Our VANLIFE PLANS for 2022 + Survey for FUTURE Vanlife Content

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Marie and I are together for a couple of days! In this video, we take some time to look back at 2021 while sharing a bit of the 2022 forecast. We need your help to figure out what kind of content we should share in the upcoming months.

À la carte menu (What do you want to see) :

- Vanlife Instructional Videos (How to’s, DIY Stuff, Step by Step)
- Vanlife Lifestyle (Daily Routine, Tips and Tricks, Where to Camp)
- Travels by Van Across the World (People, Places, Countries, Adventures)
- Special Van Myth Busters (Testing, Trying Stuff, Stunts, Debunking Misconceptions)
- Collabs (With Vanlifers or Other Youtubers)
- Swap Series (Swapping the Van for Other Alternative Living)

Let us know what kind of content sounds like the most interesting and we’ll plan accordingly. Once again, thanks for being there every week and for helping us navigate through all this.

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We're Dom & Marie, a French Canadian couple who love Nutella toast and live in a van. Marie is the brain (Ph.D student) and Dom's the dreamer (Creative director). We have spent the last 2 years travelling around North America in our Promaster 136'' named Vanessa. In 2020, after a 12-month trip that was cut short because of Covid, we decided to sell our van to start a new project: a BIGGER van.

Our goal is to inspire others to start #vanlife​​ and to help build their very own home on wheels while living and enjoying a balanced online and offline life.
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Tyler & Todd and Van Wives are my favs!! (Besides you of course) I'm dying for this collab right now! I'd also love to see van hacks, lazy van meals, tips & tricks for traveling in a van, and things to do/advice for locations you have visited. My fiance and I just bought a van and are about to start building it out once we purchase the electrical!


Collab idea: Fly to Czechia and drink with us as we build our ultimate van and make bad jokes.... please and thank you 😊


Nice to see you two together again, though the strain shows through. Whatever you decide to do for 2022, put yourselves and your happiness and health first.


I don’t care about the content- I want you two to be happy. Especially Marie- I see so much sadness and pain in her face even though she is trying to smile. Please take care of yourself and do whatever it is you need to do to stay mentally healthy. This is the most important thing. All of us don’t really matter in comparison to that.


It is sad to watch you. You both seem at a loss. My heart breaks every time I watch a new video, Dom alone or the two of you with obvious tension. We have grown to love you.


For the next Van lifer get together you should do a community fix. So everyone (or those who have something that needs fixing) throws their name and problem into a hat and whoever’s name gets picked gets their problem fixed. Sometimes it’s nice to be hands off after you’ve outfitted a van and something still doesn’t work.


I loved the build videos with Dom's dad of course if his new clients permit. Of course unbox in with mom is mandatory


You guys are so entertaining together. That’s what grabbed your audience and that’s what is being missed.


Would love to see Marie pop in every now and then while your apart( even a 30 second clip)...missed you!! Very strange for Dom to take over channel although it was good, you where missed!!


I like all these ideas! I would personally be interested in how you both pull off so much remote work while traveling. As this pandemic continues and so many people have the ability to do remote work (and do it from alternative "home bases") I think it's very interesting to hear how people are making that work. THanks for the content!


As an American, I’d love to know great places to vanlife in Canada. Also, how to boondock in Canada — crown land vs BLM in US, etc. The myth buster thing sounds fun as long as long as it stays focused on vanlife. Also I’d love to know how your dad built your dish drawer from the first van and why you didn’t use it in the second one. It looked cool to me.


I'm most interested in travel. Please show more Quebec and the Maritimes. Would also love to see a multi-episode story of Marie planning, organizing and executing a payback on Dom for the smoke bomb. Dude, you got it coming to you for that one.😊


I think after Marie finishes her PHD, to celebrate you should do traveling videos!! Maybe flying overseas & renting a van while there? I like the swap series idea too! Just have some fun!!


I find random vlogs very interesting. Just day to day simple stuff cause it's most relatable. Cooking, your interests, etc. Of course vanlife related stuff is always great. ☺️


Love you and your videos which are always entertaining though sometimes at each other's expense . Maybe it's time to look outward in the same direction? I'm interested in knowing more about Canadians, maybe doing interviews with others who live in interesting places, have overcome challenges, found unique ways of living, or positive ways of contributing to the world. It could be very broad so lots of options. Take time to learn from others what has worked for them. Bring substance but deliver it with the fun playful spirit you both naturally radiate. Keep the French lessons for sure ! Because of your success you may have access to people we don't. Wishing for you both all the best!


I think for most of us, we started watching your channel for van content. But because of you-together or apart, we kept watching. You success lies in your happiness and and what you truly want to do. We would watch paint dry with you, if that meant you were happy and motivated to share, but forcing content that is not a genuine interest of yours will fall flat. Don’t worry about us, we will be here weekly, monthly or longer intervals. Be happy, live well follow your hearts ♥️. God Bless!


So happy to see Marie again, support her for 100% to get that phd 🎓 Good to take a break in a beautiful tropical 🌴 place 🏄🏼

And for Vanlife Sagas: We happen to be audiences, spectators of the images you show us! And because you as persons are unique, make us laugh and curious about your new stories - It’s the atmosphere, the humor, the music, the hightech (diy) construction of the new Van(essa) and her power stripes.
So Dom and Marie 🙏🏼 Enjoy life, do what makes you happy 💖 Together and/or as individuals. The important thing is that you both are yourselves and do what you like to do.


You guys can run a poll in your community tab if you want people to vote. Personally, I think any of these ideas sound interesting (except for sailboat sagas, sorry, I'm a land-lover). You guys are so entertaining, anything you do will probably be fun to watch... :)


1)Recommendations for Canada road trip including things non Canadians need to know. (Family/dog friendly, weather, specific places, languages, safe areas, non vanlife friendly areas, showers, etc)

2)Parents reacting to your past trips experiences. Or unboxing anything 😆

3)Rewatch old trips and comment on what you would have done differently.

Happy to see you guys back. I hope you stay vanlife sagas and not boatlife. 😆


Marie, in what discipline is your PhD? What are you planning/hoping to do with it? I don't really care what your content is in 2022. I will watch regardless. Easy to please.
