STOP Your Containment Level From RESETTING in MW3 Zombies!

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Containment Levels in MW3 Zombies are incredibly important to the core progression of the mode. Unfortunately, it seems to spontaneously reset to zero without warning. Today, we show you how to fix that!

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I love when your prepared for level 3 and the lobby crashes and reset everything back to 0 and you loose all your stuff


This is complete BS, we shouldn’t have to do things like that just to keep our containment level, literally yesterday night I just went from 983 to 0, just like that the game did not freeze and I did not die. I just started off with zero when I entered the match although I had 983 starting with, this makes ‘zero’ sense 😤


Love how this has been happening since they implimented it, and none of a people can figure it out. Read someone say though, ironically the store never has any issues running perfectly. Coincidence?


Considering I just lost my nearly 1400 containment due to this game not working properly I have now decided to just tomb stone every game. Honestly way better and with that much cash off the start I don’t have anything to worry about


That’s not always the case, I just played and my character was at 323. (For like the 20th time). In the middle of the game, I want to say 15 minutes in and like 3 contracts done.. BOOM I got that pop up saying containment level 2 … I couldn’t believe it.. when we exfil I saw it no longer had a large bag, purple mask, basically EVERYTHING… I’m just tired of having to go into it and grind grind grind and it knocks you down… it’s so annoying..
So it pooping up at first is not always the case… unfortunately 😞 with all the updates they do they still can’t fix something so simple..


I've just gone from 550 to 9 for no apparent reason! PAIN! going to have to try this out, thanks Doughnuts 👍




I recommend turning on telemetry for ping/latency/packetloss etc. It’ll tell you right away as soon as you get in if your lobby is laggy or not, both through the ping count and the packet loss messages. If I get into a really laggy lobby I just wait and exfil as soon as it spawns.


Man so piss just did successful exhil with 50 containment levels an got back it was reset to level 7. From now on only doing things that help me get things i need for story missions


This game is such garbage. All the money we pay, and nothing functions properly. 👎🏼


I’m so happy to see this. My containment level reset last week. I was so confused and upset since I literally had just maxed it out on that character. Thank you for the help


Bro my containment level were reset 4 times (maybe 5) in the last 3 weeks, I wish I knew this before, so thanks! But then again, we shouldn't have to rely on this "fixes", ya know?


The problem I have is someone is a 6 man team decides to do his own thing and camo grind in exvile point causing the whole team to lose their containment points. Trying to get the other 5 together to leave the group and rejoin in Red gets difficult when not everyone speaks English or not on mikes, we should be able to vote to kick someone out as a majority


I had this happen tonight. Went from level 168 down to 9 after exfil. Tried this way to fix it 3 times and it didn't work. I'm now stuck at level 9, thanks COD.


What a gorgeous advice! I wasn’t aware that this is possible and always stuck to packet loss games trying my best to manage that. Next time I‘m smarter. 😃 Thank you!


dumbest problem ever to MWZ, hope they are fixing this as going into 1k and this happened will be annoying to get back up (any rank past 100 is annoying again)


Man I’ve had some BS go on with containment AND rucksack contents. I had my byline/shimo at 850+ after an elder dark aether 2x blades and 1x plate earned; I logged in and in the lobby containment was 0 and my rucksack was completely empty. I had those 3 items plus 2 legendary wrench’s a flawless or maybe 2 mag of holding all the top stuff.

I don’t enter or keep perks ammo mods or crap like that in my inventory or sack. It’s all epic or leg wrench’s flawless or rarely refined aetherium and old DE items+ mags of holding.


If you notice that when you try to pack a punch, the discounts are not being applied, or when you try to buy a perk and there are no discounts, go to the exfil site and do not exfil but once the helicopter comes and leaves then you'll see what your containment level is (just so you know) but still you then need to go to the bad signal mission portal and activate it, as soon as you get inside the teleporting tunnel screen, close the game and you should keep your containment level


It amazes me that we’re in the future.. yet these major triple A companies end up taking leaps back in real innovation


Many thanks, this works perfectly on PC. I was constantly being reset to zero, not the end of the world but why do they introduce things that simply don't work and then do nothing about it, such a shame that they can't be bothered to sort this annoying glitch but using your technique offers a very viable workaround. Thank you.
