Robert Audi - Epistemology: How Do We Know What We Know?

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What do we know and how do we know it? What is knowledge? What is belief? How is belief justified? What justifies us in believing what we believe? Is justified belief knowledge? These questions constitute “epistemology” – the theory of knowledge.

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High quality, well done interview. They both embraced a common sense approach to the topic. Thank you for your work Mr. Kuhn.


I like this guest, very reasonable and well spoken.


this channel is GOLD. many of these interviews (including this one) are worth listening to many, many times


Who is the this channel ...such concise answers on these deep philosophical areas..


It’s crazy when the date this video hit three years ago seems like a different world. It was. We are changing too fast now.


An excellent philosophical discussion.


One of my favorite subjects! People like to refer to Wikipedia for example as a credible source of information (which it is) but in theory, how can we know it is not being manipulated all the time to shape the minds of people? Same goes for Facebook and YouTube. How can we know anything with 100% certainty is a question that should be asked more often.


Basing Epistemology on 'common sense' is a bit tricky - I expect we could all come up with counter examples. This philosophy rests on idea of 'norms' which may be both socially as well as physically determined.


Truth is what is in accordance to reality.
How does one justify that what one perceives is in accordance with reality?

So many try to just close their eyes, take a leap of faith and overstep this question.

What about, you reason and act upon what SEEMS right instead of claiming that what you see is reality. What benefit does it bring to claim something is in accordance with reality, as opposed to something you merely think or believe. It is a dogmatic view. Many philosophers are the ones who ponder upon these questions. Most of them are foolish as they love knowledge and truth and want to obtain it. It's a delusional thing to be doing. Saying that you want to be "sensible" doesn't justify it in any shape or form.


In the last few seconds, he says "so I've argued that principles like that are knowable through the use of reason". Thus they are a priori?


The most mind bogling was when we first time can known something


If I know why something is true
Then I know it is das truth.

Every self-similar p-adic fractal string is lattice because the value group of Qp is discrete.


Justificationism isn't right, we are justified in believing in nothing, all we have are fragile theories which we vary and adapt through conjecture to answer new inputs by way of guessing at what is there in reality, and criticizing our own guesses in order to achieve the best possible explanation. The same goes for "empirical knowledge", we never get our knowledge through the senses, we get part of the problems we guess at through the senses. Popper gave us the right answer a few years ago, but much like what physics did with Everett, philosophy did with Popper, so we must wait until the academic community comes to terms with the truths both of them discovered.


This is so random but he has a young person he speaks eloquently but it doesn’t sound like how I usually hear older adults speak


The uniqueness of Islamic epistemology, is the presence of a primordial psycho spiritual faculty which has the capacity to recognize the ultimate truth about the only Creator / Sustainer, who has not only created everything, but has multiple attributes of omnipotence, Omniscience, and is the only source of all goodness, source of all kinds of causality, so justifiably, who deserves to be recognized and worshipped. This faculty called “Fitrah” or potential knowledge is ingrained in the spirit or subconsciousness of humanity. Every individual gets qualitatively and quantitatively the same dosage of Fitrah which also includes the capability of distinguishing the right from wrong or basic universal morality, on which all human agency converges to . Hence we see infants / toddlers who always choose the right behavior early in life in various tests conducted and this provides quintessential presence of this faculty.
Asma yusuf.


Seems to be a fairly shallow discussion.


Does it even ultimately matter what we 'know' or that we even exist at all in the first place? OR is all of life itself all ultimately meaningless in the grandest scheme of things? We are ALL eventually going to die, forget everything, and be forgotten throughout all of future eternity as if we never ever existed in the first place? Life itself only matters to life itself as long as life itself exists, but life itself is not always and forever going to exist?


They're trynna make us go crazy out here people.


Not everyone agrees to the fact that one should avoid pain. Autosadists, masochists and suicidal people are out there. I'm skeptical to this view. Reason and ethics??


Anyone else feel they weren't really getting this?
