Unlock Hidden Features: Must-know Canon R5C Firmware Update Tips & Tricks for VR180 Filmmakers

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Canon EOS R5 C new firmware is here. Join me to review everything you need to know about this new major update and how the NEW features will improve your life using the Canon Dual Fisheye 3D 180 VR Lens. I will also share some timeless tips and tricks to help you become a better filmmaker on a professional VR film set. Let's go:

0:00 - What's new in 30-second
1:25 - vs
1:40 - How to update R5C firmware
2:45 - What to do AFTER firmware update
3:06 - Canon 709 color profile
3:27 - How to turn on LEVEL for Dualfish Lens
4:03 - CMT 709 view assist
4:33 - Output REC 709 in Canon RAW C-log 3 via HDMI
5:55 - Hollyland Mars 4K and Mars M1 workflow
6:57 - VR Proxy recording
7:50 - DEO VR to view Canon Dual Fisheye files
10:26 - New Exposure tools
10:54 - What are the new features for VR180?
11:59 - How to get perfect focus with Canon Dual Fisheye Lens
12:41 - New update for Virtual Production

Try 5% off discount code: HughHou360VR for Hollyland:

⤵️Download the official Google / YouTube VR180 Creator Tool here (Hugh repacked):

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Really great and helpful video as always! The reduction in time switching from photo-to-video is great!


Hey Hugh Hou, thanks to you we upgraded our VR180 production from Insta360 EVO to the R5C VR Kit!


Thanks just did all the update great turorial :) are you plannin to have your samples on DEO app? I think the quality is much better than Youtube, what do you think


thank you so much for the video and detailed analysis of the workflow! Can you tell me how to clean up the view of the neighboring lens in the frame? Or have you already shown it in another video?


Another great video. I hope Kimchi got a treat after you put down your hmd lol. It may be helpful to note, that you can save your settings before upgrading the firmware, under system - transfer menu, save it to sd card and back it up on your pc. Then you can load it after you upgraded, always worked great for me.


Thank you very much for the tips. In spite of the new focus assisting features, at this point i still find it very challenging to check focus using the small flip LCD on the camera. It's almost impossible to do if I'm moving the camera at the same time on a jib. So, my best bet is still an external monitor. It's helpful also for the director to view. I see a SmallHD external monitor on set in your video. I like to hear your opinion on what is the best external monitor in your opinion? And can the HDMI output on the R5c just output "one eye" instead of two ?


SIMPLY AWESOME !!! Hugh's signature all over VR !
a quick question to check if i make it right, i shoot 8k raw lt Clog3 Cinema Gammut with view assit CMT709. But where should i drop the lut ? In EoS VR Utility the "lut" button is greyed out and i cannot drop anything there, and the Premiere Canon VR Plugin does not support raw file. PS: on windows system, tried two minutes ago
Or just simply change rec format to c8 cmt709 and use no lut ? i'm stuck with stitching via EOS VR Utility and thats why i ask


great video Hugh. I can't get magnification to work and I also can't get focus assist to work in video. There is a different symbol to the little green triangles.


Crack... as always, lots of information condensed in this video... I didn´t know was possible to check footage directly on the Oculus Quest 2 without stitching... this feature will be very helpful for transmit to the client a real/direct idea about whats is being recorded during filmaking process because even using a Hollyland Mars 4K to transmit the content recorded from Canon r5C and 5.2mm dual fishe eye to a larger monitor, for client is not easy to receive a real idea of the final shot in VR because of the "fish eye view" (althoigh a larger screen/monitor always is helpful to transmiot the concept related in the shot)... but whit this option there is no more doubt about the right distance of the character, or even if it´s ok the movement to cover the whole scene... this setup and workflow is a "must have" in my next shot...

For last, just a quetion... have you tested how much second card proxy recording can reduce the battery life??? talking about R5C battery, every minute counts... For me has been easy to quickly get proxies using Davinci Resolve Proxie Generator but on set the only disadvantage would be this proxy would be in LOG 3 using this method... for this reason record proxy direct from camera and converting color space to BT.709 (CMT 709) wold be the best option to present for client aproval (only if this don´t require battery life extra consumption)...

Thanks a lot as always for tons and tons of helpful information.

Greetings form Bogotá (Colombia)


Thanks! I assume the answer is yes but figured I'd ask - does all this apply to the Canon R5 as well (as opposed to R5C?)


Hey Hugh sorry to bother but I can't seem to find the answer at Sony or Canon. Do you know if I can use the Canon
dual lens on my FX3 with the adaptor ?


For the past few months I've been doing a "one-size-fits-all" color gade on the raw CRM footage (honestly quite close to what the CMT 709 lut looks like) and just tried applying the LUT instead... and the render time almost doubles. Any idea why that might be? I thought this would REDUCE render times, it most certainly didn't. Curious what your thoughts are as I think I'm just gonna go back to my method. Maybe use the LUT as a guide and then remove it and do it myself before rendering.


I do the update with the battery inside and connected to external power adapter.


What I'm recording directly to the Atomos Ninja V with updated firmware that unlocked 6K recording.

What's the setting that I need on that Atomos Ninja V (not the plus version)?
