Jehovah's Witnesses Love the Idea of Armageddon. #exjw #Apostate

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I discuss the Jehovah's Witnesses

#Jehovahswitnesses #Jehovahswitness #exjw #Cults #Apostate

Jehovah's Witnesses is a millenarian restorationist Christian denomination

Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the present world order, which they perceive as being under the control of Satan, will be ended by a direct intervention of Jehovah (God), who will use Jesus Christ to fully establish his heavenly government over earth, destroying existing human governments and non-Witnesses, and creating a cleansed society of true worshippers who will live forever. They see their mission as primarily evangelical (disseminating "the good news"), to warn as many people as possible in the remaining time before Armageddon.All members of the denomination are expected to take an active part in preaching.Witnesses refer to all their beliefs collectively as "the Truth"
Watch Tower Society publications assert that members of the group are not compelled to remain part of the congregation.They believe coerced worship is unacceptable to God.However, Jehovah's Witness doctrines provide no method for members to terminate membership and remain in good standing.Individuals who choose to depart and announce their decision to terminate their membership are regarded as abandoning God's organization and Protection.Watch Tower publications define three different types of defection. One as becoming inactive, one as becoming disassociated, and one as becoming disfellowshipped. Individuals who are inactive discontinue their preaching work and distance themselves from the congregation.They are still visited by church elders yearly and encouraged by congregation members.Individuals who choose to publicly repudiate their association to the organization and renounce their place in the congregation are considered disassociated.Individuals who commit serious sins and are unrepentant are conside Watch Tower Society directs that both disassociated and disfellowshipped members are to be shunned by other Witnesses, including close relatives, with no social or religious contact and no greeting given.Jehovah's Witnesses claim the purpose of denying fellowship to a wrongdoer safeguards the congregation's moral and spiritual cleanliness and protects its name.They believe the congregation must "maintain God's favor in order to be used by him and to represent him" or else the whole congregation would lose God's approval.Sociologist Andrew Holden claims his research indicated many Witnesses who would otherwise defect because of disillusionment with the organization and its teachings remain affiliated out of fear of being shunned and losing contact with friends and family members.
Watch Tower Society publications define apostasy as the abandonment of the worship and service of God by members of the Christian congregation, and equate it with rebellion against God.Apostate behavior is said to include the rejection of biblical teachings or requirements, the rejection of Jehovah's organization, association with or support for another religious group and celebration of religious holidays. It is grounds for expulsion from the group and subsequent shunning. Promotion of personal doctrinal views that deviate from official teachings is also regarded as apostasy. The "identifying marks" of apostates are said to include attempts to gain followers, disregard for the Witnesses' preaching activity, rejection of God's visible organization, public criticism of other Witnesses and attempts to hinder their work.Other identifying behavior is said to include deviation from the truth, twisted, empty speech, hypocrisy and involvement in deeper forms of ungodliness.Watch Tower Society literature says apostates are motivated by vitriolic bitterness and that their writings are poisonous, distorted and false, display the characteristics of "cunning, contrived error, prideful intelligence, lack of love and dishonesty" and are designed to undermine the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses. Apostates are described as proud, independent, ungrateful and presumptuous,mentally diseased, displaying jealousy, fits of anger and other unchristian conduct and are said to often fall victim to drunken bouts, loose conduct and fornication.Apostates are said to have become part of the antichrist and are regarded as more reprehensible than non-Witnesses.They are described as "anti-God" and doomed to destruction.Witnesses are told they must loathe and hate in the "biblical sense of the word" those who are defined as apostates and show no curiosity about their ideas, and that apostates' "whole purpose is to tear down God's people and to distort the truth." Apostates must be shunned and Witnesses are warned that those who greet one become "a sharer in his wicked works"

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