How the Trip to Mars has Changed Us: Adam Steltzner at TEDxSanJoseCAWomen

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Adam, also known as Mr. Mars, is a NASA engineer leading the Entry, Descent and Landing team for the Mars Rover, Curiosity. After a brief career in rock and roll, Adam graduated from Cal Tech and promptly joined the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab where his eyes have been focused on Mars ever since. Adam has the insiders view of one of the most amazing space explorations feats in the history of humankind.

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He also brought back the idea of the airbag landing system for spirit and opportunity


What I want to know mostly is..why John Cline was not credited for the sky crane idea that he brought back to nasa (jpl) back in 1990 !


If only mainstream news reported this guy's press conference Q&A session.. everyone would start questioning how NASA got to Mars with this "senior engineer".


Wow, what prompted the flat earth society to raid this video? I know you don't understand basic physics, but why this video in particular?


We need to build a permanent base on the moon, then we can go to Mars.


The earth is FLAT and Mars is a star! Wake up!


Chuck Todd mentions Washington Capitals on Meet The Press.


The funniest part of the whole "mission to Mars" is the unnecessarily ridiculously complex landing sequence with jets switching to thunderbirds switching to elevator cables sky crane transformer floating flight deck platform ... when a simple parachute would have sufficed for the entire thing. Any good engineer would tell you that whole dramatic LOL sequence was completely extraneous and insane. The super acceleration stopped at the last minute by jets ... utter tripe. Three chutes would have done it and be more reliable.

The truth is the masons want to direct your attention to fantasy fun fiction in the sky while their crimes against mankind grow every more horrific down here.


OK people, listen... Enough is enough. What's next, they get Papi from Beverly Hills Chihuahuas to be the commander of a mission to Venus? I mean seriously folks. I agree, the television programming has turned most people who still watch it to mush, but others are waking up. This guy was a drop out playing bass in a terrible band, and then 15 years later he's a PHD rocket scientist running missions to other planets?

The only people who actually believe this shit are basically religious fanatics. I'm not talking about Bible type folk. I'm talking about people who've adopted fake science as their religion, and will believe ANYTHING these people tell them.

Would you pay this guy a reasonable salary to run anything of any importance? Listen to the CEO of any company speak about what they do...about the details...this guy has no answers for questions a guy in his position should know cold.

These people are pulling a huge ass scam on all of us.


lol didn't know flat earthers are flooding the internet


how where they able to show an animated feed of the landing in real time with everyone watching around the usa, did they know its all going to go easily and land with no problems, yet they show you a mock up video of it landing even before its actually imaginary landed, whos kidding who, what an absolute joke this gang are, i thought the apollo missions where bad enough now you have a bar drinking musician leading the jet propulsion team landing on mars, haha


He is an inspiring talker but he is no scientist.


This guy is just a NASA actor, he never knows how to answer anything he's asked, he's just an actor!! And Americans paying billions and billions for CGI movies of the Mars landing.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


how did Li'l Abner get such an important position?
this is a sick joke, they are laughing at the masses.
