The Day I Auditioned For Jamiroquai - And What Went Wrong!

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Jamiroquai at the time was one of the biggest bands on the planet, I had just been in a band that had lost its record deal, I was doing quite well doing session work, but guess who my favorite band was? you guessed it, Jamiroquai! In this video, I talk about my audition, what went wrong and what I could have done better. The Studio Rats are core band members Paul Drew on guitar/production/mixing, drummer James Ivey and Dan Hawkins on bass. They collaborate with singers and musicians to produce radio-ready songs.
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I met Toby Smith and the rest of the band a few times back in the 90s. They were all great guys, but Jay Kay was very much the boss: fair play every ship needs a captain. He's a complex character I think. He had beautiful women throwing themselves at him backstage. Anyway glad you didn't give up, and remember everything happens for a reason. Love the Fender Rhodes you've got their too, I had one myself in the 90s.


Great story - and very humble of you to share it!!


Sending positive vibrations to you brother ! 😃 👍🏼 The best place to be, is where you are now🙏🏼 Peace and love,
Stu 👍🏼


So refreshing to hear real stories, from real people! Failure happens and it's all good. Share some more, this is great material. Cheers.


From what I hear, back in 98 he was a bit of an arse. He’s a lovely guy now, I live locally to him and he’s chatty, friendly and humble. I think marriage and fatherhood has mellowed him.


You played with jamiroquai, that's it. Just for that you should feel like a winner. Nice story


That’s a great story. Many years ago I had to travel across the desert from Egypt into Israel in armed convoy travelling at a set speed with Pre agreed stops. It took 13 hours and all I had was my Sony disc player and ‘Funk Odyssey’. I learned to love Jamiroquai on that trip! Amazing band.


You dodged a bullet man. Could be a broken man today with some big stadium stories. If he treats you like shit at his house whilst trying to find a new guitarist, imagine on tour… yet here you are nice and humble and able to smile about it. So the way I see it, you did good.


Great story...we all have those moments...part of being human. Cheers.


Wow I just stumbled onto this video. What a story! Around that time they toured Australia, where I live, and the percussionist and drummer were doing a rhythm workshop at a small jazz venue the morning after one of their shows. It was a great session. But as the workshop was finishing, I noticed a guitarist walk in, then a bassist, then a backing vocalist and then the keyboardist. Before we knew it we had all of the Jamiroquai musicians giving us a free 45 mins jam session/concert. What amazed me was the gear, or lack of gear. I dont even think the guitarists had a pedal board, the keyboardist was just playing the grand piano from the venue. And they sounded AMAZING!!! They were so not precious about the gear or sounds, but they still kicked a$$. And no Jay Kay wasnt there. They kept joking its so much more fun playing without "dancing prancing boy!" lol


Very interesting - yes, I'd like to hear some more stories! I have to say that I think it was churlish of Kay not to be pleasant on your entering, it would have been just common courtesy to greet nervous auditionees so they settled in and gave of their best. As you said, it all turned out for the best. He failed the audition to be the lead singer of The Brand New Heavies and went on to better things...


More please. Stories are a great way to pass on experience and learning to many. Love it!


This must have been nerve wrecking. I got nervous just by listening to your story. 😵 I am sure most pros have stories like this. ID love to hear more😃


Great insight and very honest - thank you very much for sharing 🙏


Great story, Paul - lessons for us all there. Plus - as you said - when one door closes, another one opens.


Being auditioned for one of the greatest band that ever existed must be hard, dude. Glad you didn't gave up... and you surely did a good job


these lessons of life as a musician are priceless. i've only ever been a cover band guitarist and auditioned guys for a second guitarist in our band. we never play songs exactly like the albums, and i love someone who listens and finds their spot in the song and plays with the band. opening up for some creative playing. i look for ways i can play less to mean more and give room to others. unfortunately, i can't read music and only play by ear, but i feel it works well for cover band work.


Lesson for life right there...dont over-think it. Great story Paul 🎸


Great story, even though it didn't go as you wanted. Would absolutely like to hear stories like these. Jamiroquai was also one of my favorites. Really like the way they use the instruments and rhythm in their songs.


What an epic story. I would have done exactly the same, obsessed over tone and played the parts to the point of exhaustion. On another day for another band might have got you the gig. Thanks for sharing
