EconoMinute: The Repeal of ACA

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In this EconoMinute, Prof. Wolff reveals the truth behind the attack on Obamcare, and why the new Administration and Republicans are working to repeal The Affordable Care Act (ACT).
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it's not just rich people. unions have opposed it as well, as they gave up pay increases to get good healthcare plans, which are now considered "Cadillac plans" and taxed as such.

the ACA is a bad deal. it didnt meet it's goals of cutting costs, it didnt meet its goals of insuring everyone. much of the failure is to be blamed on red states refusing medicare expansions and cross border competition, but the fact remains, the ACA failed to achieve its primary goals, and should be changed or repealed.

that said, repealing it without a replacement plan is lunacy, and the republican position is that the role of the government isnt to provide healthcare for everyone, meaning if the private system cant insure everyone, everyone shouldn't be insured. so while the ACA needs to be altered or repealed, expecting the republican party to do this in a way that improves it is contrary to their platform, and reflects a staggering naivety on the part of the voters.


The greater amount of low wage jobs meant less people could afford healthcare. Many companies moved out or dropped employee healthcare. So the insurance companies needed a bailout. Which Obama gave them disguised as something good for the people. But any way you try to make profit from healthcare, the costs will rise, because unless you let people die, too many get it for free. And as the cost rises, more get it for free, and the cost goes up the chain to the rich idiots who think private healthcare can work. Only a national healthcare system will be the least expensive and serve the most people. It's as much common sense as a national disaster rescue and recovery. You could never privatize FEMA and expect it to work. It's even in the Declaration of Independence that everyone in the US Republic has a Federal right to life. Whether you are covered by insurance or not, the hospital or rescue service isn't going to let people die. So, the morons might as well give up and bring in a national healthcare system. There is no way around it. And you just file bankruptcy and the court isn't going to give the collectors much from someone with cancer or something. So, they aren't going to get the money they would, if there was national healthcare. The rich in the US aren't rich in brains. It's just common sense, not socialism.


Please run for office Professor. The younger generation will support you.


ON FINDING CHARTS: Prof. Wolff is a responsible scientist and has sources on the frame of each chart. The Commonwealth fund and OECD in this video. Hopefully he can begin providing links in the description but even if not you can dig around at those sources' websites and search windows.


Richard Wolff, Chris Hedges, Abby Martin, Nina Turner, Ted Lieu and Rev. Barber need to have a sit down to layout the framework for a new Occupy Party.


Throwing out what was essentially GOPcare to begin with smh. You know, I really thought the GOP would keep some semblance of it just to please the insurance industry.


Something seems amiss. Many Americans said their premiums skyrocketed when Obamacare came into effect. And that they were being forced to pay for services they didn't need. So for some, it wasn't a good thing. It actually made life worse.


The only way to control cost is by having a parallel government run healthcare system, whereby states or the federal government hires physicians as employees to deliver cost efficient care to whoever seeks it. Hospitals operate under a license and the licensing agencies can mandate a certain percentage of beds to be set aside and managed by government hired physicians. Neither insurance companies nor the medical establishment want costs to be controlled! A repeal of Bush's drug afford program would yield more savings than any action the government takes on Obamacare. Costs would be controlled better by introducing a single payer program but without the government participating directly in the delivery of healthcare through government run clinics, then outcomes and cost would not be controlled.


your numbers were different on the wed. video but still the rich want their dough back!!!


You seem to forget that now we're mandated by law to purchase this bs insurance.


How can one get copies of the charts that are shown in the Econo Minute?


It's like PragerU exept this one features actual facts.


say what you want about him, but I'm beginning to really miss Obama


I like Mr. Wolff's economic analysis but on ACA he is not being completely honest about many things. Let's talk about the validity of ACA as social contract and punitive aspects of it, shall we?


It was produced for citizen's from another country and to keep people on welfare! Prof. tell it like it


I wonder how many Trumpers understand this?


Bullshit! I make 50 thousand dollars a year. My premiums rose from $285 a mo. with $2500 deductible to $560 a mo with $8300 deductible. I'M NOT RICH, and I want this law repealed.
