Where does North Korea get its Money from?

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During winter, many children would sleep directly on the train tracks because every time a train passed, the rails would become warm. Sometimes, children who couldn't retrieve their legs in time would lose them. This was described by a surgical nurse who managed to escape North Korea in 1997. According to UN estimates, about 10 million, or 40% of the Korean population, are undernourished. Meanwhile, sixty percent of the population lives below the poverty line.

Now, a logical question arises: how can a country that cannot provide its own population with warmth and food afford to maintain a million-strong army, fund nuclear weapons development programs, and overall sustain the regime's existence?

In this video, you will find answers to this question. I will briefly explain why North Korea became such a closed-off and isolated country. You will learn about the horrifying methods this country uses to acquire money, as well as how North Korea benefits China and the USA.

What comes to mind when we hear about North Korea? A grey, backward country with gloomy faces, devoid of any hint of happiness. Indeed, I'm sure you've heard about the dreadful realities of life in this country, where people are forbidden to wear jeans, use the internet, travel abroad, and much more.

While all civilized countries of the world trade with each other, benefit from globalization, and progress, North Korea is completely cut off from any connections with other countries, with a few exceptions, which I will discuss later. They manage with these limited connections.

Many people wonder: why did North Korea become so closed off and backward, while its neighbor, South Korea, for example, is modern and highly developed? Everything becomes clear when we delve into history: at the beginning of the 20th century, there was no division between North and South Korea. There was one unified Korea, which at the time was part of the vast Japanese empire.

Then came the Second World War. As we know, Japan lost, and the former empire was occupied by Soviet and American forces. The USSR and the USA agreed to temporarily divide the Korean Peninsula. America occupied the southern part, and the Soviet Union, the northern. Well, you can see where this is going.

Later, two states were formed: the American democratic South Korea and the Soviet socialist North Korea. Obviously, the totalitarian socialist regime led North Korea into complete decay.

North Korea inherited from the Soviet Union a hatred for all civilized countries in the world. They constantly instill in the minds of their population the belief that the poor and rotten America seeks to invade and seize their "paradise."

This paranoia led North Korea to begin violating the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003, and within three years, they tested their first nuclear bomb. Without a doubt, the world could not simply overlook this. Sanctions were imposed against North Korea, which practically completely restricted any trade with this country. Due to the sanctions, it could no longer legally sell its natural resources, nor could it buy them.
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