Smetana: Vltava (The Moldau) - Stunning Performance

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Gimnazija Kranj Great Christmas Concert 2015 - Slavic Night. Gimnazija Kranj Symphony Orchestra performed Bedřich Smetana symphonic poem: Moldau from a symphonyic poem set: Má vlast (My homeland). Concert was sold out in record time of two days (1500 seats, Gallus Hall, Cankarjev dom, Slovenia). Our kids played stunningly and set a new standard of playing and performing. This is first real film based best Moldau performance on youtube. Conductor: maestro Nejc Bečan; concert master: Nejc Avbelj; flutes: Aleksandra Pleterski and Anja Kišek; sound design: Mitja Krže; head of production: Grega Jeraša; sound mastering: Iztok Zupan (Klopotec production); concert and film director: Primož Zevnik

Dedicated to: Živa Pisk (daugther of my dearest friend, poet and translator Klemen Pisk), born in January 2017, Brno, Czech Republic

VPK crew: Video asistenti: Domen Rakef, Jan Ješe; Avdio asistent:Daniel Grintal; Snemalci: Lojze Zlodi, Gregor Pregrad, Bojan Žalec, Robert Gaber, Boštjan Župevc, SOG, PT, CM; Kran operater: Matej Zagorc; Tonski mojster: Grega Zupan; Tehnični vodja: Admir Budimlić Mešalec slike: Flo Skubic; Izvršni producent: Sven Oliver Godec

Scenography: Jernej Kejžar

Gimnazija Kranj film Crew: Juš Hrastnik, Aljaž Lavtižar, Aljaž Repnik, Mark Jarc, Jaša Krč

MOPS crew: Marjan Cerar

Klopotec Crew: Iztok Zupan

Gimnazija Kranj Symphony Orchestra:

Concert master: Nejc Avbelj
Orchestra Operational Manager: Dan Ažman

FLAVTE (FLUTES): Aleksandra Pleterski, Katja Stanovšek, Zarja Hude, Neža Čadež, Manca Teran, Pia Krumpestar, Katjuša Rupnik, Anja Kišek; PIKOLO (PICCOLO) Manca Rozman; OBOE: Pavli Kac Ana Stoshitzky; KLARINETI (CLARINETS): Nadja Drakslar, Uroš Gorenc, Drejc Flajnik, Domen Kos; BAS KLARINET (BASE CLARINET): Jan Šifrer; FAGOTI (BASOONS): Arpad Balazs Piri, Miha Petkovšek; ROGOVI (FRENCH HORNS): Žiga Cesar, Marko Pirc, Miha Lončar, Klever Felicio; TROBENTE: Aleš Klančar, Anžej Remšak, Marko Novak; POZAVNE: Domen Gantar, Žan Škrjanec, Filip Istenič; EVFONIJ: Nina Tajč; TUBA: Tilen Oblak; TOLKALA: Dan Ažman Pistotnik, Domen Blaznik, Vid Ušeničnik, Miha Ogris: KLAVIR (PIANO): Monika Podlogar, Rok Zupanc, Katja Jerič, Ana Maria Beguš; VIOLINE 1 (FIRST VIOLINS): Nejc Avbelj, Neža Capuder, Peter Jud, Oskar Longyka, Klavdija Jarc Bezlaj, Mojca Batič, Ajda Porenta, Dora Rakar, Tina Zajec, Neža Piry, Katarina Miklavčič, Evita Oberžan, Domen Lorenz; VIOLINE 2 (SECOND VIOLINS): Uroš Bičanin, Matija Udovič, Tjaša Gorjanc, Nina Pečar, Klara Gruden, Daniel Perez Tujillo, Laura Bartelj, Tonka Pogačnik, Eva Dukarič, Ana Marija Lazari, Vivijana Rogina; VIOLE (VIOLAS): Špela Pirnat, Neža Papler, Anuša Plesničar, Vanja Kojić, Jurij Gracej, Neža Sečnik, Hana Lavrinc, Anita Gnamuš, Urša Žun, Martin Kokošinek; VIOLONČELA (CELLOS): Urh Mrak, Arslan Hamidulin, Lucija Rupert, Alenka Piotrowicz, Katarina Kozjek, Nika Vremšak, Klara Pahor, Katarina Minatti, Ana Zupan; KONTRABASI (DOUBLE BASSES): Grega Rus, Todor Markovič, Andrej Kašič, Gašper Livk, Joana Gonzales Subira, Arthur Piotrowicz; HARFA (HARPS): Urša Rihtaršič Ajda Krišelj; SAKSOFONI (SAXOFONES): Gal Grobovšek, Urša Uršič, Manca Krivec; BAS KITARA/KITARA (BASS GUITAR / GUITAR): Luka Štibelj, Urh Zupan, Rok Klančar, Karim Zajec; HARMONIKA (ACCORDEON): Ana Lombar

Veliki božični koncert Gimnazije Kranj 2015 - Slovanski večer.
Veliki simfonični orkester Gimnazije Kranj je brilijanto izvedel simfonično pesnitev: Vltava Bedřicha Smetane iz cikla Moja domovina (Má vlast). Mladi glasbeniki so izvedli to skladbo v Gallusovi dvorani Cankarjevega doma v razprodani dvorani. S to interpretacijo se je gotovo zapisal v zgodovino najboljših izvedb tega dela vseh časov. Dirigent: Nejc Bečan, koncertni mojster: Nejc Avbelj; vodja produkcije: Grega Jeraša, tonski mojster: Mitja Krže; mastering: Iztok Zupan; režiser: Primož Zevnik
Рекомендации по теме

I am a native Czech. Every time I hear this song. My soul is clenched, with national pride.
And so to all of you. I am sending greetings from my homeland. Old Czechs.


I've been thinking this morning, despite everything else that's going on, aren't we lucky to be able to listen to pretty well any music we like, at the click of a mouse?


0:00 The warm spring (flutes): the source of the Vltava.
0:29 The cold spring (clarinets): the two brooks meet and form the Vltava.
1:11 Vltava: the main theme.
3:15 Hunters' horns: the river passes through a forest hunt.
4:10 Polka: a village wedding dance by the river.
5:49 Rusalka: beautiful water nymphs in old Czech legends, bathing in the river by the moonlight amid the ruins of ancient castles. Muted strings, flutes, harps and horns. Calm yet mysterious.
9:04 Return to the main theme
10:03 Our river enters the raging St. John Rapids. Stormy and turbulent.
11:19 Main theme recap. Having cleared the rapids, now in a bright and cheerful major key.
11:45 Vyšehrad theme: the Vltava salutes the great castle, seat of the Czech nation. Cymbals. Goosebumps.
12:41 The music slowly fades away as our river says farewell and flows on into the distance, as it always has since time immemorial.

Truly one of the most evocative pieces of music ever written.


When I hear this song....I close my eyes and can see this River....Goosebumps all over my body and tears in my eyes...


Did anyone else physically get goosebumps when that melody came in? I hope you are all doing ok in these strange times


For those who didn't know Smetana wrote this while he was completely deaf. One of the few things that makes me proud to be Czech. History is the only thing we have at the moment.


My dad showed me this song when I was very young. It has always been my favorite classical piece. I’m now a multi-instrumentalist and singer with a deep passion for music thanks to him. He died last august and when that melody hit I just burst into tears. I’m happy that he gave me 37 years and my biggest passion in life: music.


This was one of my late wife's favourite pieces. I had it played at her funeral and, even though she died over a year ago, this tune destroys me every time I hear it. God bless her.


"The composition describes the course of the Vltava, starting from the two small springs, the Cold and Warm Vltava, to the unification of both streams into a single current, the course of the Vltava through woods and meadows, through landscapes where a farmer's wedding is celebrated, the round dance of the mermaids in the night's moonshine: on the nearby rocks loom proud castles, palaces and ruins aloft. The Vltava swirls into the St John's Rapids; then it widens and flows toward Prague, past the Vyšehrad, and then majestically vanishes into the distance, ending at the Labe (or Elbe, in German)."


I am a Czech expat who has been living in the States for over 35 years now, and I have tears in my eyes every time I am listening to Vltava and Tabor.


Every time when listening to this masterpiece always crying and think the life is worth living. Mongolian admirer.


I took an elective class in the spring of 1973, Music Appreciation. I have zero musical ability other than playing a stereo.
The professor played this and told us what it was about.
Prettiest piece of music I have ever heard.
Here I’am 51 years later still listening


Comment sections on classical videos are the best, most positive places found on youtube. No trolling, just sharing the enjoyment and love of music. Long may it remain this way.


Can’t help noticing how Ha Tikva (Hope) anthem of Israel is so close to this masterpiece . I am ever so grateful .


I’m here in 2024. Was reading a book: ‘The First Deadly Sin’ by Lawrence Sanders and a tavern scene was described to have this music playing on the bartender’s tuned radio. Had to look it up to help my imagination. Glad I did. Love this masterpiece❤️


Greetings to our Czech brothers and sisters welcoming your contribution to our rich European heritage! This is a master piece of classical music!


I am well and alive and listening to this celestial music. In these times of trouble. Thank you and please take care!!


When I was for the first time to Prag, I felt in love with Czech culture, language, love czech miss Check country. This masterpiece of music is admirable....I feel Smetana vibrating in my soul.


One of masterpieces of the Slavic Romantisism....
Great Cheque composer performed by exellent Slovenian orchestra.... Greetings from Serbia.


Through days ago we're drived through the Stunning Woods of the bohemian Forest near Krumlov and listen to this masterpiece. i cried all the time, i'm so glad i've found this symphonia! Be proud Czechia!
