Should You STILL Have A Main? (Smash Ultimate)

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A video on how I chose my main in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

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I've been following this series for a while, stuck in a limbo where I can't decide on a main for more than a couple weeks. This episode has finally made me feel better, knowing a main isn't a requirement for a smash player. Thank you so much Red.


On god I wanted to cry this was so inspirational


The tier list part is SO TRUE they don't do squat since it's all opinions. And also I play dk and just have fun even more so than when I played k rool and I think why is because I just gave up on try hardering and just have fun.


Smash really is the only competitive game in which I struggle to find my main.
"Who do you main in MK11 ?" Jade.
"Who do you main in SoulCalibur VI ?" Ivy.
"Who do you main in SSBU ?" Technically Lucas, but I haven't played him in months, and I'm really into Bayo and Reflet lately. Also I love playing Hero, and Sephiroth, and Sheik, and Zelda...


Since smash 4 (my first smash), I've been maining Marth. However, when I switched to ultimate, I started to struggle with its playstyle, and I kinda stopped having fun. I was too stubborn to switch mains, so I stopped playing for a while. Recently, I had the brilliant idea to try out Roy, and I started enjoying again. He's similar to Marth, so I didn't have to learn a new character from the beginning, but his playstyle is funnier and waaaay easier.
Switching main enabled me to enjoy the game again. If you're under a similar situation and you're as stubborn as I was, try out new characters. I'm sure you'll find a new main, you just have to search for it :)


Finally, a youtuber with a similar brain!
I just use whoever i feel like that day, even if the switch is as different going from mario to sora


I'm a Joker main ever since he first got added. Not the best but I have fun with him. When the game first came out I picked up Inkling since when I played her as a rushdown I loved how she worked. Then when Joker came I loved playing with him as a rushdown now. He fits perfectly on how I play. Neutral B for approach and retreat, Side B for dmg over time, Down B to counter friends who edge guard with a Smash attack. And I love tether recoveries


BRO YOU SHOULD BE A INFLUENCER LIKE SHEESH WHAT ARE THESE QUOTES also my mains or terry, kazuya, and byleth


The point of not having to go competitive is something that I feel is really overlooked by a lot of people, and I'm really glad you brought it up. However, on the topic of tier lists, I think that if you're playing at the very top level (not just for fun, or at locals or even regionals) then tier lists do matter, because some characters just can't preform at the same level that others can. For example, ganondorf isn't ever going to be close how oppressive and slippery as joker is. Again, I'm only saying this for top level, which an incredibly small fraction of the playerbase has reached, and that's because the skill level of players there is so close that how good a character is actually matters, unlike how if you're just playing friendlies, or in a local, where the players likely aren't at a level where how good a character is matters. Sorry for the wall of text, and the video was really enjoyable, it was interesting to hear about your experiences with finding a main, great content, as always.


What is also a really cool thing to try oout as a backpack character is to choose someone who makes your opponent feel fastly different from your actual main. Some pro players in other FGCs did that and one of the most notable one is NuckleDu who uses R.Mika (a grappler) and Guile (a zoner) to make the opponent feel fear or anger respectivly.


I respect everything you said it’s all very true I play to have fun and one day maybe I’ll enter tournaments but I’m ok with losing cause it gives me insight on how to improve my main is captain falcon because he just clicks for me I love his speed and combo potential but also his edge guarding if done right it’s killer I’m not saying I’m good but I’m decent enough to beat a top 24 player in my state but my goal is to have fun and make friends along the way not just win


I was a samus main for a long time. I then switched to k rool because I started to become bored of samus. I then realised that even though I was good at both of these characters, I didnt have fun while playing them so now…

Proud byleth main here


Technically it took me -2 months to find a main because I decided to main shulk about 2 months before I even got the game and then I did get the game and loved him even more!


My goal has always been to be able to compete with my brother. I'm fine with not being the best or winning a lot of matches, I just want to be able to fight him well and have fun with him.


Shulk forever. I LOVE versatility. And shulk has that in spades.


I still go with Pikachu most of the time, but I am giving fighters opportunities more than I normally would do so.


I’ve had a long list of mains that I won’t get, but I’ve been playing smash ultimate since it’s release and not until recently have I’ve finally been able to deduce my locks for a main down to 3 yeah ik no took me like 3 years but that for reasons one the OG roaster for ultimate was weird no Character I used clicked or felt fun to use but ever since the dlcs that changed, as of recently about 2 weeks ago I was able to bring my picks for a main down to 3 characters joker, hero, byleth now joker is a character I tried to main before but stuff happend I just stopped but I realized how much fun he was to play and I was actually starting to win more, as for hero we was a Radom i some him on the roster and played with and I instantly clicked with I love how unique he is, for byleth it’s different i never ever would consider her a main or a character I play in general but here we are so now I need to pick between these 3 and obviously once I pick a main the other 2 will become secondary’s and tertiary because I can’t just drop them.


No matter what character I chose I still lose


My main is the ultra instinct version of everyone. I switch entirely to spot dodge, dodge roll, parry, ledge invincibility, jam mechanic, placement of all players, attacks being dealt. I've practiced on team smash and free for all so much, I can dodge three people at once. I don't camp, I'm in the center of the stage. Its all dedicated to goku


I only main dedede because he is my favorite character in kirby and i started enjoying it. Plus he has the best crouch
