Repeal the Health Insurance Tax in ObamaCare

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Today, U.S. Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and John Barrasso (R-WY) are introducing legislation to save jobs and prevent health insurance premiums from skyrocketing for America's small businesses and families. The Jobs and Premium Protection Act, repeals the costly, job-crushing health insurance tax (HIT) included in the President's health care law.

"Chock full of tax hikes, mandates and government overreach, the President's $2.6 trillion health spending law is an anchor around our economy's neck," said Hatch. "The health law's insurance tax is especially damaging, undercutting our economic recovery by increasing the cost of health coverage. Money that could go to higher wages, new workers, or investment will instead go to pay this new tax. With insurance premiums already skyrocketing and unemployment hovering at 9 percent, this tax makes no sense. The President is demanding jobs legislation; he should start by supporting the repeal of this tax."

"Our legislation repeals President Obama's unfair, hidden tax on America's job creators, and will save thousands of jobs across the country," said Barrasso. "With 9 percent unemployment, hardworking Americans cannot afford to be hit hard by even higher premiums. We need to stop the HIT on our economy now -- before it starts. This tax is just another example of how the President's trillion dollar health spending law is only making things worse for small businesses and their workers."
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