day there was what should i do?
