Alcoholics Anonymous and the Deflation of the Ego by Dr. Bob Weathers

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Integrates the presenter's personal visit to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with the core philosophy of treatment within the 12-step program; namely, that the underlying source of all addictive behaviors is identification with the personal ego. Hence, treatment is focused toward dismantling the previous identification; upon which the goal of remission of addictive behaviors follows quite organically.

A highly regarded educator and university administrator, as well as recovery coach, author, and public speaker, Dr. Bob Weathers holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, with an M.A. in religious studies. Over the course of his professional career, “Dr. Bob” has provided tens of thousands of hours of therapeutic counseling and recovery coaching to satisfied clients. He has also committed the past 35 years to teaching, training, and inspiring graduate-level mental health providers at several southern California universities, most recently at California Southern University.

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My experience in AA has been life changing. I’ve become a much softer and more caring person. Before I went into the program I said a lot of these negative things about the program said in these comments. Yeah there can be drama, where there is people there is drama, but I choose to focus on my recovery and my growth as a person with the people in the program that have the same goals. You get what you put in, it’s saved my life and am very proud to be a member.


My own sponsor disrespected my anonymity by talking behind my back.. i didnt let it break me. Moved on got a new sponsor & carrying on like the strong woman i know i am


AAA is an amazing program. And ego deflation is absolutely one of the keys. Ego is actually an acronym, and it stands for
Edging god out....
Has worked for millions of people. And it saved my life. This program is a godsend


Dr, Weathers just gave the simplest and most profound explanation of going from ones egocentric childlike ego to ones adult ego which is one of taking responsibility for yourself. The center of addiction is selfishness. I can't really explain why the compulsion to drink happened but I know and feel that at a meeting these people just understand with out judgement.


Today is the 64th Anniversary of AA in India... It is growing in India..
I'm indebted to this fellowship and the 12 steps..
Today I'm the happiest person.. I Thank God & AA...


AA has worked from 1935, nothing on this is against AA.
AA has kept me alive 20 years.


He got it all figured out after going to 1 meeting.


Oh here we go with the peanut gallery and critical comments. I think this guy NAILED IT! He's talking about the very core of AA and what makes it so unique and helpful. He's right that organized religions tend to devolve very quickly into egotism and the outer shell of spirituality.


If, when you honestly want to, you find you cannot quit entirely, or if when drinking, you have little control over the amount you take, you are probably alcoholic. If that be the case, you may be suffering from an illness which only a spiritual experience will conquer.


I understand it works for many, all praise to all the recovered. My experience was somewhat similar, but it was recruitment and nudge for the sponsors from others that drove me away sadly. It was non-stop nagging and frequent calls at weird hours. I understand a buddy system but others should let other alcoholics come in and speak up at their own time… my two cents, maybe one day I’ll find my way back to recovery on my terms. Congrats to all others whom are at peace with their sobriety. Y’all are an inspiration.

Cheers (non-alcohol)


The support network in aa not only saved me from drinking but saved me when life got tough. When my brother died people gave me a hug and listened, i dont get this support outside the rooms and it saved me


All these hostile comments!!! AA saved my life, and that of many others...why bash something that has been a lifeline for so many? If you found another way to recovery - good for you! - but why discourage others who may find life and hope in the fellowship?


'What a privilege it was to be trusted with the proceedings inside an AA meeting.' From a friend who attended a meeting


This is a great video! I'm glad to see that you found a good meeting to use as your example. I'm not saying that there are lots of bad meetings, only that at some meetings the principles taught an AA might not be so apparent for just a single visit.
I think you did a wonderful job in your analysis.


The only thing I saw as a slight misunderstanding in the Dr s assessment was his statement that he saw an increase in self forgiveness among the members experience . That has not been my experience over 28 years sober - the program highlights we be “ hard on ourselves rather than on others “ to uncover and be rid of those things we find objectionable . Also nowhere in the program does it discuss making amends to ourselves - that is likely seen as easier softer …
I hope the doc has read the book - his quick grasp from one meeting at that time shows he’s a quick study !


“Growth directed men and women”! Bingo! Unfortunately, that is a threat to many people, and therefore they practice “contempt prior to investigation”, concerning AA.


Anyone who hates doesn't really understand us..
Sometimes it's good to be hated by the right people..
I think Johhny Cash said that..


AA really works for me because it's not about the drinking, that was only a Symptom, a solution really. It's really about finding out WHY you drank in the first place and unpacking all of that built up trauma. I love it, everything from the brutal honesty to the bonding and connections I receive from fellowshiping. I can't tell you who's an alcoholic or not but I can say if you feel like when you take one in (drugs or drink) and you cant stop, you might have the phenomenon of craving however there IS a solution and it really does WORK IF YOU WORK IT!


Oh yeah I've been at it for 7 years of sobriety. Ego collapse at depth that is the whole program. They call us egomaniacs with an inferiority complex! Only by working with another working the steps am I able to free myself from myself. Yes there should be some healthy narcissism for us shy types but only healthy. I only speak for myself so I have to watch. In its purest forms recovery is flawless


AA saved my life and those around me.. 33yrs and counting 🙏
