O level Chemistry tuition Singapore

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O-level chemistry tuition is taught by Mr. Sim Kok Heng at the Victoria Tutorial Centre. Mr Sim has been teaching Pure Chemistry and Chemistry for Combined Science for the last 30 years in Singapore schools.

He explains the subject very well and helps you understand the concepts easily. He will help you rebuild the foundation of your Chemistry for a complete grasp of the subject. He provides you with many past school exam papers and creates his own worksheets which help the students familiarise with possible questions for the O levels Chemistry exams. With his guidance and motivation, you will see improvement in the subject quickly.

Mr Sim makes Chemistry an interesting subject to study and help you get ready to do well for the exams. He is a committed teacher who is willing to help his students in the tutorial classes at all times and he makes sure his students perform well in school and examinations.

O Level Chemistry Tuition is easily available in Singapore. But not every tutor you meet is a good teacher. In order not to waste your time and money, you have to ensure that your tutor is NIE trained and have many years of teaching experience in Singapore schools before. Our chemistry tuition tutors have taught for many years and they are the best teachers around.

These are the O-level Chemistry topics:

1 Separation Techniques
2 Particulate Nature of Matter
3 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
4 Atomic Structure
5 Bonding
6 Formulae and Equations
7 Mole Concept
8 Electrolysis
9 Electric Cell
10 Energy Changes
11 Redox Reactions
12 Speed of Reactions
13 Acids, Bases and Salts
14 Periodic Table
15 Qualitative Analysis
16 Extraction and Properties of Metals
17 a. Air and Atmosphere
b. Nitrogen
18 a. Fuels
b.Introduction to Organic Chemistry
c. Alkane and Alkenes, Carboxylic Acids and Esters

If you need help in understanding Chemistry topics and would like to try studying on your own with tuition, you can seek out these videos for some guidance.

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