Decoding complex geometry for craftsmanship

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Parallel Session 48, The future of structural design: symbiosis in architecture and structural engineering

Urvi Sheth and Shylaja Regunathan (Craft Quest) present their work on gridshells.

The video aims to bring forward two important aspects. First, that the design to production of shell structures is a close collaboration between the architect, engineer, and craftsman. The second aspect is the opportunity for the evolution of construction crafts with advancements in technology. Although the file to factory approach for the construction of complex geometry is well-known, the process differs in complex environments with low-skilled labour, low-tech materials, limited access, and experience in digital fabrication tools. This project demonstrates the construction of lightweight, scaffolding-less, free-form steel gridshell. It is a visitor’s pavilion (100 sq m) of a stud farm located in Ahmedabad, India. The pavilion was designed and built as a prototype to train the local craftsman, calculate the construction cost and time. The outcome of this prototype can be upscaled to the larger roof (1000 sq m here) and other freeform steel gridshell.

Watch their presentation on "Decoding complex geometry for craftsmanship" from the Spatial Structures 2020/21 Conference.

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Excellent, innovative ideas .. keep doing your good work.. Wish you good luck🙏👍✌️😃