Java Programming - Lecture 9

Показать описание
This lecture covers the concepts of creating GUI interfaces in Java. Swing and AWT are explained. Source code examples are provided and demonstrated to show how to use Labels, Text Boxes, buttons and other GUI components. Layouts and Frames are also demonstrated.
Рекомендации по теме

12- Event-Handling Model
22- Layout Management
29- feedlely book thing
30- List of lecture examplestuff
31- opening eclipse
33- buttontest show
42 - icon, imageicon / images for buttons
45 - rollovericon / imagechange on mouseover
47 - buttonhandler / is an ActionListener
54 - joptionpane quick
59 - labeltest show
1.03 - showtooltiptext
erm - passwordtextfield, elaboration
1.19 - texteditor gui
1.21 - urlget
1.25 - import vs extends many.funky.names
1.28 - methoding up initcomponents
code review


I am confused as to why the ActionHandler for text fields registers on an Enter key press but there was no code defining the actual actions happening.  Are these default as part of text fields?  If i wanted to use a focusOut event (leaving the text field) instead of pressing enter, how would I let the handler know since it's not even told, in this example, that the Enter key is the target?

Thanks to anyone that could clear that up.


Hi bj.. which book is good for swing to read kindly also mention some books thanks... and thanks for vidzzz..


.. did *not* show up the way I wanted it to....
