How Cillian Murphy Perfected Oppenheimer

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This video essay analyzes Cillian Murphy's performance as J Robert Oppenheimer in Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer (Universal Pictures). Biographical performances can often feel like impressions but Cillian Murphy masterfully uses his physicality, eye contact, facial expressions and hand gestures to let us under the skin of J Robert Oppenheimer.


This video may contain copyright material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is made available under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made "fair use" for the purposes such as criticism, comment, review, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that otherwise might be infringing. All rights belong to its owners.

Music used:
Long Journey Home by Little Red Church (Shutterstock)
Blue World by Mocha Music (Shutterstock)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

0:00 Oppenheimer/Cillian Murphy
1:45 Physicality
4:08 Eye Contact
7:49 Inner Turmoil

#oppenheimer #cillianmurphy #christophernolan
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I'm glad Cillian is getting the recognition he deserves


Another detail that I love about Cillian’s performance is during the Lewis Strauss black-and-white scenes. His behavior and body language appears even more cold and distant, emphasizing the fact that this is not from his perspective but from the perspective of Strauss. It’s just incredible.


I saw Oppenheimer twice in IMAX. It was an incredible experience. I usually couldn't care less about the Oscars. But I'd like to see him get an award.


It's going to be so satisfying watching Murphy and Nolan both get their Oscars.

Edit: Exactly what I imagined. Congrats to them both!


The part where you mention eye contact is very spot on. I watched the movie a second time recently and there was this scene when Oppenheimer meets Ernest Lawrance. And I noticed that there was something different about Cillian's body language. I couldn't make it out at the time but now I realized it was the eye contact. Cillian stares at Lawrance longer than he does with others because he admires him and he feels excited to be working alongside him. It's such a minute yet enormous change in acting and it makes the scene beautiful. Cillian deserves all the praise.


I never truly appreciated what a magnificent actor Cillian is until i began watching his interviews. It was then that i realized how different he truly is to each character he has brought to life. Each character so different from the last .
Congratulations to him for all the awards he has won for his role as Oppenheimer!


i truly believe that Cillian is the greatest actor that has ever lived. He doesn’t even have to talk so we know what’s going on, truly mindblowing. And the fact that he only takes on roles that he doesn’t know how to do only adds up to the enormity of his capabilities, a truly talented artist. But not only is he this amazing performer, he’s also the most humble, down-to-earth, normal guy who seems so goddamn uncomfortable at big events that you almost feel the urge to just grab him by the hand and take him out of there. When you watch him you get the feeling he’s your introverted sympathetic next door neighbour that by some weird occasion got thrown into Hollywood without any interest in all the fuzz that comes with it. I desperately hope he keeps getting the recognition he deserves and i wish him and his family only the best.


He sold you on guilt with every little gesture in the third act and it was haunting to watch.


The little face movements like explosions on a map 👌🏻


This movie restored my faith that great movies can be made based on a compelling story. Cillian Murphy is a great actor, he lets a character work through him. That's real talent.


Oppenheimer closes his eyes in powerlessness to change the mistake he made, in contrast to the beginning of the movie when he suddenly wakes and opens his eyes and rush to correct the mistake of poisoning the apple. If only all mistakes could be dealt with as simply as throwing it away


this is one of the craziest break downs of an acting performance ive watched on youtube. wow. thank you for allowing me to appreciate this film and performance even more


Cillian is a wonderful actor. He deserves all the praise and recognition.


i love that you draw attention to murphy’s use of eye contact because while it is historically inaccurate (oppie’s secretary, amongst many other close acquaintances, stated that he always gave his full eye contact and attention to whomever he was addressing), it is characteristically incredibly compelling. the performance wasn’t just about capturing how he actually existed but what he felt and his struggle as a person. and if they had to ‘demistify’ the man that was to do so, we can certainly say it was done for the sake of much needed pathos


Cillan's acting was timeless masterpiece.


Cillian's performance will go down as one of the most powerful and perfect performances in cinema history and ever to be. What Cillian did is beyond comprehension. I think it might be the most complex performance by an actor EVER, no kidding. What this man did is beyond words. You end up utterly speechless and can only admire it because you will never understand how he did it. Complete masterpiece


That's how you do film reviews/cinema criticism: by stating your point and then going to the film itself for the evidence: I commend you on a respectful, knowledgeable and fully evidenced review, with every one of your statements backed up by reference to the film.

There's so much self indulgent and subjective ranting on social media masquerading as reviewing, it's so refreshing to come across someone who understands cinematic language and knows what they're talking about.

I've loved Cillian's work for a long time, was blown away by his Oppenheimer, and I love your presentation here of the details that it took to create the cinematic persona.
Bravo! Best wishes and cheers from Melbourne 😊❣️


I hope he wins the Oscar for best actor. His performance is incredible as Robert Oppenheimer, he perfected his way of standing with his hands on his hips, he lost several pounds to look more like Oppenheimer, to say the least his performance is truly memorable, because I am sure it will remain in the consciousness of the audience. His acting shows how great a subtle performance can express so much only with his eyes, and the expressions of his face; in particular the scene where he is giving the speech to the audience after the bombs were detonated, his eyes seemed to be about to burst into tears, filled with guilt and anxiety but he would only show a speech of victory and success to the people in front of him. The internal battles of the demons he had in his mind. I am very happy that he already got many awards for his performance, because he deserves every single one of them.


The first time I saw this movie I was stunned by his performance, and nothing has changed with each viewing. I can’t remember the last time a movie did this.


It really says a lot about how good someone's work is when you can't imagine one single other actor delivering a performance that fits as well or better.

Typically sharp effort from Cillian, with the always-great investigation and contemplation from you.
