GMAT Test 800 Score in 90 minutes: full test with techniques/explanations. All questions correct.

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Me taking a practice GMAT test for my students - never expected to actually be viewed by others so I want to add things to focus on to help learning from it. STRONGLY recommend anyone prepping reads below text wall.

1) Notice my focus on translating everything prior to even viewing it as a question or worrying about answering (insanely transformative approach that has defined my academic and exam success for 10 years) Reduces stress and anxiety too as the task of translating a new question is far less stressful than answering one! Takes time to learn but is truly THE trick that allowed me to do this and actually now has allowed a sub half-time 800 (sub 63 minutes total Q+V)

Really want to emphasise I'm not a ridiculous genius - I got crushed when I started prep at 18 for an exam called STEP. I'm able to do this now because I apply very algorithmic methods that anyone can learn to make exams easier. You may not want to spend years on a half-time 800 but these tactics got me 790 after a week (real) and 770 on my 'what's this exam?' practice test on day 1.

Some people may take longer than others but with the right techniques for test taking and preparation almost anyone preparing for the GMAT (given it's a pretty smart crowd!) can get 700+ in I'd say sub 200hrs. If you're not I'd urge you to consider your approach to exam taking and your learning methods prior to making any (likely wrong 😉) judgements about your own ability. Tutored a 480 to 750 (3 months prep to 480, 2 further months to 750)

2) With translation and practice notice some questions are FAST. It is not 2 minutes per question it is 10 seconds and 5+ minutes. Skip "no-hopers" asap but rushing ones you can do and getting it wrong means you aren't familiar enough with the material yet such that you're not getting enough sub 60 seconds questions. GMAT Q to me is 10 questions in 50 minutes, not 31 in 62 --- I know it may sound elitist but it isn't; algorithmic translation strategies make MANY questions fast freebies.

3) Your time prepping should be searching for (official) questions you get wrong then spending even an hour or two searching, learning and practicing a method that: YOU LIKE, generalisess, is fast and is easy! Doing questions you can do easily is largely pointless, other than perhaps mental maths, speed from familiarity, ingraining habits etc. That's fine but what if your habit is a bad one?

4) I'm largely happy with techniques here but it was only 2 months post starting so there are unfortunately many optimised methods now. Don't be married to your slow difficult approaches just because they seem to work -- search for better ones! If you're getting all your methods from one source and have never looked elsewhere you better be pretty sure they're an absolutely excellent source. Even in my future videos I will strongly encourage searching for other methods (and PLEASE let me know if you believe you've found a better one when they release!).

Go topic by topic. If a method is long & time consuming it's bad; I have no long methods left. Search for quick reliable methods you like and LEARN THEM. PRACTICE THEM. And I truly mean search. You'll feel like this makes prep go slowly and actually often takes a full day or more per topic. But when finished if done thoroughly and properly you'll do a mock and be somewhere in the 700s. Most people half learn and get stuck and start grinding up their score from 500-600: MUCH slower that way.

5) Specifically: prep should be ALL OFFICIAL, 'easy' questions on a topic until bulletproof, then medium, again until bulletproof and fast. Wouldn't bother with 'hard' (700-800) until you've finished all topics. Hard are 99% same material, same methods but more cross subject and just truly difficult. Some take me 5+ minutes still. Not good to learn methods really. All 500-600 and 600-700 correct + then half 700-800 hards right (will haplen automatically) = high 700s.

IMPORTANT: GMAT PUNISHES EASY WRONG WITH A GUNSHOT AND PUNISHES HARD WRONG WITH A TAP. Get dialled in full understanding for 100% in easy/med, done.
I've gotten a 50Q with NINE wrong and a 50Q with TWO wrong. The 9 wrong were all VERY hard, the 2 wrong were easy stupid mistakes.

fin. 🤣

Ads minimal poss without algorithm crushing me (no recommendations). Lack control now (ty Youtube! 🙄)

Hoping to be able to make new videos soon - I truly do want to, please trust that.

I answer any questions posted but, respectfully, do not post saying "You got this q wrong" - skip to the end you'll see my surprise when every answer is correct - such posts are both rude (imply I'm lying in title) and make you look stupid 🤣. Additionally a like and ty when answered lets me know I'm not wasting my time as otherwise I don't know if people come back to read my replies so will stop if majority continue not to 🤷‍♂️

Finally, if you found this or any video helpful genuinely please recommend it to anyone you know preparing for GMAT and maybe give it a like 🙂
Рекомендации по теме

This video has been so helpful. It gave me the confidence to give mocks and after watching this video, I started doing RC without making notes which really helped me. Thanks so much, your videos are brilliant! The ease with which you solve questions is commendable.


This is very helpful, thank you so much for uploading this.


Man you're such a machine! Thank you very much!


You are so underrated! Great content. It amazes me how fast you are. I am prepping for the GMAT Focus right now, but honestly I feel like I still have a long way to go!


Thank you for making this video. It really helped me understand how different my approach is and what areas I need to work on. I learnt a lot from this, so thank you!


Dear all, please read description prior to get the most out of the video!

Additionally I answer every question written so feel free to enquire :)

Also I'm sorry about any ads you get that are ridiculous I tried to minimise it without the algorithm crushing me but a new change means I've lost a lot of control on that end :(

While I of course woukd never use such tools, everyone knows adblock on Windows but fewer on android know of youtube revanced. If researching just make sure you stick to github and the main project page before downloading anything as viruses rife from fake sites. I've heard it allows youtube to continue to play when you put your phone to sleep and auto skips all adds so understand why some use it!
Iphone/mac no idea sorry :(

Finally, anyone who made it here: I assume I sound English? Is my speaking and tone clear to understand? Understand audio is the most important part about new videos and luckily have had relatively good reviews of my voice 😂 but happy to work on anything needed.
(Please take into account I truly was doing the exam so explanations etc. Won't be ideal - hopefully forgivable 😂)




Quant . 60 m
1. 0:57 2. 3:33 3. 4:48 . 4. 5:25 5. 6:05 6.6:26 7.6:50 8. 7:31 9. 08:25 10.13:17
11. 13:53 12.14:30 13.17:04 14. 20:26 15. 21:27 16. 26:58 17. 27:54 18.28:40 19. 29:41 20. 30:44
21.30:30 22.36:16 23. 37:01 24. 38:19 25. 39:01 26. 39:52 27. 40:58 28. 42:06 29. 42:20 30. 43:11
31. 43:40 . Remaining 16 m

Verbal . 65m
1. 47:34 2. 48:41 3. 49:58 4. 50:28 5. 53:15 6. 54:48 7. 56:03 8.56:43 9. 58:13 10. 1:00:30
11. 1:01:58 12. 1:02:53 13. 1:04:28 14. 1:05:38 15. 1:07:43 16. 1:08:18 17. 1:09:03 18. 1:09:53 19. 1:11:17 20. 1:14:14
21. 1:17:42 22. 1:18:20 23. 1:19:39 24. 1:21:20 25. 1:22:02 26. 1:22:45 27. 1:23:29 28. 1:25:18 29. 1:26:22 30. 1:27:04 1:31: 28:37. Remaining 24 m

1:35:35 IR



This is really helpful! Could you please make another video in this format for GMAT focus?
Thank you!


Your thought process in quant to fastly translate words to maths and your ability to simplify hard questions is insane. I am taking my GMAT tomorrow and I learnt a lot from this. Hope I can score 700+ tomorrow using your strategies and patterns. Only big issue for me is I'm way too slow when it comes to CR and in the Verbal section overall, as I am unable to scan CR and RC passages. But I took a lot of notes from this video. Thank you it was very insightful!


it's good to see how a 800 do the test


P.s. If I were to upload full guides for free better than anywhere found elsewhere (whether they be paid or free, how would you find it last annoying for me to monetise?
1) Short skippable start
2) end for products I truly reoommend/use myself such as audible?
3) patreon etc.?
4).Affiliate links to e.g. amzon in description where I get 2% of whatever you spend?

I want to keep this free forever but if it does get popular if I can monetize it I can put in more effort. I only make such claims as I'm working on my methods to get 800 in half time (31Q.32.5V) which SURELY must generalise!


Thanks for making this Daniel, I just started my journey on GMAT and this was refreshing to see the way you tackled these problems.

Could you possibly elaborate more on what you wrote In the description? (Techniques for all “official” topics?)

Either way, you are a great resource. Cheers!


This was very helpful! Could you please do a similar video for the GMAT focus as well?


After watching this a couple of times and understanding how well you think, i've gauged that in the 4 step hierarchy of competence, you're at the highest level, i.e. unconscious competence. The small things like how 20, 000/1.25 is (20, 000/5)*4 which make it so much easier to solve is beautifully simple. Brilliant stuff. Looking forward to getting more value from you.

One suggestion of a topic that I would appreciate if covered - How to practice official guide questions and practically identify and improve your weaknesses in Quant.

4 step hierarchy of competence for reference:
4] Unconscious Incompetence - Wrong Intuition
3] Conscious Incompetence - Wrong Analysis
2] Conscious Competence - Right Analysis
1] Unconscious Competence - Right Intuition


Dear all,

We are now moving into the era of focus; I've been studying it when I can.

Anyone who has taken it or been taking mocks but also preferably has some experience with the old format; how are you finding it?

My short thoughts: Average q harder.
Wrong q harsher punishment.
Go back and change qs at end: ESSENTIAL (e.g. accurately identifying 3 questions you WILL get with time and not spending long first go OR questions you know ARENT HARD but you know you really could be wrong and can easily check if you are with more time than would be worth doing so early on.

Summary: Mental maths speed, translation speed and easy question speed + accuracy have suddenly jumped to being worth unimaginably high marks. Time pressured so no reviewing at end? More prep, new techniques on questions and better overall exam technique will likely be 40 per section in old score terms -- i.e. 720 becomes 600.

Justification? Easy question wrong? Bye 30. Time to scan through the suss easy ones and med ones? No lost 30s.

Ultra hards? Who cares. Not worth it, not punished. Get em if you can but easies wrong will be rewarded with execution lol. Makes sense? No. Don't ask me why. 😂

Edit: Ultra hards needed for 770+ (old) but 720 id think of them more as: get one right and you get to move away from the scary easies. 2 ultras in a row right? Probably gonna get 2 ultras next so at least 4 questions safe from easy score destroyers.

I'll upload proof of this sometime.

Anyway, those are my thoughts.

Get fast basically 😂

Fast = correct mental maths habits, correct fast translation method, correct fast question methods in general, no silly errors (translation helps with these), and ONLY with those in place: practice. Otherwise you're just becoming an expert at going slowly as fast as possible 😉

In quick update: health finally improving. No absolute promises, but vids starting Feb.

I need these to be evergreen vids i.e. I don't want the info in them to be sub par in a few months -- not fair on anyone using them if so.

As an overshare owed to those I never helped: 'health' refers to a thankfully now NOT but could have been slightly fatal issue and the corresponding trainwreck my mental health became as a result - won't deny wasn't ready for that in my 20s but it's not cancer in that it's now just recovering and then it's gone for good. No long term damage or reoccurrence. Yes this is massively oversharing but I've let down many commenters over the year. And I just want to always be honest and upfront and let people judge the facts not the assumptions. (Yes they all survived but I'm a tutor I care about this kind of thing too much 😂

Quant and DS/data section guides will be quick.

Verbal I'll try Figure out better algorithms and sad SC is gone because I cracked that finally 😂


Thanks for the video but i have maybe a dumb question about q9 - n could equal 1 which means the product would be 0, would the remainder be 0 or -24? If the latter, then shouldn’t the answer be insufficient? Thanks


Do we get physical pen and pad at the exam centre for calculations and notes ?


I am really struggling with GMAT Prep and I don't have much time to study because round 2 application deadlines are near :(
Hope this helps <3
my scores in mock are 500ish now


your verbal is so smooth, as a native speaker I imagine it helps a bunch.


@46:25 Shouldn't it be 9/x square rather than 3/x square, we ought square 3 too right?
