1st wife wants DIVORCE after SECRET 2ND WIFE? #muslimmarriage #muslim #islam #shorts

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Muslim man gets a secret second wife and first wife wants to get divorce. My full take is on YT: FaiyadFit.

#muslim #islam #muslimmarriage #muslimtiktok #hijab #hijabi #muslima #muslimah #deen #quran #marriage #polygamy #polygyny
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Its not about being scared of the first wife. It's about Respect. It's about Trust. Why lie about something that is halal. Just be open with your wife about your intentions. If she decides thats not for her and wants out of the marriage thats her right. These types of Men just need to Man up.


Do not get a 2nd wife without letting your first one know. Trust me it won’t be pretty. Who on earth wants to live a secret double life?


One shouldn’t be afraid OF his wife but he SHOULD be afraid of losing her.


If you don't tell your first wife, it will lead to you lying. How do you explain, why you are not coming home anymore every day, how do you explain, the missing money etc. And if she asks you, where you've been and how your day was you have to lie.
Like show some decency and at least tell her, have a talk like the man you are supposed to be.


Brother, no. Just no. Why does every muslim with a mic think they're the ones that should be teaching people. Leave the lessons to the shuyukh. I need to get off whatever messed up algorithm youtube has sent me down.


Let her know and be kind and compassionate with your first wife. The second wife should know that the Muslim man is married before she marries him.


the arrogance of the man to say that he is lying and cheating and asking for advice to lie even more, fear your judgement day


Second marriage is something you must speak with your wife earlier... it's not a joke it's something so important that it may ruin the family mostly if you have kids in between.... this is something alot of men don't recognise but this is a women's right to know and its a women right to ask him not to marry after her.... alot of men need to really understand Islam and women's nature


How do you hide a wife?

The whole family is lying to the first wife? How do you provide for a second wife and respect her rights without the first one noticing?

Or is it another second wife treated as a mistress?

Wives are not side pieces. They are all honourable wives who desserve to be recognized and treated fairly.


No woman has to participate in polygamy. It is ALLOWED, not fard.


It's not being afraid of your first wife. You are changing her whole life with your decision and ripping her heart out. It's called being considered, not afraid.


It’s not fear, it’s disrespect. Plain and simple. That’s cheating. You’re supposed to consult the first wife first.


My husband never involved  Me in his second marriage !  Due to pressure from his father and sisters he did it !  In fact he told me 4 years later!!!!  We been married for 24 yrs !!! Nothing but lies were coming out of his mouth ! The most shocking thing is that the woman he has married  he never told her either that he has a wife in UK !!! He told her 2.6 yrs later !! Lied about his age that he is 38 !!! She is in Pakistan !  Being married for 4 yrs with her they still  don’t have any kids !!!! This was the only reason he took another wife !  Every year he has been going to Pakistan staying 4/6 weeks at a time ! In all these year’s he has not fulfilled my haqook, how on earth he going to fulfil  hers !!! he has not !  The other woman was only 27 when he married her !!! I feel he destroyed her life  too !!!  Marriages based on lies and deception are never successful !  He has destroyed our beautiful relationship, shattered my heart ! Am in deep depression + anxiety !


It’s unfair to get a second wife without the first one’s consent if you want to marry multiple women find one who is okay with the concept in the first place


I don’t think it’s so much about fearing the wife. Most men want a second wife, but they don’t because they don’t want to hurt their first wife and not because they’re afraid of her


Do u think.u are man enough to handle two marriages ???? I doubt .. in todays society men cant even keep the first marriage ..divorce rate is very high .. if u got a good woman and a good life with her ..dont risk it by taking a second wife..she may not be as good as the first wife..and u may even end up losing the first wife and the second ...


Fr. I would be more sad and hurt if husband did it behind my back and I found out from another source, than him telling me straight up that he intends to marry another. You automatically lose respect and trust if you try to be all sneaky about it, because ppl will find out eventually anyway.


I need to know how a secret marriage is allowed in islam. Yes the first wife doesnt need to know when u are marrying her, this was practical back in the day as sometimes u couldnt contact ur first wife. HOWEVER, if u have regular contact eith first wife, how in the world would it not be wise to tell at least after the act. I mean u would have to conjure up so many lies and i dont even want to get into the topic of children and how they could accidently marry one another and the topic of societal corruption. Imagine someone who knows ur first wife sees u with ur second wife, will think u are both comitting adultery or zina.


Muslim is a person who...

المسلمُ من سَلِمَ المسلمونُ من لسانهِ ويَدِهِ،


A man living in the light doesn’t lie to a woman, especially not if she’s the mother of his children. But if he wants to feel like a teenager and sneak around LOL THATS fine . I’d say definitely include these talks when you’re discussing the conditions of the marriage before signing 🎉 and the Creator knows best Ofcourse
