The Easy Way to Make Fresh Noni Juice

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Noni juice has been credited with a vast array of benefits, including reducing pain, preventing cancer, alleviating diabetes, helping with memory and scaring away people who can't stand the smell.

Today I share how to make fresh noni juice. Juicing noni fruit isn't particularly easy as the pulp holds in the juice, so I add some water to the blender and blend up noni fruit, then push the fruit pulp through a sieve. You still get a thick noni juice this way, so it's not good for you pulp-free aficionados, but it's good juice.

Making noni juice only takes a few minutes for a small amount. I made over a gallon of fresh noni juice the evening I filmed this video and it took me about an hour. Using a juicer would probably work but I don't have one. Other people juice noni by letting the fruit turn to mush on the counter, then pressing out the juice with a fork. That's a little scarier, though noni seems to have a strange preservative effect which keeps it from spoiling like some fruit do. Even fruit flies don't like eating noni.

I have gotten used to the taste and like it. Wikipedia claims it's bitter but it isn't - not really. The taste of noni is slightly sweet and cheesy - like a strong cheese - with black pepper undertones. Drinking noni juice is a unique experience but not a terrible one. I find it quite drinkable, though your mileage may vary. After you drink noni juice you feel healthy - it makes your whole body tingle. I've been drinking noni juice every day.

Thanks for watching!

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Drank the juice for 10 years I do believe it has helped my health problems and pain I suffer.


Ripe Noni fruits can be put into a jug with a cover (airtight or not; the result might be different) and let to ripen even more and ferment, and soon enough liquid extract of the fruits will fill the bottom -> Big Medicine. The jug will keep giving more juice for a nice amount of time and i think you can add some water to it too in order to get the most of its benefit. And when finally disposing the fruit material, give it back to Earth in gratitude...


I made my first noni smoothie today. I used 1/2 banana, 1/2 lemon and some cinnamon, and a piece of noni. Then I strained it. Then I let it get very cold in the freezer, and sipped it like a cocktail with a wide straw. It was energizing.


Thx for sharing knew of Noni juice 40yrs, it served good health benefits and the juice disappeared😄😉😄😉.but grateful you can share on how to make it. Many blessings to you💓


Fermented best natural way to drink. Sweet like taste. Not bad at all. Yes it smells. Pinch your nose. but look at the health benefits .


I will try this way soon. I usually place a bunch of fruit in a big jar and leave it out in the garden for a few months then strain the juice


I make noni tea with lemon peel, ginger, turmeric every morning. Is the way I've found easier to consume. Noni is a super fruit, but be careful not to consume a lot, its high in potassium is bad for people with liver and /or kidney damage.


I live in Belize and have had noni trees for the past 2 years. I started putting them in mason jars and just left them all this time. Is it still good after 2 years? I have been afraid to open the jar and test it. I have eaten it fresh with Rapadura or Panela which is fresh sugar cane juice that has been boiled and put in a round or square mold and then hardens. Put it in a pot with about 3 cups water and boil it until it melts and becomes liquid and it becomes molasses and depending on how long you boil it depends on how thick it gets and how concentrated with minerals and trace minerals. That is my only sweetener. I put that in with the fresh noni juice and it is not bad. Not great but palatable. I have also heard from a native Mayan herbalist that the seeds can do damage to the liver and kidney and it is recommended to removed them. I have eaten the seeds as I didn't know that but not enough to do damage. It took me 2 year to just going to the computer and finding out what to do. I wasted 2 years of not really consuming it and just wasting space. I am excited to start using it and reaping the benefits!


it taste normal for me though and i like it.after few minute i drank juice make me sweat whole body and my face .verry satifying fruits juice


Every yard gives a specific amount of fruits and trees for the inhabitants living in that area, meaning that it will be good for those health benefits of all living there, otherwise mother earth would not provide it!
And I mean other fruit trees as well


It has bad smell. Some say the extract after keeping the fruits in a water tight container for 41 days is the noni juice, to be taken as required say 1 tsp or 2tsp as required.


You need to ferment the fruit for 1-2 weeks to get the healing results. This blending method of fresh fruit with water doesn't do that.


Meanwhile: weird fruit explorer is having a MELTDOWN


I have PCOS and a friend recommended this


A noni that ripe will stink to high heavens !!!


Live in Belize where over the years two trees have grown on their own with three smaller trees on the way.The leaves are large and dark green giving the plant in my virw a very stately if not ornamental nature.All the trees like the moringa, another plant that made its appearsnce on its own were mot planted so believe yhe seeds were brought and dropped by the many birds that pass through the patio garden.After reading that the noni fruit have the potential to release a fair amount of nitric acid into the capillaries decided to pick up two of the fruits, blended them, and attempting to make and drink a smothie.Regardless of the purported health benifits found the taste and smell of this fruit to be so offensive that wreatched holding back the stuff from coming up back again. After teading dome comments on hear see others using ginger, cinnamon and other sweeting agents to make it more palatable.Can anyone suggest a way to cut back and mask its highly offensive smell? For the test of ladt season many fell off the two large trees and just rotted on the ground or were consumed by the birds, tiny chipmunks and iguana living under the drive way.Twince have made brave attempts at getting this fruit down into my throat but its smell and taste always leave me feeling very at a loss and defeated.If anyone out there read this suggestions on finding a way to mask the smell and taste of fresh or ripe noni fruit would be greatly appreciated appreciated.


I need to learn how for do Noni drink for my self one day


Good job! This is very interesting...the color is white? I have some ripening on my counter in a jug. its is dark brown. Could be i got mine from Jamaica!?


What it taste like? Is it sour? I got plenty noni tree grow outside my home now I know that it can be eaten when it's hard too. Thanks for advertising it. I am a diabetic was it good for me to eat every day?


My homesteader friend in Hawaii fills a glass mason jar halfway with whole noni, puts the jar in a sunny spot, and drinks the golden liquid that is produced, for at least 5 days he will continue drinking from the same jar. About 1/4 cup.
