Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds ft. Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow (Official HD Video)

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Official HD music video for “Where The Wild Roses Grow’ by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds featuring Kylie Minogue.

24 hour Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds videos, interviews, live performances and more.

Video directed by Rocky Schenck.

‘Where The Wild Roses Grow’ was the first single from the band’s 9th album ‘Murder Ballads’
and originally released in October 1995.

The single featured guest vocals by Kylie Minogue with the Bad Seeds line up of Nick Cave, Mick Harvey, Blixa Bargeld, Martyn P. Casey,Thomas Wydler, Conway Savage & Jim Sclavunos.

Listen to Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Essentials on Apple Music here:

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They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one
She stared in my eyes and smiled
For her lips were the colour of the roses
That grew down the river, all bloody and wild

When he knocked on my door and entered the room
My trembling subsided in his sure embrace
He would be my first man, and with a careful hand
He wiped at the tears that ran down my face

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me that I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

On the second day I brought her a flower
She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen
I said, "Do you know where the wild roses grow,
So sweet and scarlet and free?"

On the second day he came with a single red rose
He said, "Give me your loss and your sorrow?"
I nodded my head, as I lay on the bed
"If I show you the roses will you follow?"

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me that I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

On the third day he took me to the river
He showed me the roses and we kissed
And the last thing I heard was a muttered word
As he knelt above me with a rock in his fist

On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow
She lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief
And I kissed her goodbye, said, "All beauty must die."
And I leant down and planted a rose 'tween her teeth

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day
My name was Elisa Day
For my name was Elisa Day

(C)1995 Mute Records, a BMG Company.

 #NickCaveAndTheBadSeeds #WhereTheWildrosesGrow #KylieMinogue
Рекомендации по теме

“And I kissed her goodbye, said all beauty must die”. So beautiful, disturbing and emotional line. Nick Cave have to be the greatest lyricist of the past 30 years.


Heard this today for the first time in years and it’s a still a beautiful song in 2024. The melody is to die for.


*This* *is* *not* *song* *This* *is* *timeless* *masterpiece*


Kylie singing with him. That was a shock. The lyrics, also a shock. The song, a masterpiece


Kylie's beauty won't die because it's imprinted on this masterpiece. It is engraved in music, lyrics, and images.


Dramatic, like a Shakespearean tragedy. Emotional, beautiful


Как же я люблю этот клип эту мелодию этих исполнителей


So many years since I heard this song and I still listen to it enraptured very often. So terrible and tragic and still poetic, perfectly balanced and haunting. One of the masterpieces that will never grow old.


She's like Ophelia. This song is hauntingly beautiful. The visuals are amazing.


Nick Cave is just absolutely brilliant. One of the best story tellers of our time


Great duet. Historical piece of art. Kylie, she is the inspiration 🎉


One of the most intense musical performances I have ever bear witness to. Bravo Nick....


The lines “they call me the wild rose. But my name was Elisa Day” just makes me think all of those victims who became nothing but a name in the media that people would recognize only because of their horrific murders. The one that comes to mind immediately is the Black Dahlia. Another flower name. A woman who was the victim of a horrendous crime and is now only known through that dehumanizing title


I love the juxtaposition of the last verse "On the third he took me to the river/On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow." Shows how much she trusted him and what he had planned to do all along.


I´m a man of 52 years and havent heard this song for 20 years now. Tears ar running through my face...


Why the hell don't we have songs like this anymore?!


Nick Cave is one of the best song writers of our time so poetic its great to see two Aussie artists in collaboration so such a great tune.


This song is a true masterpiece. There is nothing that could be changed to make it better. Kylie is supporting Nick's singing while never showing off, or trying to take lead, which shows her true skills as a singer. Nick manages to sing amazingly throughout the whole song. Their voices fit together perfectly. The lyrics and the video are together truely more than either alone. True art that ascends music.


Mezmerizing. Beautiful, haunting and scary all at once. Nick Cave lyrics blow everyone out of the water. He's on the Leonard Cohen level.


Верх музыкальной гармонии музыки и режиссуры, при минимуме спецэффектов, стиль, выдержанность, красота ❤️....
