Sewer Gas Smell Vent Pipe

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Be careful. I did this and yes it stopped it from smelling outside. However the next day the smell started coming back through the upstairs sink drain. Definitely worth trying, but pay attention to over constricting. I drilled a 3/8 hole.


We purchased a small cottage last summer and were having this exact problem. I knew it was coming from the stink pipe. Your solution worked perfectly! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. My wife told me “You better go tell him it worked!l 👍 🙏


Tim, we built a new home on our country cabin lot in 2016 and have been having the sewage odor issue since then. I though it was a leaching field issue but could not fine the source but narrowed it down to the vent stack. I installed the cap as you directed and have not had the issue since. I just wanted to thank you for such great advice.


It works great, I been doing this for a couple of years now after seeing this video. Sorta sucks when the winter months show up I have to take them off like you said but summer time on the deck is very nice not having to smell the sewer gases while setting on the deck. Thanks for the great advice it works perfectly.


Thank you! This worked for us. We've tried numerous things to get rid of the smell. This is the only thing that worked! Thank you again!


I'm here to say this tip is 💯💯🔥!! I was very skeptical about covering my vent pipes as I always assumed they were open for a reason and flowed in one direction..outwards! I placed the exact rubber caps with clamps and drilled a 1/4 inch hole in each and 5 days out NOT A SINGLE ODOR and all fixtures appear to be operating at maximum efficiency! Thank you so very much Sir for your expertise and time put in this video as you literally saved me 1000's


Tim Carter, I drilled PVC caps with 1/4" hole on top for both 1.5" and 2" vent pipes. I got 4 total vents for 3 full baths, WORKS GREAT!! Grandpa told me the hole was too small, but after running some pipe volumes, orifice calcs and flush volumes, etc. It worked out fine.


Thank you,
I am from a cold climate and we have been having severe problems with the septic smell especially after someone showers and in the winter you will smell it far worse than summer.
So we used your tip but instead of putting holes in the top we put two small holes in the sides and we haven't had a problem since.
Thank you:) your awesome.


I'm a happy man because of you, I bought a house 4 years ago and it's been hard to find a solution to the sewer smell in my house and I had planned to sell the house due to the smell until I watched your video and did what you showed in the video and I can proudly say all my problems with the smell is goin. It just cost me $6 and I want to say thank you so so much and stay blessed, you are the best.


Thank you so much. I purchased a new house and I was dealing with this problem for a decade. Recently, I thought of removing the pipe far from the house entrance, but it was required lots of work and cost. Just realized to see if there is any Youtube video about it and found yours. I did what you said and it was a miracle. It's been a week. it cut 100% of the smell. None of the family members experience the smell anymore. Thank you so much. It was a great fix.


Thanks this did the trick! We had an odor hog on our old vent pipe but our roofer replaced the vent pipe and upsized larger than odor hog had. We dealt with the stink for a solid year until I found this video. Immediate results


I ve been having a stinky bathroom for the winter. We‘re at the top of a hill so we get all the sewer gas. Sometimes I can smell it outside. Definitely when I’m on the roof.

We have a washer in the bathroom. I figured that was it. But it didn’t smell behind the washer. I installed a one way flap and it still happened.

Figured, maybe wax ring. Changed it twice and caulked around the base. Still get random sewer gas smell.

I went on the roof and filled in the gap between the flashing and the sewer pipe.

While up there I noticed my bathroom vent fan is only a few inches from the sewer vent. I think I’m pulling the gas in on days the wind blows that way.


This worked for us! We had this problem for 9 yrs and had tried everything. Thank you so much for this simple tip.


what about using one of those Odor Hog filters instead? Im having this same problem. Im starting to use sinks and washing machine connected to a 2nd septic tank on my property that hasn't been used in a while, so the sewage smell from the vent pipes are really churning out stink.


All 6 breathers have been modified from 2” and no smell. Thanks for the solution in a tropical climate ( Thailand) that makes perfect sense.


I am having a smell from My restroom sink, would this help??? I don't have septic tank system.


I tried this and it definitely solved the problem. Thank you.


Great Idea Tim I have a smell on my deck all summer long and this will solve that problem, i am also the inventor of No Frost Venting. so I do live in a cold climate so i know the problems with venting and this solved another one!!


Awesome advice and thank you for sharing this with us. i just had my septic pumped and now our vent pipes are gassing the neighborhood. Our neighbors actually called the gas company cuz they thought there was a gas leak. I had a plumbing company come out and they put a studor vent on ine of the vent pipes now the smell is coming out of one of the other pipe vents. The guy that pumped the tank said dump a gallon of bleach down the sink and that didnt work so i started googling and this video came up so i will try this and if it works i will post another comment. One question i have though is what if we have multiple vents? Do we cap all of them and put a hole in all of them with this method?


Tim, thanks for video. We have sewer smell inside one bathroom in 2 bathroom home. Bathrooms are right next to each other . We replaced the wax seal, checked under the house for leaks, no leaks. We have a septic tank system. These smells coma and go. We ran water in in shower and sinks to fill those P traps to no avail. What could solve the problem?
