Nick Cave opens up about how he dealt with grief and the loss of his son Arthur who died aged 15.

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Nick Cave opens up about how he dealt with grief and the loss of his son Arthur who died aged 15.


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My best friend was dying of cancer back in 2004. He was a huge Nick Cave fan and Mr. Cave took the time to write him a very touching note.


Ive met very few people who know of the raw talent that is nick cave. But those who have, love you dearly sir. Cant imagine what that kind of pain would be like. Thank you for surviving it. Idk if id be able to.


He has lost two sons. 😢💔💔😢 I cannot even imagine...yet Nick continues to create music, poetey.and art as a way to express himself and in doing so he is helping many others too. Brave to talk about it and sends a message to others struggling


One of the few remaining true artists.


Jesus Nick. “If I did not talk about it, I would turn inward on myself. I would harden.”
All these years of therapy trying to understand why nothing phases me. Wondering why I can’t cry. Why I’m “dead inside”. All these years being told by one therapist to another that “I had to harden, so I could do my job. (EMS and the hospital trauma team) Years of feeling soulless. Years of feeling hollow. Years of feeling like a monster.
Not a single shrink or medical doc could help me w the emptiness., Then here comes Nick. Within 20 seconds has made me understand why I feel like I do. Within 20 seconds allowed me to feel like a human being again. And within 20 seconds has allowed me to cry again. Bless you Nick. I hope you know just how much you mean to your fans. You are not only brilliant in the creative sense. Your words off stage have undoubtedly rescued many people’s soul. Bless you.,


An unspeakable tragedy. It speaks volumes to his emotional intelligence and character that he was able to continue with his life in any form after what happened.

A deeply principled and intelligent man, and a hugely gifted artist. We’re lucky to have him and I wish him the best in the face of the tragedies he’s had to deal with in his life.


My only son died in his sleep earlier this year. I am devastated. My friends and family don't know what to say so they pretend it hasn't happened. He was a great joy and l miss him all the time. You have my sympathy.


I lost my only son, only child, when he was just 4 years old.

Because I am not a celebrity, nobody wants to talk about it any more.

Hearing Nick talk about his experience is cathartic and oddly comforting. He is exactly right, I changed completely 😮😮❤❤


Nothing but admiration for the man, I can’t imagine the loss he feels but it was lovely to see his face light up when speaking of his grandson


im only 14 and nick caves music has been a big impact on my life, my favourite song of all time is into my arms and ive loved that song since before i can remember so seeing this bought tears to my eyes i love nick ❤


I'm so sorry for your loss.
I myself have lost 2 children so I know your pain.🌹


Nick cave got me through life as a teen. I'm 44 now and I'm forever thankful for his music. I'm so sorry for his loss but he is so inspiring about how to move forward in life but never forgetting. Talking is so important. Thank you Mr Cave.


I played into my arms on my drive to my baby sisters funeral .. it's so beautiful.. it makes me cry every time I hear it.. she was only 36yrs.. I hate cancer.. 😭


A real unrehearsed and reachable soul is so present in him - I love that so much about this man. Neither of us can articulate what he manages to render with his art, but we meet each other so clearly in perfect ways that transcend words. I sense the immensity of pressure he feels, in rendering that. But he navigates it like an artisan. He is a tremendous human being, and I love him. And I hope he sees this, and knows he is truly loved.


He is a poet of pain and a superhero! His eyes, his eyes!!!


This man means SO MUCH to so many people, for so many things..
We keep our candles burning..


You can see a ton of pain in those eyes. God bless him.❤


We keep our candles burning, Nick. Be at peace!


I truly love this man. What a gift he is to us all, even when he carries such pain ❤


there is nothing more tragic than when a parent has to bury their child, of any age.
you have an incredible voice, Nick. Thank you for sharing your talent 💕
