Portal 2 - Bunnyhopping Tutorial

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NOTE: Thanks to Lathil for catching that the sar_hud commands for `groundframes, velocity and angles` should be `sar_hud_` and not simply `sar_`. The correct commands are listed below.
bind mwheelup +jump
bind mwheeldown +jump
sar_hud_groundframes 1
sar_hud_velocity 2
sar_ihud 3
sar_ihud_modify all highlight=RRGGBBAA
sar_ihud_setpos bottom left
sar_hud_angles 2
record demoname
playdemo demoname
0:00 - Introduction / Console Commands
0:30 - Explaining the HUD
1:00 - HUD for button presses (ihud)
1:16 - Strafing Basics
1:56 - Airstrafes
2:23 - Why we jump
3:10 - Airstrafe Example
4:26 - Early Bunnyhopping Practice Method
4:39 - Velocity Cap
5:26 - Basic Hops (Single-strafe Hops)
6:00 - Troubleshooting
6:43 - How to ask for help (recording demos)
7:40 - Adding more Strafes
9:27 - Wallstrafes
10:19 - Speed-Wallstrafes
11:00 - Circlejumping Basics
12:01 - Crouch Tech (CTG)
bind mwheelup +jump
bind mwheeldown +jump
sar_hud_groundframes 1
sar_hud_velocity 2
sar_ihud 3
sar_ihud_modify all highlight=RRGGBBAA
sar_ihud_setpos bottom left
sar_hud_angles 2
record demoname
playdemo demoname
0:00 - Introduction / Console Commands
0:30 - Explaining the HUD
1:00 - HUD for button presses (ihud)
1:16 - Strafing Basics
1:56 - Airstrafes
2:23 - Why we jump
3:10 - Airstrafe Example
4:26 - Early Bunnyhopping Practice Method
4:39 - Velocity Cap
5:26 - Basic Hops (Single-strafe Hops)
6:00 - Troubleshooting
6:43 - How to ask for help (recording demos)
7:40 - Adding more Strafes
9:27 - Wallstrafes
10:19 - Speed-Wallstrafes
11:00 - Circlejumping Basics
12:01 - Crouch Tech (CTG)