Star Wars Outlaws - Merchants are so important! english Tips Tricks Guide Gameplay PS5 Traders

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🎮 PSN: Kowinjo

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Your Kowinjo


00:00 - Intro (content of the video)
00:41 - That's why merchants are so important!

In this Star Wars Outlaws guide, I'll show you why merchants are so important in the game!
In most open world games, traders only play a subordinate role, not so in Star Wars Outlaws.
Here you can buy basic upgrades from the traders to improve your speeder, your ship or your blaster.
This game mechanic is relatively unusual and you should therefore pay regular visits to the various merchants in SWO.

Stay tuned for more Star Wars Outlaws videos!

Your Kowinjo

“Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, where the stars twinkled and the planets were full of secrets. In this galaxy lived a brave heroine named Kay Vess. She was a skilled outlaw who roamed the shadows of the great cities and the dusty paths of the desert planets. Kay was known for her sharp mind and her ability to escape from any dicey situation.

One day, while prowling the streets of a busy spaceport, Kay heard of a fabled treasure hidden deep in the heart of the Empire. It was an artifact of immeasurable value that had the power to change the fate of the galaxy. But the Empire had its eyes on it, and many were willing to risk everything to find it.

Kay knew she could not be alone. So she set out in search of loyal companions. By her side was a loyal friend called Nix, who was always on hand with his sharp mind and technical skills. Together they devised a plan to steal the artifact and thwart the tyrannical rulers of the Empire.

The journey took them through dangerous worlds, from the snow-capped peaks of Hoth to the scorching deserts of Tatooine. Along the way, they encountered many quirky characters - from mysterious smugglers to brave rebels fighting against the Empire. Each of them had a story to tell and helped Kay and Nix to improve their skills and develop new strategies.

Finally, after many adventures and challenges, Kay and her friends reached the Empire's secret hideout. It was a gloomy place, guarded by powerful stormtroopers and filled with traps. But Kay was clever and brave. With Nix by her side, she crept through the shadows, outwitted the guards and finally found the coveted artifact.

As she held it in her hands, she felt the immense power that emanated from it...”
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