IQ 15,000

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Music: Neon Blade
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would have looked better if the bots were behind u
(someone else would probably recreate it)


Hey Dante...I'm sure you wont read this specific comment but.. I know you noticed the news... you are probably going through alot behind the screen... we are not forcing you to be friends with Ncraft or anything, we just want you both to have a little talk to each other and figure things out.. You're free to take a break.. you can ignore us all you want, we respect your opinion... Because I lost a 6-7 year old friendship too. Wish you goodluck, we're here for you. DanteInfurnus


You make the videos way better love you and you’ll always have my support


He did the one thing I couldn’t and I respect that. He slid through the door. A legend, I must add.


0:10 OMG that was an IQ move, I'm impressed, wish you good luck growing in your YT!


Goodluck buddy hope good for you and ncrafty


Whatever that happened, i hope that both of you work it out. If this is the last time we see this collab of you and ncraft then well, it was nice while it lasted.


Hey dante I’m sorry for ur parents and I hope u will find better parents im here for u I just want to see more vids u and ncraft I’m sorry for ur parents stay strong brother.❤


Dante’s description is ‘stop’

Hes clearly going into a lot of stress and the last thing he wants to do is to be forced in the comment section to be friends with Ncraft.

Just let him do whatever he wants, hes clearly stressed and doesn’t want to be friends with Ncraft.


the last moments of friendship with ncraft, i hope you guys get back together


I kinda understand Dante, especially about the holding money thing, on his place i wouldn't trust ncraft either cause a lot of people knew others not for 4 years but for their entire life and still got betrayed. The amount could be thousands of dollars and ncraft can possibly take it cause that's alot. The people you know can possibly betray you. It's your own choice Dante, I'm not suggesting to either be friends with him or leave him. Entirely your choice. Stay strong Dante. Support from Kazakhstan. Its unlikely but i hope your parents give you the money you earned, you deserve the money. Maybe they will pay off debts or bills and let you have the money.


Dante, I understand that you are going through a lot at this moment, the money isn't the the only problem, and I can understand this.

I'm sure you are a kind person, the problem is that you get used by others people.

I don't have any advice to give you or anything, you might have alreadt made your choices.

I don't know if you are aware, but if you remove people from your life due to some anger, you might regret these choice later (I've experienced it, and it is one of my biggest regrets today).

Even though sometimes it's better to be alone, you still need someone in your life that you can trust and speak with, it might not be Ncraft, it might not be someone in your friendship circle right now.

However, if you find that person, you'll be able to speal with him of your problems with family, school or others things like that.

If you wish or need to quit Youtube, you may go ahead. But please, don't keep everything for yourself, someday it'll take the wrong turn and there will be no turning back.

Thanks Dante for the day where I woke up to you, starting in a good mood.

You'll always be in my heart, I just hope it's not a goodbye.


Legends says that Dante is still doing his big brain moves


Y'all I'm just gonna make this short. There was a misunderstanding he doesn't want to use you for money. He wants to give you money. If you don't wanna be friends again that's 100% fine it's your life not ours and whatever happens next I will support both of you.


You don’t have to listen to any of the comments, none of them, including this. Many of us understand how you feel, to lose a friend to a misunderstanding. This may not seem like a misunderstanding to you and it’s okay. All that I’m trying to say is that we really loved watching Ncraft’s videos when he was making them with you way more than now. And his content, still enjoyable, is missing something. Someone to make it with. Yet, even then, it’s you who is gonna make all the decisions and we’ll respect your choice. But it all could be so much better if you two come back together again, or at least, that’s what I think. No pressure on you or anything. Wishing you and Ncraft the best of luck!

EDIT: I definitely did not mean to start a whole debate in the replies... AND TO EVERYONE SAYING THAT I AM STRESSIN DANTE OUT, THIS WAS WRITTEN 3 MONTHS AGO


Im taking down my comment.
Some of you are straight up hating on me because I didn’t read the desc. Some of you are even hating on me because I said something serious and one of you called me a nerd.
Im not supposed to handle hate. Im not the type of person. I’ll delete every one of my comments in here and going to delete my comment on ncraft’s video.
No, don’t search for the people hating on me for being a nerd.
If your that person i doesn’t matter. If your gonna call me a nerd do it. It’ll bother me but I have more important things.
If your gonna call me a nerd and a gacha user do it. I don’t know who you even are so don’t bother deleting your comment.


i've seen you before but i didnt know you yet. But dante i wish you better health. Please dont think negatively. You still have fans supporting you


Hello, Dante. We - the viewers - are dearly sorry for what ever you’ve been going through. We don’t understand what has happened through the screen, but we are all are trying to condole with you. You don’t need to be friends with Ncraft or what ever his name is. We just want to help you. Don’t force yourself to talk with Ncraft because of our comments, just take your time. You may discuss with all of us, the viewers, about what has happened. Once again, we’re sorry and we hope we can just make you feel just a bit better.


Ya'll need to stop saying we're forcing Dante to come back. What we're trying to say is we miss Dante and Ncraft too, he wants to help him. But please, Dante. trust Ncraft. Maybe have a talk with him, anything.


Hey dante. I know you might not read this but I need you to know that people care about you. We may have never seen you physically only on a game. But the fact that we grew into loving you in the best moments of youtube is amazing. I understand the pain of having restrictful parents I have it too. Infact I had a job at one point and my parents took it all. Don't give up on your dreams, sit and talk with your parents and PLEASE unblock Ncraft his content as a whole wont be the same without you in it. His LIFE wont be the same with you present so please no matter the state don't throw everything away for this one situation. everyone one has had their down moments make this into a good one that you won't regret,

To DanteInfurnus
From Smedgies
