Why Being A Perfectionist Is Your Best Friend And Your Worst Enemy

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Did you know that there are times when being a perfectionist can be hurtful? And that there are other times when being a perfectionist can be helpful?

Believe it or not, agree or disagree, according to Harvard psychology professor Tal Ben-Shahar, there are two distinct forms of perfectionism—one of them is actually adaptive while the other is more destructive.

Of course, as a professional coach, I work with high achievers for a living and I can see first hand when a client engages in the unhealthy behaviors common to what are the typical perfectionist stereo-types: things like being obsessive or anxious, and depression over the long run.

But interestingly, there’s also the other side of the coin - the healthy side.

That's why in this video, I will discuss how you can use channel those high standards to fuel your growth, and use perfectionism to your advantage.

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