What is a 'Mere Christian'?

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May the Lord bless you from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! i really love listening to these episodes!


You’re doing such a terrific job Jordan. Just finished the comparison trap devotional. What a blessing. May God continue to develop your giftings and expand your territory. 🙏🏿


Ephesians 5:25-21 teaches us about consistency in our christian lives. As a paraprofessional- I have been an assistant for several special education teachers. I've seen how consistency helps the kids and the adults with whom I work. It's a difficult job but it's important for christians to be in these jobs. I thank God for the lessons I've learned from the kids and adults through God's leading.


I am a mental, health and wellness advocate and have came out of fasting for repentance and forgiveness for myself and the city I have moved to. I am grounded in faith that through my testimony, partnerships and collaborations I will see change in our community.


Hey Jordan. I love this thought. As a kid, I had a sense God wanted to use me "for ministry." I had no idea what that meant, but I just kept taking the next step forward. Fast forward 30 years--I'm a writer and content strategist who helps other people multiply the impact and reach of their messages. This is both thrilling and humbling. Thrilling because the books I write and courses I develop have the potential to reach people I'll never meet. Humbling, because although I've written books for some big names, it's not my name on the cover. I'm fine with that though, because I'm a "mere Christian" doing what God's called and equipped me to do. Thanks for the encouragement brother!


Appreciate this clarification Jordan! Absolutely love it - I am proudly a “Mere Christian.” I’m a former songwriter/producer for tv shows/films and now I’m building an online business teaching fellow song-makers how to improve their craft. This business has just turned profitable, but still in its humble beginnings, so I’m rocking a day job until the day to “jump” comes. Called to Create freed me to lean into the entrepreneurial wiring God gave me, and RYT equipped me with the tactical ways to balance faith and family while working to eat (day job) and sowing to reap (side biz). Pumped to be here - God bless!


Hi Jordan, I work as a software developer and based in Cape Town South Africa.I got introduced to your work via a plan in the Bible app.I think it was on time management, I then read your book also on time management.Very insightful.I also find your devotionals very helpful.Please keep up the good work and stay blessed


I’m a firefighter/paramedic. It’s the gift God gave me. To be a healer and a protector. The Gospel should be shaping me more. It does in my care of my patients, but not so much in the house with the guys. Being immersed in the worlds muck and mire is physically and mentally draining. But I know He keeps me going


I’m an elementary music teacher in Texas; I have been for 22 years now. I’ve been encouraged and inspired by your work since “Called to Create”, as I strive to multiply the gifts God has given me as not only an educator, but also as a singer, songwriter, musician, music producer and arranger, and recording artist. God has used you to help me exist the way that He has wired me to exist for His glory…thank you! 😊❤


Excellent concept, my friend…and it is not only consistent with who I know you to be, but it also keeps you moving forward in your calling by keeping us moving forward in our callings! A very Ephesians 2:10 concept, I might add. I’m a university researcher and professor who studies injuries in performing artists, especially stunt performers and dancers. I also toil at trying to get the same “work as ministry” idea across to healthcare professionals. Thank you for your always right-on-time encouragements!


Hi Jordan! I am so grateful for your work. Thank you for your faithfulness in sharing the Gospel in these spaces. The Lord used "Redeeming Your Time" in such a big way in my life. I am a mom of 2 boys, and I have spent years serving different nonprofit organizations as a development professional. Recently, I have started a community engagement marketing company where we are trying to change the game for working parents and help small businesses and nonprofits in our rural Alabama community connect with the changes they want to see in the world. Thank you for the resources and encouragement you share to help us in that work!


I am from Africa and lives in the United States. I travel back home every year. Though I have a home church, I have been led by my Christian values to pay school fees, hospital bills, buy medication, clothes, and other necessities for people in need. As Christians, we don't have to belong to a church or organization, we can serve as Jesus commended us to
Love our neighbors as ourselves.
Thank you and God bless.


Thanks Jordan. Love to be called 'Mere Christian" in that context.


So good.
Jordan, I’ll be real and simply say, I’m not sure.
Do I do good things for the Lord at the expense of the best? Always the question.
I’ve loved this Word since becoming a ‘mere Christian.’:
To live is Christ; to die is gain.
I lived in the part B of this equation, but have only in the last year said, ok, LORD, what is it “to live as Christ?”
So. This is what this mere Christian is asking and seeking.
Thanks so much for your many encouraging books and podcasts. I’m sure somewhere in your 200th+ episodes, you’ve tackled this. I’ll go track it down.


Hi Jordan, I have one of your books and I've done your devotionals on YouVersion. They have helped me a lot in my walk. But might I say, I'm a mere Christian too and I'm also a vocational pastor in that full-time ministry you were talking about. But we are simple followers of Jesus as well and I appreciate your content as much as someone who's not in some kind of quote unquote full-time ministry. Because all believers are called to full-time being mere Christians and the great commission. So just know not to leave us out either those of us who are in that lane of life, vocational ministry. We appreciate your work as much as the next guy or girl.


Jordon, I am in my last days as a public school special education teacher. I will retire and probably become more entrepreneur… I am encouraged by your emails. Thank you!
I have watched God doing beautiful things this year in my classroom. Also hopefully he has used me to plant seeds in the lives of my unbelieving coworkers…


I'm an author, and everything I write (15+ books) is rooted in my faith and everyday experience. For instance, I have five books for caregivers, a book on self-talk, another on trauma recovery, several devotionals written to different audiences, biblical fiction and contemporary fiction, etc. My sole purpose is to introduce people to Jesus and help them find hope and purpose in Him.


Hey Jordan, I'm from Brazil! I really like your teachings. You could activate the translator of your videos. I don't know I speak English. Thanks


I'm a production assistant trying to get co workers and supervisor and manager saved by my work style pray that will be saved
