What if the Genshin Impact Characters turned Evil?

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How I imagine the Genshin Impact characters can turn evil? I didn’t manage to get through all the characters because I couldn’t think of a reason for everyone lol. This is inspired by when I saw the Genshin Impact 2.3 trailer again with the Susbedo. This was actually very fun to make LOL. As usual this is just speculation, so don’t take this video seriously at all because I don’t even think Genshin Impact would suddenly make a character evil.

All music is from StreamBeats

#genshinimpact #genshin
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Evil Diluc be like: *Drinks wine* Knights of Favonius, always efficient


Evil Keqing: Lazy.
Evil Zhongli: Wants chaos.
Evil Eula: Proud Lawrence member.
Evil Fischl: Razor-speak.
Evil Klee: Impossible.
Evil Ayaka: Less than perfection.
Evil Kokomi: Can crit.


For Venti: Everyone was using their freedom for wrong doings or there was an attack to Monstadt and Monstadt was never same. Venti would prob just go Barbatos mode and just close his heart in general. Imagine the most understanding and humble Archon turning to a cold and ruthless god just like Morax pre-meeting Guizhong. Let's say "freedom" wasn't really his thing and that he was just doing everything he did in the place of the Nameless Bard then we could probably assume that he'd let go of everything and succumb to the darkness. He might even be worse than Decarabian and just take everyone's freedom away OR use his own "freedom". He probably is more that what meets the eye so rip to those who face him. The only way was for him to meet the Nameless Bard or anything related to the Nameless bard in general.

"It is freedom that led you to this day, it will be freedom be one to destroy you. Freedom gave you the choice to take this path rather than mercy such as I have the freedom to be merciless."
-Barbatos, probably.


Timmy turning evil be like: *You have killed the birds and turned them to KFC, now you shall be punished*


Kokomi gives me the evil vibes like as if she was faking her personality. Her expression is so perfect that it screams "Do you really want to trust me?" In my opinion


"Every monster in teyvat could be xianglins dish"

*shows signora*


For Barbara: she's really devoted to Venti, so if he tells her to do unspeakable things she might.


I have a fun idea if Bennett actually goes evil. What if it's like professor chaos from south park. He gets fed up with all the bad things happening to him and no one wants to be in his adventurer team and blames everyone else for that, so he decides to be evil "to show them". But he's too pure and has no idea how be evil so his idea of evil deeds is harmless pranks. But lets say because of his bad luck they actually do cause real damage even if unintentionally


sayu ; tasked to eliminate traveller
also sayu's burst : *heals*


i think the traveler has a possibility of becoming evil if he/she finds out that his/her brother/sister has been killed by someone as revenge towards the traveler for something the traveler did or something that was out of the travelers control at that time


Tbh, I kinda like the idea of evil Sucrose. Her backstory is pretty cool, and as an alchemist, she can make lots of doomsday devices like a controlled Anemo Hypostasis or a robot and she could probably alter a plant to turn it into something dangerous.


Imagine if this becomes an actual storyline 👀 it gonna be fun


If kokomi turned evil she could literally destroy inazuma from the inside out and paired with her war knowledge she'd definetly be dangerous


If gorou ever realized that Kokomi has malicious intended then he would turn on her, he said so in his voice line

(He basically said that he would stay a general as long as there is malice in the world, once he defeated this evil malice he would retire and hang out with the traveler


Chongyun turn evil when his popsicle out of stock


I feel like Noelle might just snap because she’s never given the chance to become a night and yet is still completely relied upon by one of the biggest cities in teyvat


Evil Childe be like : _"I don't wanna fight"_


"In the eyes of every monster in Teyvat though, she is seen as a Villain, because all of them could potentially turn into Xiangling's new recipie"
*shows signora*


for xinyan: she gets tired of everyone being scared of her, people activly avoiding her and everyone thinking shes a bad person for no reason, so she desides to give them a reason. she begins to scare kids, scare animals, burn things, break things and just act like the stereotype that was pushed onto her


I think Hu Tao might become evil because almost everyone dislikes her and almost nobody accepts her business deals which might make her desperate or she just snapped at everyone and turn's evil.
