Premiere Pro vs Final Cut Pro // Stay AWAY from this program... 😬

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Cant wait to hang out with you guys on Thursday 🙌🏻 😊 First come first serve and space is limited so be there early if you want a for sure spot 🙏🏻


Adobe need to get rid of the subscription model, let people buy it out right


As a tip, your FCP libraries shouldn't ballon for you if you leave the files where they are and turn off auto render. Mine are kept super small. - For me personally, time is precious and the most valuable asset. Nothing beats the speed and efficiency in FCP. - Last pricing, I paid for FCPX 11 years ago at the ONE TIME price of $299. If I was paying for ONLY Premiere Pro yearly plan, I would have spent $2, 640. (As most people pay for the entire CC, that would be over $6, 600. 🤣) To each his own, but I am so happy with my FCP.


Used Premier from 2016 to mid-2020 and then switched to Final Cut. I really love Final Cut for all the reasons you mention. Like you, there is a lot that I miss about Premiere. I feel like it's much easier to organize bigger projects, mainly if you shoot on multiple cameras and on different days. I also agree that I like editing in a Premiere timeline better. So I decided to go back to Premiere this week and see if it was any better. I am halfway into a project, and I now wish I wouldn't have done this. Premiere Pro is slowing down so bad that my audio is out of sync with the video when I play the timeline. I am trying to color-correct some shots, and getting the sliders to move is ridiculously slow. If Premiere worked correctly, I would use it hands down, but I am sticking to Final Cut. For those trying to make a decision, it comes down to this, do you want to spend your time creating or troubleshooting?



I've been using FCP for years. I never thought Premiere Pro would be a seamless workflow so I never left FCP. Been telling people for years that Premiere is just not worth the headache it can/will cause while using it on a Mac. As I watch & listen to so many YouTubers complaining about the bugs in Premiere and switching to FCP, I'm glad I was right all along. Most can easily find a hack and work around that magnetic timeline. FCP = headache free. It just works - period! I want things that just work with zero concerns.


Final Cut Pro all day. Used it for the last 7 years!


There’s a workaround the magnetic timeline, a lot of people will lay down a title effect or just a black image on the main timeline, and then edit the footage above that. Which ends up making the editing process more similar to premiere.


4:33 Final Cut DOES have an option for turning off the magnetic timeline (or at least to bypass it). Turn on the position tool (p), command A to select all clips, and click and drag your clips up above the magnetic timeline. Or more simply, select all clips (command A), right-click and "lift from storyline" (there's also a shortcut for that too).... You can also assign video roles, and audio roles, and enable lanes to make them on different "tracks"... Not exactly the same as premiere but it gets the job done for me when I need it, and it's more reliable than Premiere.


I almost lost an entire project this morning after Premiere suddenly decided it would not save, render or export. Luckily I was able to copy everything from the timeline into a new project and save from there. This isn’t the first time Premiere has given me that heart-drop moment either 😅. Considering how long it’s been around, you’d think Adobe would work out the bugs rather than making them worse!


No one ever mentions Motion 5 in these videos, which is always a bummer to me. Granted it doesn’t have as complex of tool as After Effects (Expressions for example), but most of the animated graphics I saw in this video can be made in M5. It links with FCP, is as stable as FCP, uses collapsible/expandable folders instead of precomping (probably the best feature) and it’s $50 forever.
I love AE and I’m not saying M5 should replace it. I’m just pointing out that Final Cut has more power than what people usually mention.


First Point: for Final Cut organisation highly advise using "Final Cut Library Manager" from "Arctic Whiteness" to manage all Library data across multiple drives.
I just started with Final Cut on my Mac Studio and I would choose Final Cut over Premiere any time. After all it is an Apple product that works seemlessly bugfree and most efficient. It just feels futuristic compared to the old buggy adobe. Another big plus for me is that it always remembers everything, you can just close it and if you open it again it is exactly there again in 3 seconds without welcome-message or whatever, no loading bugs anymore, no praying that the projecfile will hopefully load fine, it just works amazingly well.

By the way, has someone experience with Apple Motion? Is it worth trying out? I heard it is Apples version of After Effects but I'm not so sure bout that.


You recommend Final Cut Pro, but factor in if you are a PC or Mac user. If you are a PC user then Premiere and Resolve. To get into Final Cut Pro you will need to buy a Mac.


I've always wanted to try Final Cut, especially just for YouTube edits.
BUT as I also work as an editor for a company with several others that use Premiere Pro, I've just been sticking to it for years now.


I’ve used all three of the majors.. days on final cut, years in premiere, and a year or so in Davinci.. really cut my teeth learning editing in premiere but ultimately all of the glitchiness left me frustrated and I downloaded davinci and have never looked back. Everything is well organized, glitches are gone, all the tools are there, fusion is powerful if you need 3D, the only reasonable thing I can think of that would keep a person is premiere is audition (but how many people really need/use that) Davinci has plenty of sound tools that are powerful enough for most everything.

Moral of the story: Davinci is the clear cut winner for me, premiere and final cut would both be behind that.. since switching to davinci I’ve cut 15-20% off my editing time because there are no glitches and/or lag

For reference: I am editing on 24” iMac


Remember when Apple shut down Final Cut Pro for a while and rebuilt Final Cut Pro? Now we know why. I won't be surprised to see Adobe do something like this for PP. Although integration issues with other applications is probably a concern?


Great video Matti! Blows my mind too how little Adobe focuses on fixing stability. It's been filled with bugs for YEARS, while being the most expensive by far, and there's literally tens of thousands of threads/comments online complaining about it, so it's not like they aren't aware.


FCPX has a mode for free clip movement! -> press ^ (upper left key) while moving your clip. It works like magic :D
Additionally: Go in to Position Mode by pressing P and disabled Magnet Mode by pressing N!

(^ while doing it / P and N beforehand)

And to go back to „Normal Mode“ press A and activate the magnet with N again. You’re welcome 😉


As a film teacher at the high school level, several of my students have had issues with their edits using Premier. It is frustrating specially in a 50 minute classroom setting, restart your project three times in a period, ugh; I thought the issues would be resolved with the new M1 chip, but I've been disappointed. The license for a section of 109 students is so expensive that I can purchase another camera(s) plus lens. Keep in mind; that I have to purchase creative cloud, NO option for Pr or Ae only. With the purchase of FCPX Studio for $199, I purchased the license for 35 computers, and done! No more monthly expenses.


I switched from Premiere to DaVinci a year ago, and I'm really liking it, I think you should give it a shot.


Hey Matti, the solution to disabling the magnetic timeline is to put the audio track in the project first. Somehow that disables the magnetic timeline for me. Even if I don´t want music in my video I just mute it afterwards with "V". Hope that helps :)
