1 Thing I HATE About Every FNAF Game

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1 Bad Thing About Every FNAF Game

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In fnaf 6, scraptrap's forehead is actually normal. It's just that his head is so big, it makes him look smaller, cartoonish, or child-like. And in UCN, people say most of the jumpscares are PNGs moving on the screen, but it actually has motion blur so the animations do actually have animation frames to them


It's fascinating to me that there is such a universal consensus that FNAF was best when it was a modern folk tale or ghost story, with analogue horror elements, but it has instead consistently gotten more and more brightly colored sci fi the longer the series goes along.


My only big complaint with Scraptrap is the eyes, he either should've had the phantom eyes or just empty sockets


Also the problem with security breach is that it doesn’t feel like fnaf and it isn’t scary at all. The new dlc sort of made it better but I really hope fnaf goes back to its usual colourless horror games


I completely disagree with the FNAF1 point. Not knowing how to deal with Freddy made him extremely intimidating


My biggest complaint about Pizzeria Simulator(other than the lack of cameras and sole reliance on audio and motion detectors) is the Scraptrap design. I think the fact that he's missing an arm is pretty cool, but I don't understand why his skin is now bleached white after 30+ years of decay and being burnt alive once. Also his lips and sharp teeth are weird as hell.


To be clear, FNAF 4 did not make dream theory, matpat did, dream theory was never retconed because it never was canon.


Bro i thought youre some popular ytber you are underrated af


My main problems with Security Breach are the environment, and the free roam. As a lot of people pointed out, the environment in the base game is brightly lit with vibrant colours everywhere so there’s pretty much no sense of fear (which I guess Ruin kinda fixed) and the free roam doesn’t help. A factor that made the older games scary for me, was your movements being limited to just looking left and right, and even in games like Fnaf for and Sister Location, your movements still extremely limited. The movement limitations in the previous games really gave a sense of helplessness and just knowing that if you were caught, it’s game over. In security breach however, because it’s completely free roam, that sense of helplessness is completely gone, especially considering you can hide inside of Freddy for the majority of the game if you’re being chased


The 1 thing I HATE about this video was that in fnaf 5 sister location he SOMEHOW PICKED SOMETHING ELSE than night 4


Fnaf 4 was absolutely not making out the games to be a dream. That's just MatPat's theory. The problem with FNAF 4's story was that it was far too vague.


“it has its highs and *lows* “

*continues to show montgomery gator*


Dream theory was never canon. Scott confirmed that he only made one retcon and it was very minor.


Springtrap being hard to find on the cameras really added to the fear for me. Fnaf 3 scared the crap out of me as a kid like nothing else and still spooks me to this day


FNAF 3 is like a game of hide and seek, you HAVE to open your eyes and find Springtrap in order to survive. It’s intentional.


tired of FNaFWorld being left out 😤

I see other commenters making their own lists so I'll contribute

FNaF1: I actually can't really decide. Maybe the fact that the whole place feels kinda random? Like it doesn't make a whole lot of sense as a building housing a kid's pizza place. If that makes sense?

FNaF2: Character mislayering. If you think about how many characters can appear in the main hall at once, versus the fact that you can ever only see up to two is a little frustrating. I also find it incredibly odd that BB has only two camera renders (Game Room where he starts, and Left Vent) and the fact that Mangles renders seem to be layered above everything else makes these two characters in particular feel really unfinished

FNaF3: The Phantom AI in the later nights is almost completely impossible to avoid. And the fact that a single Phantom is enough to lead Springtrap directly to you in just seconds no matter how far away you are.

FNaF4: I really gotta agree on the retconned Dream Theory shit like fr what was Scott thinking

FNaFWorld: The insane power scaling. You can become completely untouchable and easily slaughter all enemies in one area but then get taken out super easily in the next area. And some later boss fights make Gift Boxes the only way to survive. Idk about everyone else but I think constantly having to spam Gift Boxes in order to win is a little lame.

Sister Location: I gotta agree on the lack of replayability.

FFPS: The office segments and all the tools available were so overwhelming and confusing when I first played. I still didn't understand it until ItzTaken's video explaining how FFPS worked.

UCN: It's the still-image jumpscares for me too chief. NightmareMangle has such a cool design but you're gonna disrespect them by giving them nothing but a shaking image? Smh.

FiS2: COSMIC FREEWAY. That area of the game was so frustrating! I hated getting stuck in loops wandering around for an hour only to accidentally miss a warp and die instantly.

HW: Full recreations of FNaF1, 2 and 3, but then just random minigames for 4 and SL? Kiiiinda wacky. Especially when you take into account that there's minigames for FNaF1 and 3 as well.

SD: Everybody already knows. The microtransactions. Also sucks that the game also never became accessible to so many devices.

Fury's Rage: Pinky Pills 🤢

SB: All 👏 The 👏 Cut 👏 Content 👏 This game looked so freaking cool, and I'm in love with getting to explore older maps. There are so many rooms and hallways that we don't get to explore and that's so frustrating for me I WANNA SEE THE REST

Ruin: Literally every "threat" feels so laughably weak. These characters can't path or chase for shit. It is insanely easy to run this game deathless with the only exception being the Mini Music Men but only because of bugs.


Fnaf 4 being the final nightmares of a dying child was such a morbid and horrifying concept. I wish that part wasn't retconned, but I'm glad they retconned the other games being dreams that was shit


FNaF 1: Hardest game to complain about
Security Breach: Easiest game to complain about
(I do like SOME of the things in SB though)


The point about security breach is so true. If you compare AstralSpiff's playthrough and Markiplier's playthrough, you see this immensely. Spiff only got annoyed from a game development point of view with some pretty big bugs thatmade it clear that the game was never game tested, but enjoyed it regardless. Poor mark on the other hand, he was the victim of the games many faults and bugs and you could see he did not enjoy playing it as he got further through it. Especially the chica death after 6am that put 2 hours of significant progress down the drain bc of no saves whatsoever


0:26 Phone guy in an another universe: ''Also freddy can enter your office whenever he wants unless you shut the door, that means that he can catch you even when you're not distract''
