Be Good To Yourself [calm piano music for study, focus, work, relaxation]

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Calm piano music you can listen to in the background as a calm soundtrack during your day, while studying, working, focusing, creating, reflecting, dreaming up new possibilities, as a soundtrack during your ME time, but also as calming music in the evening before going to sleep. And of course also simply to relax and enjoy :)

Title: Be Good To Yourself | Artist: relaxdaily | Type: fantasia piano music session

Thank you for being here!
Michael (relaxdaily*)

📺 Tune into the relaxdaily YouTube channel:

🧡 Join me on Patreon (+ piano session audio download):

Thank you for creating playlists and listening also on:

🎧 my Apple Music page

🎧 my Spotify page

You can tune into my music also on selected music services. Simply search yours for relaxdaily.

Some popular relaxdaily playlists (save playlist for updates):

*I’m Michael and I love creating music. I play, compose and record mostly calm and peaceful tunes and share these here on the relaxdaily YouTube channel since 2011.

Music can be much more than just pure entertainment. It can be a meaningful soundtrack that accompanies us through a moment, through a day, a phase, or through life.

Many use my recordings and piano music sessions as background music while reading, doing mind work, to achieve better focus, while studying, while being creative, while coding or designing a product, a service or the world of tomorrow. From your comments I know that my music also works as relaxing music (also stress relief, depression or anxiety dissolving music), spa or yoga music, or to set a calm tone at cafes, bars, lounges, in hotels and restaurants, mostly at a low volume.

This project is not as much about a genre as it is about a feeling. A way of life. With my tunes, I try to take a little heat and speed of our generally quite busy lives. A soundtrack for you, when you feel the need for a calm and peaceful, light and positive tune, the relaxdaily way.

Thank you for following, liking, sharing, commenting on, and supporting the relaxdaily project!

- Michael a.k.a. relaxdaily

...stay wonderful!

#calmmusic #piano #music
Рекомендации по теме

To be good to Earth. To be good to others. To be good to oneself. To enjoy this beautiful, one try, one chance game we call life. Wonderful to have you here 💛


Hey you.. who see this: You’re beautiful, and never give up your dreams, you are in this world for a reason!❤️


To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏


This is a known fact, when we listen to good and soothing music our brain responds to every task we perform. It calms down our brain and provides healthy effect in our


Dear Composer,
you are a beautiful soul living among us. What a title! I come to it like a temple. Be Good To Yourself, who chooses a title like that, makes music out of it and for us who need to be reminded to be good for ourselves. Pure love from my soul to yours.


Remember, it's just a bad day, not a bad life. Keep smiling everyone.😊


Honestly, while I'm listening to your music I feel deeper emotion.. This time, I feel like loneliness..can't hold my tears.. I miss my love one's in heaven, but I'm fine now...😊. I just love remembering them.. And as always, thank you so much Michael, for sharing your beautiful music.. God bless you.. 💖🎶🎵


Your music truly makes the world a more beautiful place to be Michael.


Your body moves with the music as if it's a whole new note by itself... a sheer delight to watch you play.


i can't help but be emotional, it reminds me of my daddy 's smile....He s nomore but at peace in music🙏


Your absence didn't go unnoticed... your return and the piano was a breath of fresh air and light, for many... thank you. I hope you have been good to yourself and rested.


your music is incredibly neutral, not loaded with extreme sad feelings or extreme happy feelings but with wonderful peaceful feelings, it suits perfectly every single moment; regardless of my mood I am always willing to listen to them :) thx


Hey you. Yes, you. You're probably scrolling through the comments, like I am, reading all these motivational comments. If you are reading this at night, you should get some sleep, and don't stress about everything going on in the world, or what you are going through. Don't dwell on things from the past, don't stress on your future. Just live your life, because you only get one. Do whatever makes you happy, not what other people want from you.
, I hope you doing well and have an amazing day as well!
Stay safe and stay relaxed


Michael, thank you once again for bringing me peace I needed. It has been a really tough season but your music made me feel everything is going to be ok again. What an amazing gift you have, I did not realize how long I have listened to you. Since you got on You Tube. I feel such comfort when I listen. Your heart is so beautiful and you feel the grace & love down deep in your soul. I so appreciate you, and all the hard long hours it took to develop this blesses every one that finds you. I pray you get every thing you long for. Wish I had a million dollars to send you, instead I pray for you every good blessing that comes from our Heavenly Father.


Hola Michael! I have 70 years old and my mind always goes to a thousand revolutions! your music tansported me to a place of peace withoud time! Thanks since Argentina!!! Diana


Wonderful Piano Music, Thank You : D


Listening to your music is like floating on the water. In a beautiful lake surrounded by greenery, without thinking about anything or anyone. But enjoy only the delicate sensations that lead me to a very calm and wonderful feeling. Thank you and be good to yourself too.


Thank God for this music (and those relaxing videos). I have a high stress job and once I put this on I can feel my blood pressure going down instantly. Recommend everyone who suffers from anxiety and depression make this part of their daily routine.


I want to say thank you to the Paino player who consistently brings joy to us with his gift of music 🎶


And you are so good to us! Thank you for sharing your gifts and joy with the world.
