THE BEST SHACO GUIDE FOR SEASON 12 | Desperate Shaco Guide

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Hello everybody,
today i finally decided to make an updated shaco guide for season 12 as i finally managed to find both an ad shaco build and an ap shaco build that i really like. this guide has ad shaco runes, ap shaco runes, ad shaco build, ap shaco build as well as the ad and ap shaco skill order and the best shaco clear for both red start and blue start. hope you enjoy :)


0:00 Intro
0:24 AD Shaco Runes
1:42 AP Shaco Runes
3:30 AD Shaco Build
9:54 AP Shaco Build
13:54 AD Shaco Skill Order
14:07 AP Shaco Skill Order
14:20 Red Buff Start
15:21 Blue Buff Start
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The Guide for the Box Placement and the Item Sets for both Builds is in the description now, check it out!


What a lovely, detailed, easy to understand and straight to the point guide!


Extra points for the naruto OST, btw you are the only shaco that when going ap builds Demonic I think. Great guide <3


I love how the community of a champion designed to piss off enemies is so friendly


I fell in love with shaco because of you desperate shaco thanks a lot for introducing me to such an amazing champ ❤️❤️


Started playing shaco after finding your stream went from g4 to plat 2 after 50 games. Gonna try hit dia this season ty for the gudies and the content keep it up love!


i love u dude thx a lot, i am kinda new to the game and i am a main shaco since a month, thx to u i am learning a lot


I've commented on another video but I'll say it here too: Great guide and thank you for doing the research and bringing us some of the best builds that there are and also pointing out why the items presented (and build order) are the way to go. Great job!


i saw another gm player running bork into chemtank, he followed up with steraks and deaths dance, seems very similar in playstyle to the yomuu kraken build, except you are more tanky. I also think the mythic passive on chemtank is nice, since it gives all the haste that duskblade gives, then gives you health as well. good video


I started playing shaco cuz of you tysm bro i am improving so much because of you ty <3


little bonus tip. if you start blue side. when you start out run to the bush from your botlane and ward it. than run up quikly to place a box behind red buff. you still have time to place your boxes correctly so dont worry. the amount of times this saved my team from a invade :D its sounds like ''common sense'' but i see alot of players not warding that bush and end up dead


With the blueside clear, if u save ur box on wolves instead of using it to finish them. u can put 2 points in W. that way you 1shot the raptors with 1 box and u can full clear 3:15. instead of having to skip raptors and only doing 5 camps


Nice video, been watching for a while. I've adjusted differently since there is a pretty large amount of enchanters as well as ADCs like Zeri which are too mobile for full crit builds. Instead of using yoummu's like your build, I use prowler's so I can basically 100 percent of the time get 1 kill on a target in a teamfight outside of oracle or anything like that. My solution was just to focus more on being even more specialised when I can only interact with 2/5 members of the enemy team in terms of assassination, instead of broadening the spectrum to deal with toplaners or bruiser junglers.

I run the same rune setup, but sometime I tech in waterwalking since I can get an early edge in the river rather than relying on absolute to ramp.

My thought process is, if I kill 1 actually decent mid-late carry or character, then use my r for a fear on others, there is quite literally 0 way to lose that fight since my team should be naturally ahead due to shaco gaming. I can see that you went with the more 'instead of trying to kill 1 carry the best I can, I'll look for picks outside teamfights, but on more selection of targets'. I'll have to try it.

Is horizon any good now on ap now it got fixed with boxes? Maybe 3rd or 4th, though I doubt it would be better than void 3rd imo.


Thank you so much for this guide! It really shows how much effort you put into it. I question though, is draktar a good/viable item?


I never stopped playing liandry's into demonic embrace, the brun damage is just so high even after the demonic embrace change. glad to see it justified! I did adjust my secondary runes slightly though, thanks! Hopefully no shaco nerf soon as he has been sitting pretty strong for a decent amount of time


Pretty usefull, thank you for this vídeo.

But I have one more question... IS there a way to solo dragon consistently as AP Shaco?

Cause everytime you put a box, the dragon instantly attack it and insta-kills It.


Also had a brain fat and went ad build with ap runes. Wasn't efficient but worked since i got a decent amount of early dark harvest stack... was half way through 2nd item (kraken) when I realized lmao


I enjoyed the video ! I'd like to add some data I found from my many games : Ravenous Hunter + Galeforce/Kraken + Essence Reaver + IE allows you to do a solo baron in less than 15 seconds with the clone. Next, the box placement in the redside is trickier and I miss it 50% of the time atm.


What do you think about dh with essance reaver collector then mythic? dirk and attk speed boots early then to the essance reaver collector transition . i notice you can easly get a lot of dark harvest procs early with shaco and it seems to scale pretty good into late game. Also love all the shaco vids, ive been playing him since about season 3-4 ish


god, i fucking love that you use the naruto theme for your videos. keep up the great work!
