You ARE Chosen! The Comforting Truth About Predestination | Andrew Farley

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Maybe you’ve heard the claim that God has pre-selected some to be saved, while others have no chance because they were not “chosen” by God. This idea is commonly referred to as “predestination.”

It’s one of the most controversial and divisive issues in the Christian world today.

That’s because a popular misunderstanding of predestination—that only certain individuals are invited by God to be saved—leaves much of the world with no real hope. Not only that, but this false view can leave you uncertain about your own salvation and if you’re one of the “chosen.”

That’s why Pastor Andrew Farley created his new series, “You ARE Chosen: The Comforting Truth About Predestination.” This powerful new series will bring clarity and assurance to those who desperately need it—which is ALL of us!

Connect with Dr. Andrew Farley here:
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I am going to get this months offering, cause this underlying understanding of predestination is so important!


The doctrine is not that God elected some for hell. The doctrine is that everyone chooses hell before God, because of their corrupt depraved nature. So God had to chose some, and if he didn't chose some, then all would be in hell. In if he would elected the entire world, then everyone would go to heaven.


You have a quite secular view of grace. Divine election is biblical and is not contingent on man's will.

John 15:16 - Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 - But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

Romans 9:16 - So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

Ephesians 1:4-5, Romans 8:28-30,


Predestination is actually not like "God choose some to heaven and not choose other to heaven". But it is about God has His idea about all humanity and has created all humanity in the Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world.


This is where knowing church history and the ink that is already been spilled on this subject would be so very helpful.
First of all if you listen to his message on law and Grace he mentions we are "infused with righteousness" . This is the Roman Catholic position at the council of Trent as opposed to imputed righteousness. Why are these things so important? Because it defines what Grace is and what Grace does. If anyone has respect for Saint Augustine, he is an excellent resource on the issue of election.
I inherited a Bible from 1884 it is a Roman Catholic Bible and even the notes on Romans chapter 9 are very solid and different from what Catholic answers (the Catholic apologetics organization)teaches today on election.
The fact that Andrew Farley says "what if somebody wanted to choose God and God didn't choose them" shows that number one he was never a calvinist like he claims and to he does not understand the reform position at all. This is flat-out not accurate. If you are going to disagree with a position it is crucial to get that position correct.

If you want to study further look up the canons of Dort they were responding to the five points of arminianism (it's not that Calvin is came up with five points to impose on the church but they were responding to error)
Martin Luther said the greatest book that he wrote of all his writings was the bondage of the will because he believed that was The crucial issue.
Our wills go along with what our nature is. Apostle Paul explains that our minds are in hostility to God. Left to ourselves, would seek after God and want God. God chose to have mercy on some and the others he left them to what they wanted.
The point is if anybody wants the Lord the Lord open their heart first.

Walkthrough John chapter 6 very slowly and see that the people were going after Christ because of what he could do for them not because they were submitting to his rule or wanted to obey him. Said they were not believing because they were not of his sheep (God's decree before the foundation of the world is key here)

There are many resources you could look up but with all the love in my heart Dr Farley is an error in his assessment of predestination.

Some resources
Alpha and Omega ministries
Ligonier ministries


God is not responsible for man not electing him. Nobody wants to chose God. Everyone's prefers to chose sin over God. People send their own self to hell. God created eagles and worms, also pawns and kings.
