Nasa reveals the test image of black hole taken by James Webb will blow your mind

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Nasa reveals the test image of black hole taken by James Webb will blow your mind
It’s cool!!!
James Webb’s new engineering image has just smashed an astronomical record without trying as it reveals hundreds of distant galaxies in the deepest ever glimpse into the infrared universe.
The image, released by NASA on Wednesday, was captured by Webb's Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) over an eight-day period in May and encompasses 72 snapshots taken during 32 hours of exposure time.
Notably, the FGS, which was built by the Canadian Space Agency, is not a science instrument and instead keeps the observatory pointing properly at its target.
Still, the stunning image provides a taste of what's to come when the most powerful and expensive space observatory ever built finally commences its ambitious science work in earnest.
FGS took the false-color image during a "roll" test, according to a NASA statement about the image.
While Webb's near-infrared camera focused on a star dubbed HD147980, the telescope rolled from side to side like an aircraft. During the test, the FGS kept the telescope pointed at its target. The resulting image, a byproduct of this support work, reveals the cosmos in a color scale from white to red, with whiter shades representing objects emitting the brightest infrared light and redder hues revealing dimmer objects.
Nearly every object in this mosaic of overlapping images is a galaxy. The background is filled with thousands of them, and many are so distant and so old that the sensor’s operators didn’t expect it to be able to capture their extremely faint light. The bright objects with dark centers and six long, pointy spikes are stars in the Milky Way Galaxy (2MASS 16235798+2826079 is blazing at the right-hand edge of the image), but every other spot of light in the image is a galaxy. It is, according to the Canadian Space Agency in a recent statement, “for now, the deepest image of the infrared sky.”
Jane Rigby, Webb's operations scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, also pointed out in the statement that "The faintest blobs in this image are exactly the types of faint galaxies that Webb will study in its first year of science operations."
The image is not perfect, as it shows signs of the so-called dithering effect, which leaves black dots at the centers of the imaged stars. Dithering happens when the telescope slightly adjusts its position between exposures, which results in saturation of its detectors.
Nasa reveals the test image of black hole taken by James Webb will blow your mind
To be resolved, thank you.
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Misleading title = dislike. I normally watch for your postings and enjoy them. We deserve better than clickbaiting from you.


First, as per title there is no black hole in the story.

Second, for those people who are not as tech savvy they’re going to think all the computer animations and artist concepts that are shown during the presentation of the story are from the telescope. They will be confused that what they saw is from the telescope or just merely an artist concept.


Yeah this was the final clickbait misleading title, just have to unsub.


yes the title is misleading, be honest please.


Stop bullshitting people! Why are there so many shameless liars out there? "There are no test images of a black hole, " and I mention this for those reading the comments to check out the authenticity of the title.


For some reason people dont know that Einstein repeatedly said that singularities are not possible. Wherever you have an astronomical quantity of mass "dilation" (sometimes called gamma or y) will occur. Mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. General Relativity does not predict singularities when you factor in dilation.
In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" Einstein wrote "The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the "Schwarzchild singularities" (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of GR predicting singularities) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters whose particles move along circular paths it does seem to be subject to reasonable doubt that more general cases will have analogous results. The "Schwarzchild singularities" do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light."
If you look at a common relativity graph with velocity on the horizontal line and dilation on the vertical, the phenomenon is clear, even mass that exist at 75% light speed is partially dilated.
There is no place in the universe where mass is more concentrated than at the center of a galaxy. 99.8% of the mass in our solar system is in the sun. 99.9% of the mass in an atom is in the nucleus. If these norms are true for galaxies than we can infer that there is 100's of trillions of solar masses at the center of common spiral galaxies. There is no way to know through observation, there is far too much interference, dilation and gravitational lensing. High mass means high momentum. If we attribute a radius to these numbers than we can calculate that relativistic velocities exist in these regions.
The mass at the center of our own galaxy is dilated. In some sublime way that mass is all around us because as the graph shows we are still connected to it.
The greatest mystery in science is the abnormally high rotation rates of stars in spiral galaxies (the reason for the theory of dark matter). It was recently discovered that low mass galaxies (like NGC 1052-DF2) have normal star rotation rates. This is what relativity would predict because there is an insufficient quantity of mass to achieve relativistic velocities. This is virtual proof that dilation is the governing phenomenon at galactic centers.


Literally days away from seeing the first true images, can’t wait 👍


Are there any actual images in here? I have seen lots of this stuff years ago.


Why so much clickbait. Same video posted over and over


your Title is a fake the pictures showed no black holes, and they explained why they weren't.


The clickbait title makes me not subscribe and 'dont suggest this channel'.


For all the JWST mega years and billions, I really need to see a few alien spacecraft in future target frames... \m/


I have been waiting for this week coming up for so long. I can't wait to see what they show us on the 12th.


Just minde boggeling stuff a big thank you to all the envolved……


Do you guys notice how those kind of videos are just clickbait ? It’s just a fact that we are interested in a topic in general.

I am sick of watching videos and getting left with more questions than answers.


People need to stop making videos talking random stuff that has nothing to do with the title, there isnt a picture of a black hole from the JWT yet, stop clickbaiting. Just title it JWT info.


I finally found this YouTube channel. Why did it take me so long to find this. This is awesome.


They should put the JWT in a roll for a year. We would have a full deep field scan of the whole universe. Think of the data collected the research it would take to explore it.!!!!


That was great, thanks! Gave me a much better understanding of some JWST stuff. 🌌


Why didn't we send 2 up to space? Just thinking about it, once you have one figured out. I know they made doubles for the mars Rover, so they can figure out what's wrong with the rover when something goes wrong. I know it cost a lot of money. But they have all the molds and whatever to do more.
