Touchless Life Helper / MAKE a simple tool to avoid touching things in the outside world / Covid Key

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A simple metal working project that can assist you when you NEED to get out and don't want to touch things like door handles, ATM screens, Debit machines...etc...

COVID19 is all over the world and we don't know when it's going to be 100% safe to go out in public! Best advise is Social Distancing and stay home if you can!

Fits nicely in your pocket or key chain. Some people call it a Covid Key.
Since it's made out of metal, it works on touch screens like smart phones, tablets, newer ATM screens.

Made from: 1/8" Aluminum plate
Only tools you need: Drill, drill bits, hack saw, metal files, some 600grit wet/dry sand paper and some steel wool.
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wanted to be the first to like it. good job. Thinking in todays world


Should have used brass or copper.. the real antimicrobial MVPs..
