ELIMINATE Sewer Gas Smell

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You'll notice this in church bathrooms with floor drains too.
About the only time an interior floor drain's trap gets filled is when the floor gets washed. This doesn't happen often.

Today we've seen building codes that insist that "trap primers" be installed. These work off the Cold water supply from the nearest sink. The water hammer from shutting off the sinks does the trick.

In older homes & especially churches you should take a small bucket of water and topp off ALL P-TRAPs every month.


Oh my goodness such an easy fix. I was beating myself trying to find where the smell was coming from. This worked.


I've given out this same tip a few dozen times and it's amazing to see the realization in their faces when they know I'm describing their exact reality with knowing almost nothing about their life.


I have watch so many other method and non of them worked as fast as this one...Thank you! 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Also check for any possible floor drains of its a commercial space. I'm a service plumber and respond to "sewer smell" calls a lot 9/10 times it's a dry trap


A relatively new middle school I was working at was unbearable after school hours when the ventilation shut off. It took me some time to track down the smell, coming from a dry floor drain in a special needs bathroom upstairs. You smell it once, and you'll know exactly what it is for the rest of your days.


The ones I never use....put a bit of cheap vetgetable oil in it. Water does not evaporate as quickly with a small layer of oil.


Wow! Thank you Sr. I will do that. Definitely I was smeeling that. Ty


Our issue was the vent pipe was clogged, so the vacuum created from flushing, or other things would be enough to pull the water out of various other traps around the house.


? "a p trap is more than likely to be a what's under your tub" ? what are the other possibilities for what could be under a tub? other than like a long sweep 90 etc where someone forgot to put in a trap?
On the historic homes of texas i have worked in i have found longsweeps/cast iron leading to a running trap.
How can you keep sewer gas out without some type of gas trapway? Are their new tubs that dont require traps but can still legally tie into a drain/vent system? I have seen a clawfoot that had a 1 1 /2 drain ran greywater down to the creek that included the sinks and blackwater went to lower the fork of the creek. It always flowed and had good depth 4+ ft yearround. Which is saying something in Texas.
It wasn't much I could do about that the sanitation codes on that one it was on a ranch that was over 65 thoasand acres where the main concern is keeping up with the fences not keeping up with the plumbing / trivial codes to those ole Ranch men they could care less they just want the pipes fixed if they didnt already do it themselves and to keep the pumps and tanks working.
Had one man who ran 3/4 black iron to all of his troughs adding up to over 1300 ft. Reason he gave was iron wont freeze like pvc.. i give him half credit for aiming for strength. We went in with pex and scedule 80 whereever we needed transitions. Also added a purge location in a drywell on the end so he could blow it out entirely during winter with an air compressor if desired. No its not an open end valve it has to be taken apart. i do know its cross contamination if you put an open line under a floodrim lol.


What if you're getting that sewer gas smell in a heavily used bathroom? Im wondering if the people who built the house didn't plumb it correctly, but it was permitted when they added the addition with the bathroom in question. Its on a slab and dont have any idea how to check. Any ideas?


I know how a p trap works. And for some reason I never thought the water in the trap could evaporate when I don't use it. This is such a helpful video. I think of myself as a smart person. But somehow I forgot water evaporates. I just put water down the drain I could hear the air leaving the drain. Thank you


To enhance your sewer gas, blow the trap out with compressed air (even a hand-held air pump or bellows might do). Problem solved. Cheers!


Roger I'd recommend a shot of pure vegetable oil for traps that don't get constant flow. This includes washing machine pan's with a trap.


I had a job I went to years ago, the lady called complaining about a really bad smell in her house, I looked everywhere for a couple house and until I asked to use her bathroom she said sure in the spare room that I washed my hands that I figured out that it was what you're talking about lol


Good to know! Hope all is well, Roger!!


I’ve spent my fair share of time around merchant ships, some of which sit idle for months or even years. A common trick for unused bathrooms that I’ve seen was to splash some oil in the bowls and traps (I’m talking cooking oil, you could get in deep trouble using petroleum products). It apparently slows down the evaporation and is easily processed by the onboard waste treatment system, both of which I could believe. If it sits too long it can get a little funky but it’s typically pretty easy to clean. I bet somebody sells a product that does the same or a little better though


I got a floor drain at work that stinks. I think it backed up a long time ago and old bits of sewage got stuck all up and down the pipe so when they came and snaked it that stuff just stuck there like glue. I took the cover off and scrubbed it out as good as I could a got a pretty nasty blister on my thumb but it still stinks. I pour water down there maybe twice a week but that just makes it stink worse.


Yup i try to rotate my usage of fixtures.


Mine was coming from the overflow in my sink it was bad some baking soda and vinegar helped out a lot
