How To Advance Racial Justice

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Hear from ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero and ACLU leaders from across the country. They will do a deep dive on civil liberties and the new Biden administration as well as introduce our Systemic Equality agenda – a multi-year racial justice agenda, which builds off our past century of work and seeks to address America’s legacy of racism and systemic discrimination.

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Fight for Systemic Equality – Join People Power:


We have to do more when it comes to all of the injustices that still exist in this country. There has been so many people that have sacrificed their lives and we’re still fighting for the same issues from 100 years ago.


I'm from ALABAMA. The state of Hate. My biracial family moved to Oregon in 2010 so our mixed child would have a chance at a good education and life. Best move we ever made. I was born into a very RACIST family. Hate is a choice we make. I was raised with the N word reg. And was TAUGHT not to mix. My black friends weren't allowed over. My family and I would have fights because I never could wrap my head around hating someone for the color of THIER skin. I haven't spoke to my family in 13 years. Believe me when I say HATE is your choice. If I can chose LOVE coming from Hate there is no excuse for anyone.


I hope this is being recorded. I would like to share it with some like-minded friends who would be interested. It is fabulous!


@Tiffiney McClellen I'm from ALABAMA too and you're right, it is a choice, and it's taught from one generation to the next. I was raised slightly different; I was taught that hate towards anyone was wrong and wasn't allowed to use the N word. At the same time, the segregation was obvious, in neighborhoods, churches and somewhat at school. School is where I made friends with kids who weren't white, and some of the most awesome teachers I had were black. I can't imagine how dull life would be without having known any if them. I also can't imagine what it must feel like to walk around every day with hate in my heart, or understand the point, or see what good has ever come from it.


I can't volunteer but I am a member. Hispanic and the LULAC doesn't do anything for Hispanics. So I joined ACLU. They are respected and they are powerful. We need more people to join.


I am concerned about family separation but the systemic racism in our country is so much more. Are we focusing on family separation because it's more solvable than the historic, systemic racism in schools, communities, hospitals, housing, etc.?


Hell yeah! I had no idea how much the ACLU does! I'm in! Sign me up to volunteer!
Thanks for a great, engaging presentation.👍


Thank you for an inspiring and engaging town hall! I moved to the US from Italy 10 years ago and for a long time I haven't felt like there was much I could do to contribute to the betterment of this society on a concrete level (can't vote cause not a citizen yet, was even afraid of going to a protest for fear of getting arrested and subsequently losing my VISA...). It also took me a while, as a white woman coming from Europe, to grasp the depth of systemic racism in the US. Now I feel like I can really start contributing by volunteering my time, and help great people like you to do the work that needs to be done in order to ensure Systemic Equality to all! I registered for both the People Power movement as well as the Systemic Equality agenda and I look forward to the next steps! I know I have a lot to learn and I can't wait to start! GRAZIE!! <3


You're welcome from Indiana. Appreciate everything you done doing and going to do.👏🏾👏🏾


The individual is the smallest minority. Qualified immunity has to go for judges, politicians and police.


Could we just change the labeling. "Defund" is inflammatory and I don't think it's accurate. "Reallocation" makes more sense.


Please investigate where the UNCF funds are being directed. The fund is top heavy and the students are not getting the full benefits of folks donations is my understanding. My info comes from the UNCF public financial records as a 5013C business.


I think that Anthony Romero is pretty fabulous.


Thank you for the inspiration. The past for years have left me emotionally hungover. I am honored to support the incredible you work y'all do.


Be careful, Anthony, to not talk over others. I know you’re super excited (and possibly anxious about dead air?) but be careful to let your folks speak out. Great presentation, by the way. THANKS!


I'm a victim of the judicial system in Tennessee so called Bible Belt. I'm gay and attempts have been made on my life and even been put in prison for living my lifestyle the way I had. Please help me I have proof. Please tell me who will listen and help me I'm actually dying and I don't want to die without the truth being told.... please In God's name help me


Hope I hear something on civil rights for those incarcerated.


Absolute excellence.




I'm just curious if that's the case then why have I reposted this to your organization that keeps asking me for money but I said the same thing where I was targeted discriminate against totally illegal cops are not allowed to shoot you with a taser for no reason cuz you walk away and you don't address me. Is it because you discriminate against me cuz I'm the wrong complexion?

Their concerned about non citizens. I'm not only a citizen but a Veteran, yet I cannot get justice here:

I was Illegally Shot with a Taser, Aggravated Assault, Fourth amendment Violation, Bloomingrove PA State Troopers that committed theft, false arrest, false imprisonment. Illegally held in jail on bogus charges "that were proven false last year" . All initial Probable Cause Charges were proven false, therefore all charges stemming from it must be dismissed by Law Mandate, which is not the case here. They Held Me in the county jail until My Nephew had posted My Bail. A $30, 000 bond. While My Mother went on hospice and died Feb 15-March20, 2019 died while I was illegally arrested and held all in a violation of both State and Our Constitutional Law Mandates.

This is My actual written statement of part of what actually happened not all of it. I have to discuss with the lawyer first whether I should put the rest, as their kind of in trouble between the video and this their  just in so much trouble. All contrary to the Law.

The cops are caught dead wrong on video and also transcript minutes that follow below at the factual testimony on the transcript of the Preliminary Hearing held on the date of: Tuesday 

14 January 20, beginning at 12pm. Hearing held before the then District Justice Paul Menditto, 213 Silver Lake Road,

Demons Ferry, in Pennsylvania
