QIP2021 | Fast estimation of outcome probabilities for quantum circuits (Hakop Pashayan)

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Authors: Hakop Pashayan, Oliver Reardon-Smith, Kamil Korzekwa and Stephen Bartlett
Affiliations: Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo ; Perimeter Institute | Jagiellonian University | Jagiellonian University | The University of Sydney

We present two classical algorithms for the simulation of universal quantum circuits on n qubits constructed from c instances of Clifford gates and t arbitrary-angle Z-rotation gates such as T gates. Our algorithms complement each other by performing best in different parameter regimes. The Estimate algorithm produces an additive precision estimate of the Born rule probability of a chosen measurement outcome with the only source of run-time inefficiency being a linear dependence on the stabilizer extent (which scales like ≈1.17^t for T gates). Our algorithm is state-of-the-art for this task: as an example, in approximately 25 hours (on a standard desktop computer), we estimated the Born rule probability to within an additive error of 0.03, for a 50 qubit, 60 non-Clifford gate quantum circuit with more than 2000 Clifford gates. The Compute algorithm calculates the probability of a chosen measurement outcome to machine precision with run-time O(2^(t−r) (t−r)t) where r is an efficiently computable, circuit-specific quantity. With high probability, r is very close to min{t,n−w} for random circuits with many Clifford gates, where w is the number of measured qubits. Compute can be effective in surprisingly challenging parameter regimes, e.g., we can randomly sample Clifford+T circuits with n=55, w=5, c=10^5 and t=80 T-gates, and then compute the Born rule probability with a run-time consistently less than 104 seconds using a single core of a standard desktop computer. We provide a C+Python implementation of our algorithms.

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