Why Are ISTPs and ESTPs Like This?!

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I have an ISTP dad, and every time I watch him work and do things even when he injures himself, he has zero issues with it and often finds it fascinating.


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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


It makes us feel alive. Because they say we’re dead inside! 😂😂😂😂


The adrenaline rush. Makes us feel alive. Life is boring. We usually have accepted all potential consequences so we are ok with the risk.


A mix of being an adrenaline junky and morbid curiosity to experience dangerous (potentially life threatening) situations 😁


I think we just trust our ability to adopt and quick reaction speed


Sensory perception, we can look something and Immediately calculate the minimum safe distance and be right on that line


My estp daughter sometimes has me on eggshells especially as a baby. She loved to climb while i looked on in fear


It's the only way i feel alive. Ironically the more safe i am the more i want it all to end. I hate doing nothing. I hate being bored and when i do something fun like racing a train, skydiving, standing down range, camping in the winter, etc i feel a rush of adrenaline and it makes me feel alive and for that moment im not thinking about the bleak future. It's just the here and now. Everything ends or i get a rush. I dont fear the end. Also whatever happens happens. Also lets just say god exists for 1 moment. Then my mentality alone means I'm going to hell and if god doesnt exsist then i simply cease to exist. So why not enjoy my life. Ya it's likely to be short by doing everything that I do but it's also fun.


Calculating what is actually dangerous and in degrees. Lol. I have an enfp daughter who is always reacting to non threats in the physical environment in a way that is completely hilarious to me. Her fear makes sense tho if she isn’t calculating stuff very well in real time in that environment. She also totally misses all the time actual things I see have a Risk in the physical lol 😆 so I auto move to prevent it somehow all the time. And get super annoyed that she never sees those kinds of things that to me are painfully obvious right away.


We love it dud. so, we fo it cuz it makes is feel alive even when we r dead inside


It's the only way i feel alive. Ironically the more safe i am the more i want it all to end. I hate doing nothing. I hate being bored and when i do something fun like racing a train, skydiving, standing down range, camping in the winter, etc i feel a rush of adrenaline and it makes me feel alive and for that moment im not thinking about the bleak future. It's just the here and now. Everything ends or i get a rush. I dont fear the end. Also whatever happens happens. Also lets just say god exists for 1 moment. Then my mentality alone means I'm going to hell and if god doesnt exsist then i simply cease to exist. So why not enjoy my life. Ya it's likely to be short by doing everything that I do but it's also fun.
