BEST Ham Radio Gear on Amazon in 2024!

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These are my choices for some of the best (and unknown) amateur radio accessories, antenna, radios and more that you can purchase on Amazon.

Below is a list of items. These are affiliate links and using them helps to support my channel (no change in price to you!)

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Great rundown. I just renewed my license and have been looking to refresh some gear. I have the Quansheng sitting in a box waiting for some new firmware, and I just hooked up my Digirig to my FT-857D yesterday! Glad you pointed out the PowerPole connectors, too. I power all of my gear through a PowerPole distribution panel, and I have an auto-switching battery backup panel, too. You plug the mains into one set of pins, a backup battery into a second pair, and your distribution panel into the third. The backup circuit charges the battery while the mains are hot and immediately switches over to using the battery when the mains fail. Perfect for when the generator runs out of fuel.


Good overview, except for my pet peeve, the heat shrink. I have a multitude of similar heat shrink kits like you mention. Probably a dozen lying around. Guess what, none of them had the size I needed as they were used up. They fill the boxes with smaller worthless pieces. Switched to heat shrink rolls on Amazon. They come in 26' or 65' for the brand I set on. Could not be happier. Will always have the correct size I need and not short pieces to keep an eye on as I cut off a longer roll.

For those who say, you need the 100s of 1/8" heat shrink ( they do this to up the count) included in the kit, you do not. You want to use the biggest size that will shrink down to the wire or connector you are using. The finished wall will be thicker and the glue will be more.


I have that discone for years, its great !


FYI... the Retevis RT95 is the exact same radio as the AnyTone AT-778UV, and the unlock hack works on both. On Amazon, their prices fluctuates regularly, shop the best price between the two and pull the trigger. Also, got to careful about those Anderson knock offs made in China, they may look the same at first glance, but some are just enough out of spec where they won't work with real Anderson Power poles. I know a few folks that put the knock offs on their wire ends, that found they won't plug into the Anderson panel mount they put on the battery box they built, or when you try to use a knock off with an Anderson, side-by-side, using the interlocking tabs and slots, the knock off will not connect to the ones on the Anderson because they aren't made precisely enough to fit the Anderson connector.


From Amazon I just put up the Falcon 20 Meter Dipole Antenna. At the price of $67 USD I couldn't resist trying it. I made several contacts in North America from my shack in Virginia, I heard some UK and Canadian stations and made a good quality contact in Slovania. The antenna seemed to be a touch long for 20 meters, but after folding both ends about 6 inches, the SWR was at a reasonable level for my radio to smooth out.


Lots of cool gear, great video, tnx Man!


Hmm, I think the Xeigu G90 might be a perfect radio for foundation license holders. I bought the FT-818 as my foundation radio and as it's only got 6W not that powerful, but the G90 with the 20W, an F-call could turn that down to 10W and maybe get some further distance on the DX


Nice .. thanks for the list.. some of those I will be buying .. awesome ... THANK YOU !!!


G’day Hayden, great video thank you very much. Is the prices on your video USD or AUD?


Most helpful video I’ve found! I’m about to try this on a 2024 Ram. Do you have any issues with the other electronics after install? I’m thinking of the automatic engine shut off on mine when you are idling. Thank you!


I’m on a Sailboat do you have any good ideas for a SSB radio?


I'm looking at a used IC-718 as my first HF to hear some thoughts.


Hi Haydon wondering if you could buy the g90 hf radio for me please 😊 they look really nice. Thanks mate from vk6XCJ Christie


As always you mean Amazon US not the empty vessel of Amazon AU. ;)
