Don't Treat Christ As Unable To Bear Your Burdens #Shorts

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George Müller - We profess to cast ourselves and our cares upon the Lord, and then persist in bearing our own burdens, as if we felt that He would be unequal to the task of sustaining us and our loads. It is a most wholesome lesson for Christian workers to learn that all true work is primarily the Lord's, and only secondarily ours, and that therefore all carefulness; on our part is distrust of Him, implying a sinful self-conceit which overlooks the fact that He is the one true worker and all others are only his instruments.

#Shorts #HonestQuotes
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Amen. Father in JESUS Name Help me to Trust you to handle the burden of my life and rest in your Promises.


So simple! Yet how profound these words are!!! May the Lord help and enable all of us who read this to cast our care on Him and follow in His Way, in His Truth and in His Life.


Jesus Christ bears the burdens, of God's people, ensuring an abundance of His grace and mercy.


Amen. So true. It seems so much that it’s up to me, but it’s not. Takes years or decades to see what’s really happening. God is God; I am not. As Derek Prince said, “God is sovereign. He does what He wants, when He wants, how He wants. And the sooner you can accept that, the sooner you can lead a victorious Christian life.” Well done whoever picked this clip from the sermon. Love it.

Always sounds defeatist to me (in theory). Is victorious and glorious in practice. Oh, and the common objection that this view will make people sit around doing nothing.. sounds true in theory. Never happens in practice. Because God is sovereign over us too. Let go and let God. He will move you. Confess, repent, accept the Savior’s gift, thank God, praise God, worship God (on the ground with humility). Life will change. Let Him.

On the deepest level, youre options are merely trust God, or dont trust God. Praise God, or play God. Share with and Listen to God, or command God. Judge, or judge not lest ye be judged. Fear, or faith. Complaint, or gratitude. Your glory, or His glory. Iniquity, or union. Dead in sin, or servant. Earthly, or spiritual. Be with God, or pretend to BE God. One choice here. Choose Love. Choose God. If you do, then youre giving up your right to run your own life and admitting He knows.


What a wonderful message! Such truth! I saw this come to pass many times when I FINALLY let go of major burdons in my life, and gave them up to God, and instantly saw that God had everything under control and was able to do what I could not do on my own.


John 15:5 Comes to my mind! And That Word makes me think, Our Lord is telling us, there is a Partnership to Consider!


Wow, that means I shall just sit on my blessed assurance, because he will do it all?


"Carefulness", in this context, means concern/worry I presume.


True; I tried to carry my own burdens for over a quarter-century before Christ opened my eyes.


True, Jesus carries us, even our burdens in life!


I really like these shorts! Please continue to do them :)


Thank you for this! How true it is!
Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication make your requests made known to God.


God bless yall, Jesus loves yall and He wants you to be saved 🙏 John 3:16 romans 10:9-10 Have a blessed day.


I desire to trust the Lord with my teen.


Matt 11:25-30. What is a yoke? Is it not an instrument for work? Does this mean we don't work? We are yoked to Christ, it is He who bears the burden of His work, He is our lead Ox, we work under His strength. All glory to God.


George Muller ought to know. He had orphanages with kids to support and prayed for a million dollars and got it. On multiple occasions.


Thank you. This helped me cry out to God for him to do what I have not been able to start: my chores.


Simple, and yes somewhat idiotic, yet so profound and totally helpful to us all who seek the Lord.


I ask for wisdom. How do I fully give the Lord my burdens


Well... Once again, it SOUNDS like a nice idea. "Casting my cares upon the Lord". I've heard it recited since childhood.
But still after all these years, I have yet to understand what that really means, or how to actually do it. I've prayed at least a little every week, for decades. Seemingly always for essentially the same set of lifelong perplexities and problems, because nothing I've ever prayed about ever gets answered in any way that I can perceive. The outside upheavals that do occasionally disrupt my otherwise empty life, have only ever made my situation measurably worse, never better.

All the times I've tried to reach out to others for help or guidance, or even merely "prayer", I alarmingly often get simply no real reply at all. (I mean not even from my "fellow Christians", let alone the silence from this God we're supposed to be praying to!) Usually just evasion & stonewalling, or even outright "ghosting" as they call it nowadays. If I DO get a response, it's either some uselessly vague and irrelevant platitudes -- a basic refusal to recognize or acknowledge the reality of my situation -- or else scornful scapegoating and thinly disguised contempt, from some kind of assumption that I must be "choosing" to turn myself into a pitiable loser on purpose. As if anyone capable of any kind of reason, would WANT to end up as a dispossessed, directionless pariah.
