We Found the Most Unique Underground Room

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I very nearly didn’t make a video on this.

All my life I have lived here completely unaware of what history was under my feet.

I also love that this site had a direct connection with WW2 and years later it has become home to military vehicles once again.

The 319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion has an incredibly interesting history of its own and well worth reading about.

The Hall was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and would be the only one of his structures to be demolished.

So what do you think we should do with our findings?

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Restoring the lily pond would be a nice tribute to the old house


The range of emotions between Can I come in your trench and The tribute at the end was unbelievable.


It's a shame that hall was demolished in the first place. It was a national tragedy that so many places like this were demolished after the war when no-one could afford their upkeep. You could do something Colin Furze style with those rooms - all you need to do is make a slightly domed concrete cap for a roof. It would make a cosy little snug where you could have a drinks cabinet and a sofa and have a memorial to the hall itself. 😊


That boiler was produced by the Beeston Boiler Company in Nottinghamshire, a C Pattern model made in the 1930s called a Robin Hood boiler for central heating and for warming green houses.
A very clever design as its made from cast sections that can be added to if more heating capacity is needed.


As a US Army veteran, I absolutely loved this little side sojourn into your family's past. As others have recommended, definitely restore the lily pond, I think it would be a fitting tribute to those that came before and those that followed. Cheers from across the pond!


Don't know why but this was definitely one of my favourite videos you've done!
Would be a nice touch to have a small memorial to the 319th somewhere.


Just spat my tea out 'can I come in ur trench'


Mr Hewes: "We've got loads of work to do on these tanks."
Also Mr Hewes: "Oooh look! A hole! Let's see where it goes!" 🤣
Love you guys and gals. Never change


As an American, we appreciate the nice tribute at the end of the video to our soldiers and that glorious home.


In the late 80's or early 90's, I can't remember exactly I worked at my cousin's gas station in my hometown of Gettysburg, PA and one of our regular customers was a WWII glider pilot. Being an amateurish military buff I was in awe of him and his exploits. Glider pilots must have had balls of steel to fly those things into combat. I went on to serve as a scout in the US Army which allowed me to drive a Bradley Fighting Vehicle as well as drive our company commanders M-1A1 Abrams tank. I was fortunate enough to get stationed in Bad Kissigen and Wildflecken Germany. Both locations were rich in military history from WWII. This has been one of my favorite episodes so far.


This hit me a little hard, ya'll. First off, I live in a 110 year old house but it certainly wasn't a manor, with four coal burning fireplaces. Then it's revealed that Paratroopers were housed there, and I'm an old WW2 freak and the last five minutes almost made me cry. A well-done tribute. Sad waste of a fantastic edifice... you just never know what's underfoot and I'm glad there were photographs and God bless your dad. Now.... to business: all that scrap iron you're digging up, pipes, cast iron, everything ferrous, right down to the tricycle, is VERY valuable for an obscure reason: it can be refashioned into extremely sensitive radiation detectors since the iron and steel were forged and rolled decades before there was any sort of obscure isotopes and radioactive stuff floating around to contaminate it when it was manufactured. Being radiation free, you see, it makes a fantastic source of material for those kind of detectors. SAVE IT and do a little research on pre-nuclear iron. Might make a little beer money for the Tanker's Snug roof and bomb shelter!! Nice job all, and as usual I am impressed with you Joe and your mates and Tae and of Ted.


It's one of the worst parts of being young and not knowing. Not knowing to pay attention or talk with those that when you are older, you would give nearly anything to speak with again even if only or a day.


If you make a little pub, "Ted's Tavern for Trolls and Tank Tinkerers" would be a fitting name. So much going on there. Memories for your Dad. The Spitfire flying over on the week of Battle of Britain celebrations. Learning the purpose this house served during the war. You really have a one in a million wonderland.


Відео дуже душевне. Ви оживили той двір, бо піч - це серце і душа будинку. Хай Бог благословить стару Англію! Це останнє місце у Європі, де цінують честь, гідність, справедливість, самопожертву та дружбу. Англія - це і є та стара Європа, якої вже немає і не буде. Дякую, що зараз допомагаєте нам боротися із загарбниками так, як ті американські солдати допомагали побороти зло 80 років тому. Хай більше ваша країна ніколи не знає війни! God save the King!


The ending to that video was superb 👏. The whole thing was class. Keep it going Mr Hewes 👍


That was my favourite video you’ve ever done and I’ve been watching you for years. Seeing those soldiers at your house, knowing what we now know about the war, very moving.


God Bless all the American servicemen who helped UK in our hour of Need. THANKYOU


I can imagine after a proper cleaning, you can turn this into an indoor/outdoor recreational bar and grill.
It's got me thinking a transparent roof would be cool, I just love all the light in what was once a dark basement.


You should make it your life’s ambition to rebuild the house as it was 100 years ago, what a beautiful family home it would be, and what a legacy you would leave behind


Still speechless after the ending tribute. Thank you Mr Hewes. Very moving.
