A Day in the Life After Quitting my Job at The Futur

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0:00 – 👨🏻💻 Why I Quit my Job

0:34 – 🌤 How I start my day

1:35 – 💪🏽 Workout
Some of my favorite workout channels @OFFICIALTHENXSTUDIOS @BullyJuice @calimove @FitnessFAQs

1:48 – 🛠 Projects
Follow more of my home projects:

2:31 – 🍽 Lunch

2:55 – 📚 Learning
Follow me on Clubhouse @matthewencina
*This portion of the video was sponsored by Skillshare

4:02 – 🎮 Unwind

4:38 – 🍽 Dinner

4:59 – 🛌 Sleep

5:04 – 🌅 What's next?
I don't have a clear idea of what's next, and to be honest, I'm in no rush. I just want to find stillness, so I can hear my creative voice again.
Luckily, because I’ve been diligently saving money, building additional revenue streams, and have been keeping my expenses to a minimum, it’s allowed me to take time off, and not worry too much about money for a while. I know that’s an extreme privilege to have, and I am very grateful for that. 🙏

Where I’ll end up, I’m unsure of, but for now, I’m making space to find out.

*If you're reading this, drop me a coffee emoji ☕️ in the comments*

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Hello. I'm Matthew Encina. I’m a Filipino-American. Born and raised in LA. I studied Graphic Design at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. I've been a creative professional for over 15 years directing, designing, and animating for some pretty awesome clients. I love to rock climb, breakdance, train in combat sports, play video games, drink coffee, and nerd out on video games and comic books.

You can find me on many platforms:


Some of the products featured here were provided to me.

#Dayinthelife #ModMusings #Sponsored
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I wanted to acknowledge that I have an extreme privilege to quit my job, and I don't mean to be insensitive to anyone struggling right now. I've worked hard for the last 15 years– diligently saving, diversifying income, and keeping expenses to a minimum. This has afforded me the opportunity to pause and take a short break while I figure things out. A privilege I am extremely grateful for. Thanks, everyone for the outpouring of support! 🙏 I appreciate you all. Don't forget to check out the description, I'll be updating it with links and resources based on the questions you've asked me here in the comments. ☕️


Hey man! Fantastic work with this video, you did a wonderful job - and thank you so much for plugging my course!!


Man, Futur ain't gonna be the same without you. Good luck, kapatid! I know you got this! Let's go Youtube!


"creative expression without the pressure of any expectations" hits hard. it's refreshing to see you do your own thing, brother!


this guy has like the best work ethic i’ve ever scene


Hey Matthew, you're such an inspiration. Last year I did exactly the same thing - quit my job when I realised I wasn't growing anymore. I decided to give myself the time I needed to figure out what I wanted to do. This changed when the pandemic hit. I started working again as many people were losing their jobs and I became fearful that it was not the right time to take a break not knowing where the world was going and if jobs would be available during this unknown amount of time. Those 2 months were the happiest I had been in years, I was able to do similar things (DIY, woodworking, self improvement and doing things I had been putting off due to working all the time) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If it could be done again, I would allow myself more time before jumping back into work. That time was invaluable.


You just proved this statement
"Quitting a job doesn't mean sitting jobless".
You're still productive.... and always a source of motivation and inspiration for me. You are one of my role model....


I feel like this is a honest representation of your day. That's really cool !


Miss you "around the office", but your life sounds pretty fulfilling right now. Looking forward to seeing what happens for you next.


I am writing this before watching the video.

I am so happy for you Matthew!

I think you have SOOOO much to share, offer and grow now that you are on your own!

Wish you lots of success!


Just wanted to let you know you have really inspired me to become more intentional with my time. The video that set it off talked about taking breaks between focused work sprints to recharge. Then your recommendation about notion has been a game changer for me. I run three businesses and am constantly forgetting things and not prioritizing the right things. By changing habits and using better tools I have been able to live a better quality of work life. Thanks so much!


so glad you're dedicating more time to this channel ... here before 1 million!


This is one of my favorite videos. I usually watch it when I need inspiration and remember the motivation to organice my day and start fresh the next day. Hope to follow you up in your next adventure. Greetings from Mexico City.


I’m here since you have only 2 videos the starting of this channel, I appreciate your content its far away and keeps improving. I love your content I learn a lot, after of years in my career I found out it was happy to be balance than career only thanks to your video your a day in the life I was inspired how I organize my day, goodluck to your career there will be plenty of opportunity that waiting for you. 👊🏻


I am just very excited for upcoming content🙏🏾


Hey Matthew! Good for you for making that change, as hard as it is. It's really admirable when people know when to "not". Hope your days, no matter how mundane (sometimes those are the best of days), are fruitful and I look forward to watching what happens next.


Something I really appreciate about this "day in the life" is it's simple and more likely than not, accurate. I see a lot of videos where creators jam pack their day, thinking that's what we want. no! we want an honest peak into your life! thank you thank you!


Congrats on your promotion to freedom! Love the way you start your day - I find when I start my days in a similar fashion to you (either journaling or meditating) it definitely helps set the right tone for the rest of the day. Love the peace and calm you have in your home!


"No alarms. My body just wakes up when it's ready." Cheers, Matthew! ☕☕☕


"(Cold brew coffee, not whiskey)" :D :D that would be funny if Matthew would stop the day in the middle to drink. Great content and your discipline is inspiring Matthew. Can't wait for the next videos
