Open HRMS Overtime | Odoo App

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Open HRMS overtime could be useful for creating overtime requests based on days and hours. This overtime odoo app could be utilized as leave allocation or cash payment.
There is a python dependency for this module called 'pandas'. You have to install the panda's python dependency before installing this module. You can use sudo pip3 install pandas for installing pandas in Ubuntu by running the command in the terminal.
Main Features:
✔️ Employee Can request their overtime.
✔️ Overtime can be created based on hours and days.
✔️ Overtime can utilize as leave allocation or cash payment.
Also available in version
#odoo14 #openhrms #openhrmsapp
There is a python dependency for this module called 'pandas'. You have to install the panda's python dependency before installing this module. You can use sudo pip3 install pandas for installing pandas in Ubuntu by running the command in the terminal.
Main Features:
✔️ Employee Can request their overtime.
✔️ Overtime can be created based on hours and days.
✔️ Overtime can utilize as leave allocation or cash payment.
Also available in version
#odoo14 #openhrms #openhrmsapp
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