Solo Winter Bushcraft Trip - Old School Camping and Cooking - Sleeping in a Wool Blanket

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#bushcraft #camping #survival #primitivetechnology
This time I set out on a more primitive approach than usual. Can you be fed, warm, rested and comfortable, traveling the winter woodlands without a modern tent and sleeping bag? Without freeze dried meals etc. Im bringing the basic bushcraft tools as always and I try to live 19th century life in the woods. Wool blanket, and a rein-deer skin for sleeping.

I was hoping for colder temps but managed to get through it. Just under freezing and then up over the melting point is the worst conditions when wild camping. The fire is called Nying. I have done them several times before and they worked great. But before it was colder outside. This log needed some extra preparations to work as a long fire. Some extra cutting away of damp material in the beginning. Still I had to feed it for an hour before it burned on its own. I took it where it was off the ground but it was a bit too moist. The positive thing is it smoldered and glowed giving just about the right amount of heat into my shelter. It had just glowing embers and some tiny flames now and then. You also have to scrape these things on the sides with the axe a couple of times if they don't burn enough. In the morning I scraped them clean and used them almost like a table with a fire on top. Next time Im out in this weather doing this type of fire Im taking dead standing. Saves a lot of work getting the fire going.

You see these big roaring flames over logs online. The reality is these big roaring types of fires work badly as long fires. The big burn makes the material carbonize too fast, creating too much conduction and air move around you when you are laying still. It will make you too hot for a minute and then you will freeze. Sure you see big flames in this video but that's just in the beginning when igniting the fire. You want a calm slow burning fire in the night. The ideal for a long fire is to have candle size flames. And for that you need the Nying fire. Other models does not work as good IMO because of the shape of the whole radiating structure (again, just my opinion). That's it. That's the whole secret to sleeping good all night and not tend the fire too much. I was amazed how comfortable it was under the wool blanket. Slept in wool base layer. I didn't even need reinforcement clothes except my hat and wool mittens. Got some chills on my back but just turned over and went back to sleep. Good to notice is my canvas lavvu poncho was perfect for this. If my shelter behind me would have been bigger I would have been much colder!

Then on to some interesting cooking. Sluring is perhaps the most common food in Scandinavia for hundreds of years amongst woodsmen working with timber etc. Fat, protein, salt and some vegetables containing carbs and vitamins. That is what you need to survive long term. Modern recipes from old times sometimes don't really make sense to me so I did Sluring my way. Originally they used what they had so I think the variation of this recipe in reality was as big as the amount of chefs. You can see me separate things and that might look a bit unnecessary but its just the way I cook to get perfect result. If I only had the pan I would have just thrown everything in there in stages which Im sure they did a lot back in the day when they where tired, cold and hungry. In recipes online you see they used Barley grain but then you need to boil or put it in water for a bit longer so I just went with the Barley flour instead. Because I believe they just used what ever cereal they had. And with flour you can bake cakes on hot stones, in a pan (remember the kolbulle I did before? same type of old time woodsman food) or whatever so I felt it was how I wanted to go. This dish was ok to eat. I really felt the somewhat unappetizing amount of fat was needed in my body when working with big logs in the cold. But if I would have to live on this for months at a time I would probably go insane.

This time I was out on my friends land again so please note you need land owners permission in Sweden, to do some of the things I do in this video.

Thanks for watching!

Gear: Polish Lavvu canvas poncho, wool blanket, mora knife, hultafors Åby axe, vintage US ACME cold handle pan, vintage Old trangia pot, steel bottle from Urberg, fork I carved, handmade kuksa, vintage oil lantern, vintage norwegian mountain pack, rein-deer skin, box of matches, bahco saw blade,

Food: Danish Old School Bread my wife baked from a Camilla Plum recipe. Butter, sausage, potatoes, carrot, celeriac, onion, salted pork, Barley flour.
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If you're reading this, it doesn't matter where on the planet you are, I wish you a great and happy night. peaceful life where all your dreams come true


You can’t go wrong with onion, carrots, potato and pig belly meat - my daughter loves it ;) Greetings from Poland


So, now there are 2 big problems. First i get hungry by looking this video, and the second one is to sit in in the most complete sick country of the world. Germany. But in april i will travel to this gorgeous swedish nature. Thanks to you, to bring us this wonderful pictures and still so on.👍👍👍


My friend, thank you for being in our lives. You are an indescribable peace of mind ❤️⚘️


Saturday is saved again! Looking forward to a relaxing viewing this afternoon!


*i like snowy forests with big pine trees. the forest near my house doesn't have pine trees it's a tropical forest with many different kinds of trees wish you good health and success enjoy the weekend🎪🌧🔥☕🙏👍🤲*


For me, this is among your best videos. I learned the long-fire method from you, and have used it quite a bit. Sometimes quite successful, sometimes not. That's what keeps us working at it. You mentioned seeing some videos of big raging fires on YouTube. I'm reminded of something I read long ago. A Native American was observing white men build a huge fire, then having to stand away from it because it was too hot. The Native American said, "white man builds a big fire, and has to stand away. An Indian builds a small fire, and sets up close". Be well. Roger


That slurry stew made my mouth water. Great content as always, thank you.


No annoying music or talking. Just you and the nature. So calming and peaceful. Thanks for making these videos. Subscribing!


When I go camping later, I will try the dish you cooked. And your videos are like movies. I don't feel bored and I don't want it to end. Best YouTuber, Mr.Swedwoods!


That bonfire makes food in the wild, but I think it will do a good job of enduring the cold.😊👍


That double log heating looked so cozy!
And capturing the floating ice in flowing water with reflection of trees along the brook was so amazing 👏


These videos really mean alot to me, just been told I cannot haul gear for a while so no more hiking for me for a time.
It's soul crushing but watching Swed out doing his thing makes me smile.
Thank you for posting.
And a three match fire never thought I'd see the day ha awesome work.


Such a gorgeous video. Your long fire was a work of art. A fascinating and serene 38 minutes. My morning toast and coffee are always greatly enhanced by your work.🙂


I'm getting passed 60 yes old. I'm having some mobility issues. I like the old ways and my gear and packaging of that gear is being modified. I love the great forested out back country. Especially Winter. Instead of carrying my pack I use a game cart or a Polk. All my real important gear is still packed into a backpack, easier to keep gear consolidated. Help keep item from being lost. Great video, thanks. JMHO


That long fire is brilliant! Looks like a lot of work and patience, but the payoff is awesome ✌🏻


Great Winter Camping Adventure !! The Fire Log was very Well done, Amazing.


I was traveling through WA. state from Spokane to Pasco, and stopped over in between to rest for a few days, set up camp beside the tracks, and on the second day it rained like a vengeance. I moved my gear under a weeping tree, sat next to the trunk, and made a small fire, just big enough to cook coffee and a can of stew. No more than the occasional rain drop got to me, I was warm and dry, and a simple meal tasted so good.


The long fire is the only way to go when it's Cold and you wanna stay nice and toasty warm!
