My Aim Has Been Off Lately & I Found Out Why... | Quick Fix Guide For FPS Games

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For the past few months something felt very off and I couldn't tell if I was just getting worse at the game or if it was something with my PC. In this video I will show you what I did to fix my aim, this may not help everyone but its possible it could.

Video Edited By Spudsef

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0:00 Day 1
3:49 The Fix
4:29 Day 2
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Since turning off aim acceleration I have gotten several promotions at work and lost 30 pounds. Thanks Neenoh!


I've also been struggling with aim. Turns out I'm just bad at the game.


I can't say this fix will help everyone, but it has helped me a ton. And it also has helped a few others, it'll really depend on your mouse/sens. The fix made such a huge difference for me, I just had a 18 kill personal record game (will upload it this week). Appreciate you all, take care.


It's the first thing on every fresh windows install: to disable mouse acceleration. Hate how it feels just poking around in Windows, can't even imagine how it can actually ruin your aim. Thx for the cool vid!


Hey! I'm the one that pointed out how the movement isn't 1 to 1 in your stream at the time. Glad it helped fix your issue!


Literally never knew this was a thing. Switched it off for the first time in my entire PC gaming career. Feels like I gotta learn to walk again, but my legs overall feel better. Was glad I heard you talking about this on Twitch.


Bro it's crazy you uploaded this because I was just playing with my buddy the other day and we both have recently upgraded our builds and hes had it on for months and was getting mad about his aim and I told him to check and it was enabled it's usually the first thing I do when I upgrade it's a must mouse acceleration is terrible for fps games makes it really hard to gain muscle memory . Makes a big difference


Omg!!!! Thank you!!!! For almost a solid year I have been having issues and couldn’t figure out why! This makes total sense and I checked it and sure enough it’s turned on and turned up to the max. I am fairly certain my brother did this to mess with me because this has been causing me issues in my StarCraft 2 playing as well.


I literally had the same issue, I went from clearing lobbies and constant 5-6 star to 3 star and miserable experience and had no idea whats going on. Thank you!


The entire first 2 minutes is all too relatable, including getting wall banged from 200 Meters! xD
Always love seeing crazy plays and great shots, but every now and then a little fail compilation feels strangely good to see some times, not the only one suffering out there in the Bayou...
Anyways, best of luck to your future games, and always love seeing your content Neenoh! <3


Just did this, went into the practice range to test how it feels and holy smokes I'm landing shots I would've missed by inches before. Thanks for the tip Neenoh and keep on keeping on.


Man. 4k hours in and after turning off Enhance pointer precision, I realize that I CAN actually aim. Honestly this makes the game feel so much better to me, night and day. When I miss a shot I can see what was wrong, but when it looks like I should land a shot I DO. It's ludicrous that this is all it took! God bless ya Neenoh!



I've known about this option for YEARS, coming from the old competitive CS 1.6 days, and always have ensured this option has been off. Hell, when I got this PC two years ago, that was the first thing I checked. Something must have enabled it with an update, because I was thinking, "No, I'm just getting old and my aim is off because of that. I'm simply losing my edge", as I 've also been missing shots I normally don't miss over the last few months.

I was prepared to check this option, see it was off, and make a funny comment about how my attempt at an excuse has simply vanished, only to find it has been enabled... for how long, I don't know. I went into a game, and instantly domed a trio as a solo. Thank you SO much Neenoh. I'm sure I'm still going to have off days where I miss all my shots because my geriatric hands and brain aren't syncing up correctly, but this has made things feel so much better today.


I hate any kind of acceleration. Even on controllers. Can't wait to see the 18kill vid!


For some reason mouse acceleration is sometimes painted like the ultimate evil when it comes to aiming. It ain't that though. You can be very good, snappy and precise using mouse acceleration as demonstrated by some pros even.
I would agree that it takes time and specific preference to git gud and the returns are probably faster with linear mouse response.


I can honestly say I missed a lot less shots today after turning off that setting. Thank you so much, its a small adjustment, but it gives consistency to aiming.
For as long as I've been playing I thought I just had bad aim at times. Thanks again for making the game a little less frustrating.


Neenz!!! I had this on since I started playing hunt. Turned it off when you mentioned it in stream and I got 6kills one game. I have NEVER done that. Kills included wiping a trio while my two mates were down and a fanning silent nagant headshot on an avto. THANK YOU for mentioning it!!! ❤


Neenoh! I just made a comment on your stream today about something feeling off. I recently upgraded my PC and it was on by default. I turned it off and the next 2-3 games felt WAY better. I'm hitting the shots that I felt like I should've been hitting before. Thanks man, and great time to find this youtube video!


thank you so much! This must have come on my pc a few months back, all my games had wrong sens even tho I'd played before and my aim just felt of in games like Hunt and Val. This will for sure help me


Man. This is crazy timely. I am on a fresh install as of maybe a month ago and I had forgotten to turn this off 😐 I look forward to my 18 kill personal record game. 'Preciate your work.
