Climber Gertrude Jekyll from @david_austin_roses #gardenerben

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Climber Gertrude Jekyll a proper @david_austin_roses vintage gem introduced in 1986 and famous for its fragrance, available as both a shrub and as a short climber
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I can't wait for my Gertrude Jekyll David Austin rose to arrive this spring. I have the perfect spot for it. Great review Ben.


May I ask, why does my GJ have yellow center and not so many pedals this year…? Maybe there are too many flowers? Like hundreds if not thousands…


I love your clematis you have paired with this rose. How close do you recommend planting your clematis to the rose?


Would you mind giving an update on how your GJ is doing now? Do you keep it pruned to a manageable size ?


I absolutely adore my Gertrude Jekyll 🍃🌹🍃


What a fabulous channel; just subscribed. Gertrude is one of my lifelong favorites, and the scent is superb.

I think I can see fishing wire on the side of your stable? Is that how you train your climbers on the sides of buildings (or when there is no visible means of support)?


If I buy the bush, can I train it as it climber up a fence? Since it gets tall? The climber wasn’t available but I was able to get the bush


Ben, I can’t express just how much I appreciate the way you feature your many gorgeous roses. We see so many roses in catalogs, but we are only given a couple of pictures and the statistics, but you literally bring those roses to life. I just love the way you present them. You take a lot of guess work out of the process of choosing the correct rose.

Landscaping large areas with any kind of perennials can get very pricey and when ordering from a catalog, it’s very difficult to know what you’re actually getting. I have put years of time and effort and money into naturalizing my yard over the years and a lot of those plants just didn’t live up to my expectations.

I have always loved roses, but always thought they would be too difficult to grow, so I shied away from them, but I got to remembering the roses that my grandmas grew. I never saw her tending them, yet they were always so beautiful, year after year. I thought if they grew that well, without any help from grandma, I just might be able to grow them. So, I took a leap of faith and bought my first 3 David Austin Roses 2 years ago and 5 weeks later and to my delight, all 3 were blooming. I was so pleased with them that I have since purchased 17 more of different varieties. All are doing well and the last 9 that I bought this past spring all put out blooms and have tripled in size.

I can hardly believe how successful I have been with these rose and all I did was follow the planting and after care instructions and now that I have discovered your channel I am even more encouraged to landscape with rises.

My home sits in the midst of 25 acres in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, USA. The house is completely surrounded by beautiful, old virgin timber with a yard that is a little more than 2 acres.

I love it when the yard is freshly mowed, however I have 2 areas where the banks slope and a weed whacker must be used. Running a weed whacker wasn’t too bad until 3 years ago when I broke the fibula in both legs and I also broke both ankles at the same time. I had 2 surgeries to repair the damage.. The fibulas weren’t too hard to repair, but my ankles required pins, screws, and bars.

It’s just me and my youngest son at home and after the surgery I needed a lot of therapy. I was wheel chair bound and needed a lot of help. Since my son had to be away for his job, it was decided that I would enter a rehabilitation facility. I spent 3 very long months in that facility learning to walk again. I do rather well walking on level ground, but walking on uneven ground is very difficult as my ankles just don’t work like they used too. So, weed whacking those sloping areas of my yard have become a real thorn in my side. I can’t stand on the slopes to do the work and my son can’t do any mowing at all, because he has chronic respiratory disease. Therefore I am trying to naturalize those areas and I am interested in GROUND COVER ROSES. Do you have any knowledge of GROUND COVER ROSES? The one sloped area receives a lot of sun while the other area is partly shaded. I have looked into covers such as ivy and creeping thyme, but I really don’t care for them. You are so good with roses and I am really hoping that you can help me out. I need your help… desperately and I truly would appreciate your input. .


Hi Ben. I'm a new watcher/subscriber of your videos which I am really enjoying. My wife is wanting a rose for a west facing 6ft fence. She wants one that has a 'proper old fashioned cottage perfume' like her grandmothers roses from the 1960's. This is one she has taken a liking to but i am a bit concerned about the amount of light it will get on a west facing fence and next to a wooden arbour. Aroumer is top priority for my wife but I am more concerned by length of flowering and that it will be healthy. Is Gertrude a rose you would recommend (i did notice it isn't in your top 20 or your top 10 for shady areas) or are there others you would recommend? Thanks for your help. Trevor.


So beautiful with the clematis together 👍


hi Ben. i absolutle love your videos.
i bought a gertrude jekyll this spring and planted by an arbour thinking that all GJ were climbers. I did not know that it comes either as climbers or shrub. can we make a shrub as a climber? how tall a shrub can grow? you mention that as a climber can grow 8 feet. thank yoi


Love your videos. One thing I wonder about with climbers is how wide they get, and how much control you have over this with pruning. I am hoping over time you will show us the progression. I would live to have a rose pillar on my sundeck, which is really part sun/part shade, and wonder if something would be able to be kept manageable (not man manageable, but old lady manageable).


This is my first bare root rose i planted this spring from DA. I had to plant it 30 cm from my fence due to a gutter drainage pipe being just against the fence. i have been tying it in as it has grown but it looks odd with the canes being bent over that far to reach the fence. I was considering moving it when it’s dormant but that’s gonna to be a big job. What would you suggest I do in this situation and have you got any climbing roses planted that far away from a structure like this?


Why did my GJ produce very small blooms and constantly suffers some kind of disease...:(


Can this rose be grown in pot? Thank you


How does this compare to Alexandra of Kent? In bush form..


How long does it flower? I love love how you've paired it with a clematis. Looks great 👍


Gertrude propagates easily from the cuttings.
