Prophetic Word: You Have Waited, Now It's Going To Feel QUICK! | Shawn Bolz

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Shawn Bolz shares a prophetic word: You Have Waited, Now It's Going To Feel QUICK! The Great Turning is coming! Prepare your heart, for a swift change is about to unfold, and it will happen quicker than you can imagine. The turn of events you’ve been waiting for, the breakthrough you’ve prayed over, is about to manifest in a way that aligns perfectly with the greater purpose God has set before you. This is the moment you’ve been believing for—the time when everything you’ve sown in faith begins to bear fruit.

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Brothers and sisters, trust God when you pray it works. He said all we need to do is ask in prayers.
My testimony spans from penury to $27, 000 bimonthly, and you stay and doubt that he doesn't answer prayers. Make that altar now and spend time there. A change is in the way.


#myturn. Two months ago - at age 62 - I started a podcast to encourage the divorced Christian to Rise & Reclaim their destiny and call. So many divorced Christians have left the church, or are sitting in the pews because they do not feel worthy of the call. It is time for them to rise up and to reclaim their identity in Christ and step into their call.


My name is Jennifer. I live on Vancouver Island in Canada. 25 years ago God showed me he had a plan for me but nothing came to pass. I've been through a lot of hardship and seeking the Lord. I work with the homeless and addicted. There us a large growing number of addicted street people in my region. I've been praying for years for revival among the broken and addicted. I actually live in my van myself because the cost of living is so high here. I believe that September is my month for change and relief from God. Thanky you for your prophecy.


After 2 years of walking through a valley I’m Starting a big new job tomorrow! It’s totally unexpected and I have butterflies in my stomach. I appreciate your prayers.


#myturn. Turning 63 this week and walking into my dream after huge trials!! Starting a Christian school in South Africa. So greatful to live my dream❤Trusting God for every single resource🎉🎉


“The old skin doesn’t fit anymore. You can’t put in on anymore.” So good Shawn. 💯💯💯💯


#myturn I’ve been in a season of great health challenges, been bed bound for most of the last near 9 years. Started in my 20’s, now about to turn 36 next week, and I still require full care from a parent. But the Lord has ministry for me.


My husband of 39 years passed suddenly. He loved God but wouldn’t let go of the past to fully serve Him. The morning after he passed I woke up with an anticipation of a major change in how the Lord was going to use me. Then He led me to this msg! What a word for me right now. Asking for prayers that I would walk In obedience to fulfill allGod has planned and purposed for His kingdom thru my life!


#My Turn!! Believing for the end to my 27 year chronic illness, complete restoration of my health, and taking back all the years the locust has eaten, renewal of my youth, for the manifestation of the family home God has shown me in visions and dreams the past 25 years. The return to faith, restoration of Hope and joy and clear, sound minds for my two prodigal sons. And complete healing for my autistic 7 year old grandson. Keeping this vision ever before me gives me hope and challenges my faith every day but God has graced me with strength daily to endure the race for I know all things are possible in Christ Jesus my friend and Lord of my life. Thank you. God Bless.


#my turn. I am almost 70, but the Lord has been leading me in writing songs, based on Scripture. The intercessory prayer leader in my church heard from God that I had songs to share! (I had never mentioned this to anyone in the church, or even to friends. I had shared with someone from another church 5-6 years ago and was shut down, so I have just written and sung to the Lord in my private prayer time.) I am astonished, …feeling very unworthy and untalented and unsure. I know this can only happen by the Lord’s leading. I appreciate prayers of encouragement and wisdom to know and see where the Lord is leading. And the courage and humility to trust and follow Him. 🙏💖. Thank you


#Myturn! 62 years old and have felt at such a crossroads in so many ways! I know God isn’t done with me yet! 🙌🏻♥️🔥


Dear friends in Christ, please pray for me and my mother


The Holy Spirit told me the "the tide is changing" and this word confirms that. May that what you've tarry in prayer for come to pass swiftly.


Shawn, I love that you said..”don’t worry about what you didn’t do for God, focus on what you WILL do for God” . It’s life changing. 🙌🙏🏻💖


This is my confirmation word. God moved me to Arlington almost a month ago for a big assignment. I left a comfortable life of security and stability. I’ve been living in a hotel with my kids.. lacking resources. I KNOW THAT THIS IS MY TURNING POINT!


#myturnnow. I lead a group of senior men in a workplace setting. It's been meeting for almost two years and I see it making a powerful turn. Many seniors are hungry for more of the Lord and more of the harvest. We are hungry for Father's best and I believe, He wants to give it.


myturn - Its a season of being stripped and pruned. Only asking the Lord for grace to trust Him with all my heart, forever.


#Myturn. I'm 58 years old and I feel the acceleration in the Spirit launching into what feels like the unknown. I feel whatever it is, it is BIG, but I feel so small and unqualified for whatever the Lord chooses to do through me.


Yes. The old skin doesn't fit anymore. I can't go back. God enable great transitioning to this moment crafted by HIM. Thank you for your prayer!


20 years this year! Feel a shift, thank you Jesus! Your always on time! To God be the glory!
